Has it gotten worse for anyone else?

So I took a short break from DBD and have been enjoying other games but I've recently came back. I get on to play a few rounds of killer and the salt I have in my messages is unreal. I've played a long time so salty messages aren't a new thing, but they've become excessive. I'm talking after every single match. No, I don't camp or tunnel. That playstyle makes no sense to me. I've been accused of doing those things but I think that's survivor talk for "I'm mad you killed me." Don't take that the wrong way, I'm not saying you or anyone else are like that but my experience lately has been nothing but survivors filling my inbox whining about something. It's either my choice of killer, the perks I ran, the addons I had, my playstyle, or just simply playing the game when they thought I should let them go. It used to be funny but it's getting annoying. I don't wanna turn off messages but I may have to. Does it seem like the toxicity has gotten worse for anyone else? Survivors who message the killer, why do you think that's a good idea?

This isn't a knock on all survivors, just my experience. I will say when I'm playing survivor and my team does well not 1 killer has messaged me regardless of my perks or how I played.


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Unfortunately that’s the way it is. I get messages from killers a lot as well as survivors because I played badly in the match

  • TheShocktor
    TheShocktor Member Posts: 134

    I just never remembered it being like this. Had a game the other day as pig on lerys. 4 man swf, 2 survivors have object, they spread on gens, were good at loops, blah blah it was miserable. I did the best I could given the situation but it got down to 3 survivors and 1 gen. I had surveillance and a decent 3 gen so I was trying my best to pick my chases carefully and protect the gens. I managed to hold it for awhile but going gen to gen kicking when they could see me and just tap when I walked away was getting tiresome. So I finally committed to a chase on the most toxic tbagging Steve. The other 2 finished the gen and I hooked him. He dies and in my message I get "wow that was so boring" "you're so trash at loops you wouldnt even chase me" I told him no I'm not letting you waste time while your friends do the gens. He keeps on about how I'm bad, yet they had 2 objects, all dead hards, ds, the works. Which is fine if you wanna play that way but they feel like they can bully you into letting them live and if you dont you're trash. I'm not one to complain over perks but object is super annoying lol especially multiple.

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491
    edited February 2021

    Are you console? I play killer on PC and I don't really get sent messages in an inbox. Or could you be referring to comments on your steam profile? If so I would recommend putting that as private

    In regards to my experiences, since my profile was private from pretty much day one on DBD I very much minimised the toxicity in regards to messages. When I play killer I turn off end-game chat as a rule, with some exceptions like if I had a question for someone. As survivor sometimes I'm curious and I do get toxicity from both other survivors and other killers. From what I saw when my end-game chat was active as killer, it is a similar tune.

    Maybe just my experience but I get a lot of bitchy PC killers in end-game chat when I play survivor who sometimes go out of their way to be toxic. Like if it's a legitimately good game and they get a 4k they'll go out of their way to BM and say GG ez or insult the survivors. I remember once a killer was calling my friends and I trash and accused us of trying to bully him because my friend got one flashlight save. one. we don't teabag or anything, and he still got a 4k. we said gg wp before he went off on a tangent about being mad about the flashlight save and calling us losers and whatnot. So I don't really get this mentality that killers are beyond reproach and can't be toxic or as toxic.

    From my general observation, survivor toxicity is mostly in messages. Killer toxicity is mostly in game, such as facecamping.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    I haven't noticed any difference. Just the occasional death threat and mountains of insults for not following survivor rule book or for doing gens too fast. When did you stop playing? I feel like it hasn't changed a bit at least for months.

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392
    edited February 2021

    The game was pretty good few weeks ago, I could actually get matched with similar skill level people and have fun most games and killers are polite too.

    This and last week it's just been the same wait 30 mins to get matched with some tunneling Freddy with bbq pop builds or something. Not fun at all.

    I usually quickly just block anybody I disliked so I rarely get any messages in profile comments.

    Perhaps the queue times are the cause of bad matchmaking, but why is it suddenly taking so long tho?

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • TheShocktor
    TheShocktor Member Posts: 134

    I'm on ps4/xbox one do these people have to go out of their way to message me. I could understand if I was on pc and it was end game char stuff since it's right there but to click my name, go to the message screen and type out a whiny message blaming me for their poor play is ridiculous. Like I said, used to every now and then I'd get sent one but it's literally after every match lately.

  • ImHexyAndINoed
    ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504

    I'm not excusing they're actions. It's scummy and pathetic when players take they're rage out on they're enemy or even they're own teammates. But it's likely these people are going through issues in they're personal lives and use the anonymity of the Internet to cope with they're struggles.

    Again I'm not trying to justify the things they're saying to you. However maybe you should pity these people instead of taking in what they say. After all they're strangers on the Internet, they don't know the first thing about you, and whilst it can be annoying that they take it out they're anger on you, it's the opinion of those closest to you that truly matters.

