Why does the game Matchmaking Ban you for crashing?

Set Member Posts: 23

To start this off I don't have good internet sometimes. I have a lot of neighbors, so at certain times of the day sometimes its too much interference and my internet quits for like 10 minutes. I cannot predict when this will happen so sometimes i get kicked out of games and acquire a Penalty due too this. It sucks by I will take the L because I don't think that you should be able to disconnect your internet to dc without a penalty. The reason this is important is because it mean when I get penalized its for quite a long time usually 15 minutes or so.

Alright so I just started playing today and I load into a game to play a silly build on the twins. About 30 seconds into the match I find a gen with 4 survivors on it. Hit one and entertain a short chase. Then i walk back to the gen, release victor, and my game crashes. Feeling like I was just thrown out, I fill out the crash thing and send it to the dev team. Then I log back in to resume and come to find out I lost my addons, my offering, and a rank (I was rank 1 so now I'm sad). Most offensively though this game had the audacity to ban me for 15 minutes. I crashed, you know I crashed, and at that this stupid bug has been in the game since the twins came out. So I'm just not allowed to play The Twins for fear of losing upwards of 15000 blood-points in spent addons/offerings and just not being allowed to play the game for eventually and hour at a time!? The game is punishing me for a problem I cannot prevent/predict.

There has to be a better system for dealing with crashes than punishing your players for your game breaking.


  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,307

    Because there is no way for the game or devs to tell the difference if you lost internet or if you pulled out your Ethernet cable.

    You should switch providers to get better service or stop ruining other peoples games with your spotty internet. It sucks when there are 3 gens left only to have someone get put on hook and another DC's due to their crappy internet. If you can't get better internet, then online games are not for you.

  • Trashmaster
    Trashmaster Member Posts: 357

    Even better when it's just the server kicking you out for no reason, or EAC going full ######### and detecting "modified game files" right in the middle of a match

  • Set
    Set Member Posts: 23

    No, I'm fine with penalty due to bad internet. What I'm not fine with is a penalty due to a crash that is caused by a bug.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    If it didn't give you a leaving penalty for getting disconnected then everyone would just plug pull to avoid the ban every single time and abuse it. It's a necessary consequence of the feature.

  • YoshisCookies
    YoshisCookies Member Posts: 67

    Because they give you a match making ban because you left the game. The game gives you a flat dc penelty for leaving regardless of what the reason is, It cant tell what the reason is whether or not you dced on purpose or rage quit or crashed its all the same to make it fair