Furtive Chase Perk Tweak
You become Obsessed with one Survivor.
When your Obsession is Hooked ,Furtive Chase receives a Token, up to a Maximum of 2/3/4 Tokens.
Each Token decreases your Terror Radius by 12.5% during a Chase..This effect persists for 15 Seconds after the Chase ends.
When a Survivor ,not currently the Obsession, rescues another from a Hook , and the Obsession has not been Sacrificed or Killed , the Rescuer will become the Obsession.
The Obsession Status Transfer from Furtive Chase will not apply while you are currently in a Chase with the Obsession,while the Obsession is in the Dying State,or while carrying the Obsession.
The Killer can only be Obsessed with one Survivor at a Time.
The changes here make the Perk more effective at its niche and help avoid some gameplay inefficiencies with how it currently functions.This should result in the Perk becoming a bit more of a fun and useful niche perk to play with.