    Tldr: Don't worry about them, they have issues and are trying to pass them on to you. Don't give in, pity them for scooping so low.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I don't know if it has gotten worse but just yesterday I had 2 different people calling me slurs :|

  • TheShocktor
    TheShocktor Member Posts: 134

    Well I don't play freddy too often but bbq pop builds are common on most killers. What would you rather the killer do? Run a build that doesn't work for the sake of your fun while sacrificing their own? No offense but those are the types of messages I get complaining about the killer or build. I feel like anytime the survivors have to get out of their comfort zone or adapt it's all of a sudden not fun. I mean, I hate going against swf on comms and the plethora of 2nd chance perks but I'm not going to go out of my way to criticize them for using the tools available for them to complete their objective. I mean, why would you not want to make the game easier for yourself? Killers want to do the same. Now I can understand if the killer is camping, or hardcore tunneling I could see being a little salty, but trash talking them because of their choice of killer and perks is toxic.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    The problem is Bhvr is more and more encouraging 'competitive' playstyles (as if dbd would be game in any way made for 'serious' competitive play) and a lot of changes to addons and perks encourages scummy behaviour.

    It attracts people who will throw a tantrum if they are not given an iWin button, and it's pathetic and sad.

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,264

    I keep the chat closed and I usually forget it exists.

    I'm sorry you had to deal with these people's disgusting behavior. I wonder if it will be possible to block players in the future.

    It's best to try to forget about these bitter people and just enjoy your game.

    After all you are playing your role and that's the point.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    How would you say they're encouraging that? IMO, a lot of games end up going competitive. Some of my friends are insanely competitive about MARIO PARTY MINIGAMES lmao

    I think that's just the nature of games- the point of playing a game, to most people, and in most game designs, is to win. And then a large amount of people push that even further (like my Mario Party example).

    BHVR receives huge amounts of criticism for anything that doesn't feel "fair". So with that in mind, I do not view them as the ones pushing for it to go more competitive- I actually fully believe that it has been the community who pushed for that. Killers want BS survivor perks nerfed, team compositions (swf, ranking, etc) changed, and survivors also want killers/killer perks nerfed at times. DBD has a BIG element of randomness (which SHOULD be part of the anti-competitive nature of the game) and even that gets complained about ("I got a crappy map! "You got lucky with the spawns on this map!", etc.).

    At this point, I think if BHVR did anything to try and curb the competitive nature of this game, the community would be extremely angry. The only way I can think of that they COULD turn it less competitive is by basically taking more control away from the player (something that is thankfully unlikely), perhaps by way of forcing random perks or locked perks every now and then. Just more elements of randomness. But solo queue, arguably the most random experience you can have in the game (no idea what skill level of teammates you'll have, no way to communicate, no way to know what perks they have, etc.), is highly considered to be the most miserable experience in the game, too.

    DBD is just in a tough spot because unlike a game like, say, Fortnite, you're not equals depending on if you pick killer or survivor. You might feel like you deserved to win more due to what idea you might have about your chosen role (some killers think they deserve the power role and have the chance to 4k regardless, and some SWFs think they deserve to 4 man escape or have the killer play a certain way) rather than realizing that your opponent most likely was at least a little bit more skilled than you or at least made better decisions, as it might be in a truly equal opportunity 1v1.

    DBD, like many games not intended to be competitive, was always destined to go down the competitive path due to the "me against you" nature of the game (regardless of its asymmetry), and in my opinion, devs have been forced to take the direction down that path or face the ire of the community who would have undoubtedly been upset over imbalances.

    Anyways, thanks for coming to my TED talk LOL

  • Epsydra
    Epsydra Member Posts: 89

    At the slightest insult, I take a screenshot, I report, and I contact support by providing them with the visual evidence.

    I don't know if it works, support assures me every time a sanction is applied, but it allows me to calm down.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    That's probably a good way of getting your reports ignored.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Welcome back!

    But do we really need another thread with an us vs them mentality?

    There are toxic people on both sides.

    If we keep making posts about the individual toxicity we see, aren't we rewarding the behavior? People get a kind off publicity. Increasing the chances of the behavior being repeated.

    I say ######### em, move to next game.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    I don't know how players can just open up and talk about how they only lose because such and such they are just making excuses and doing nothing to improve for next time. It's pretty embarrassing. There literally is a perk for the 20 different things plaguing the game I don't see how they could possibly continue to blame each other when the problems are clearly: Welcome to dbd learn to avoid those issues your having or move on the player your blaming has their own problems to deal with.

  • Epsydra
    Epsydra Member Posts: 89

    In any case, in-game reports are useless. At least, with a support ticket + proof, I increase my chances, even minimal, that a ban falls on the face of one of these #########.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I suggest just not responding to it and no, for me at rank one as killer the amount of salt I get hasn't changed. Still a daily thing, but not every game for me.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    Not if its "At the slightest insult". A person has to open and look at what you've submitted, but if it's consistently something like, "you are poo", your reports aren't going to be taken seriously and may just be ignored.

    Unless they say something racist, sexist, or something clearly not okay, no one is getting banned for anything.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    There's people competetive about Animal Crossing, because humans are weird.

    But to answer the question:

    There's a number of perks and abilities that encourage scummy behaviour due to how people play the game competitively:

    In general the goal seems to be get gens done/kill all survivors as quickly as possible. Without losing a pip seems optional to some players.

    This reflects in what people declare to be broken killers without counterplay:

    Killers that have means to cut chases short/require stealth instead of trying to engage them in a chase are deemed broken, to the points that some people call for their removal if not harass those that main them.

    Latter is known to bhvr, and they ought to put their foot down. instead they are making jokes about things that come across as mocking if not encouraging (If anyone thinks I'm exaggerating, let me welcome you to a different reality than the one you went to bed in)

    The second bit of this is killers like Bubba where the ability outright rewards camping. It's odd to see that this stuff doesn't happen as frequently with billy, who should technically have the same ability as bubba.

    So, how can it be that you could bet your pet/vital organs/first born on a bubba playing scummy and WIN, but not billy?

    Because of the slight difference in how their abilities function.

    Similar with perks like the notorious DS which are less used against tunneling and more for toxic trolling.

    Latter, by the by, seems to be a requirement to some people to declare a match successful. Like, no matter how the game goes, if the other side isn't getting angry at them, they'll throw a hissy fit like you stole their pet (winning it fair and square in a bet about killer behaviour not withstanding). It's as if they can't be happy unless they make others miserable, and with how perks etc get altered, how and what the devs 'joke' about, etc, this kind of approach is encouraged.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    No I don't have any issues with salt. Occassionally someone will post crap in the aftergame chat. Happens maybe once a week or so. Not a big deal and not worse than it was before.

  • Epsydra
    Epsydra Member Posts: 89

    I don't know what insults you have, but I am constantly making homophobic, grossophobic, racist, defamatory or discriminatory remarks.

  • TheShocktor
    TheShocktor Member Posts: 134

    It wasn't meant as a killers vs. survivors post. I had just taken a break and come back to the most hostility I've seen in DBD in maybe ever. The point of the post was to ask if anyone else had experienced an increase in toxicity lately. I just so happened to play killer when returning and after every match I got messages complaining about everything. Now if I'd played survivor and killers were messaging me I would've said that. In my experience it was survivors messaging me and that's what usually happens. It was just more than usual. So I got curious whether anyone else had seen an increase in toxic behavior.

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    Would 100% recommend putting your profile as private

    The way I think about it is like this. Do you want to be reading shite like that? If you don't then put it as private. It may seem like you're letting them "win" but it's cutting out a problem before it even starts, which is bringing negativity into your life by a bunch of anonymous troglodytes trying to bring you down.

    I understand the toxicity you're talking about. I've tried playing with SWFs in the discord as of late since my friends haven't been playing recently and solo queue survivor is hell, and in each group there was always one guy who went BALLISTIC. I don't mean just being bitchy like "oh you camped/tunnelled/slugged" or whatever, but legitimately would damn the killer to hell, telling them to repeatedly kill themselves how they're the worst pieces of shite on earth. I was taken aback.

    Don't give these guys access to your time and attention, because you'll be reading whatever messages you get.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I really don't get any anymore. Maybe once every two weeks but I play with crossplay on and love playing against other consoles. I rarely see other xbox players I just haven't been seeing alot of hatemail even from the xbox players. Even when freddy is next up in my killer que. Last night I used him and I could tell 3 of the 4 survivors just wanted to die soon as the game started and irl probably so that's not fair to me so I hooked each one one at a time and the feng min who actually tried I farmed with and let open the gate, walk through all my snares and leave. Everyone else died he's my fav not my fault he was built this way and you don't like him. Fyi he's currently P3 but level 25 with green perks not that it matters it's freddy I was just pointing out it's a decent Rank 3 freddy to go against. I run green brutal and fire up lol

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Turn messages off believe me it's worth it if you play killer.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    The last match I've just been in was a sweaty SWF lobby again where let's just say I'm not in it anymore. This game is bad.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Kinda although its been a while

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I don't understand it if I say anything it's gg regardless of how the match has been.

    Even if I'm playing survivors doing I get tunnelled, camped, slugged etc I still don't complain because if that person wants to play like that and it isn't breaking any rules then they have the right to play like that, now I don't have to like it however that doesn't give me the right to have a go at a stranger on a game because of how they played.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    It is getting worse. I took a break too, and the toxicity has increased.

    Moris are nerfed, but survivors are getting more toxic and salty. Funny isn’t it?

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    For stuff like that you have 2 options.

    Turn the other cheek and just block them, solving the problem for you after 1 message.

    Or trash talk them back in as clean a way as possible until they swear or say something inappropriate (rascist, homophobic, threataning etc.), and then report them. On xbox this will get them a temp ban at least on chat sometimes on their full account depending on how many reports they have. This i find is the more enjoyable way to go and your doing a service for the gaming community as a whole.