How long have we got left.

This isn't your average discussion of nerf this nerf that, I just want your honest unfiltered opinion

So, honestly, 2 hours or 2000:

How long has dbd got left?

If possible please put yours hours and/or rank so people get a general idea of your experience.

Oh and don't be an ######### to people because of their hours, don't be that guy.


  • KolbyKolbyKolby
    KolbyKolbyKolby Member Posts: 623

    I have 4,000 hours and rank 1 both sides, not that that means anything. I feel like DBD has several years at the very least, every competitor has failed and DBD has a good stronghold on the licenses it gets.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    I got a little over 2k, every achievement, every archive yada yada. Still lovin it, no end in sight!

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    The fact that BHVR has expressed interest in a proper tournament mode means they have enough interest to warrant that investment. This means DbD's players will skyrocket as it becomes more competitive. DbD isn't going anywhere, despite what salty killer mains think.

  • SkerpiTwitch
    SkerpiTwitch Member Posts: 327

    There are ppl with 10k + hours, even one guy has 22k hours. So this game will never die unless bhvr pulls the plug on it

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    Very nice, I think this is mostly true, but I just have these feelings:

    -how many iconic horror franchises can BHVR get, for example -- try and name one (non RE) franchise from the iconic horror early days (SH and NMOES for example) that's NOT in dbd. I exclude RE bc it has RE:verse as it's next HMP game and leaks by daylight are already stirring the '5th anniversary RE crossover' pot

    -Can BHVR sustain an interesting gameplay loop and generally *no offense BHVR* grow a pair of balls when it comes to changes hotfixes and player testing on y'know the player test servers?

    -Can the game become more accessible to those who can't play (Hearing disabilities or things like that) RN and those who tried it, but simply don't even have the resources ingame to learn (basically can you teach the baby dweets that instead of staying in a locker to where you get AFK crows that you should only hide when necessary and that gens b4 frends

    -Can the community like chill? but on the real the devs need to talk to us and we need to talk to them -- better and more coherently

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    9k+hrs and aslong as the devs keep giving content i expect to be here for another 9k.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    If they deal with the hacks (cheating) situation, they are fine. If not, people will lose interest.

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    Just because one person has 22k hours doesn't reflect on the community.

    Cuz' I bet right now there are bunches and thousonds of people with less than 20 hours who just never got into it and in the same vein people with thousands hours who haven't touched the game in ages either.

    There's a bottleneck between people who get tired of dbd and those who don't even have the resources or ability to get into it.

    just because I have 200k hours in say BF:Hardline (great game btw fite me u wont (and i don't actually have 200k hours)) doesn't mean it's got a well and alive community. In fact, if I were to go play right now on PC I would see no more than say 200 people.

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    I don't think the competitor argument is true, I think it would most definetly hurt the playerbase but it's not going to vaporise at konami actually releasing a good HMP game.

    as for the New player argument, yeah I see that, 100%

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I have 2265 hours in dbd and personally I think that dbd is going to hang on for a long while. It has a few more years left in it, I think these forums aren't a good place to measure how long this game has left. These forums are filled with the toxic, entitled, loud players who think they know everything and in reality they don't, but because of what they think they know they think the game will be dead next update. Personally, until an actual competitor comes along (not one that dies a few months after release), that's when dbd will be in real trouble. However we don't actually know how long that will take for a real competitor to come along. I also think quarantine is getting to people and forgetting that the devs might not have the same sort of access they would working from their offices so it might be harder to fix certain things that need fixing so we need to give them a small break I think.

  • KolbyKolbyKolby
    KolbyKolbyKolby Member Posts: 623
    • There is practically an unlimited amount of horror movie franchises that exist, the odds of never finding one would be pretty slim
    • They have sustained the same gameplay loop for... 3 or 4 years now? No need to fix what isn't broken, and the playerbase has consistently risen, with higher peaks being iconic releases like Silent Hill and Stranger things.
    • There's already accessibility features planned and on the way, and the game's learning curve specifically works that people learn not to hide so much. They start to realize that they escape more often when they do more work, and excel with that knowledge.
    • On this point I can agree, but I feel like in the future the amount of dev/player interaction will only decrease which is a worry I have. Any changes made, ideas suggested, thoughts shared lead to massive amounts of people attacking the devs. Regular threads requesting for people to be fired because some don't like their ideas, I feel this behavior (from the community moreso) will result in fewer interactions.

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    I've been playing since 2016, i have a bit over 2k hours. As you can see, i don't play that much as others around here who get to 2k hours in less than a year, but i know everything about DbD.

    I'm not a red rank killer or survivor since i'm playing like 1-10 games a week, but i know my stuff.

    DbD is still young, the devs are still "young" at being devs for this game. They can make this game a really wonderful one, but they don't seem like trying to do it now. I know they are working hard, making a new killer and a new survivor with unique perks every 3 months is a big deal, reworking maps and so on, but it feels like they aren't trying that hard on making DbD a healthier gaming experience. Don't get me wrong, i respect every single person from DbD's team, but they are making some questionable decisions here and there.

    I would say DbD is just starting to get better and better, but it will take some time with it's manegement right now. There's still no real competition, so the team is pretty laid back right now, but i'm sure that is going to change sooner or later.

    In my opinion, they should listen more to the community and fog whisperers, i'm 100% sure that we know more about game balance and what's healthier for this game than them. We are the ones with thousands and thousands of hours after all.

    (If there are any grammatical mistakes, i'm really sorry. It's pretty late right now, but i really wanted to say this.)

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    Skyrocket? No.

    Raise? Yes.

    I think if anything additional content like this will only retain a playerbase, we need the game to be bringing in people and then keeping them.

    It's like if you go to a pizza place to get some cheese pizza and then find out you really want/like pepperoni tomorrow but the place doesn't have pepperoni,

    you're just gonna leave and not come back

    but then again maybe it will draw in people who just want a pepperoni pizza to begin with.

    Bad analogy? Also yes.

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148
    edited February 2021

    -- Yes, but how many things (like stranger things) are gonna actually bring a playerbase uproar and aren't gonna be a "ohhh theres that one character from that standalone movie I watched like 2 months ago" sure, they'll bring in new players but only people who both watched it and are interested in dbd's style.

    -- Good point, but there have been complaints of repetitiveness

    -- but it's not only that they're not here now, it's that they weren't here for 4 years and that's for one of a good handfull of accessability features that's near standard if not set stone standard in every game.

  • Epsydra
    Epsydra Member Posts: 89

    Based on the figures from Steam Charts, the game has never fared as well as it did in 2020. It is difficult to predict a death from gambling in the years to come. At least, as long as there are no viable competitors.

  • fixdeadhard
    fixdeadhard Member Posts: 134

    Probably not too long anymore. They mentioned before that they have trouble keeping old players but have no problems getting new players. You dont need to be an experienced gamer to notice the big flaws this game has. Alot of gamedevs get tons of ######### from their community, but the dbd devs are just next level, they ALWAYS work on things the community is not interested in and take litterly YEARS to fix obvious things. on top of that , the new things no1 asked for just brings tons of gamebreaking bugs with them.

    The size of the current community is mostly because of nonstop free weekends and the licensed killers. the game has just a very broad audiance that they could reech. free weekends wont keep working, they are also running out of decent popular licensed killers that they can use(abuse).

    just think about how popular the stranger things series was, at that time they also released the dlc and had a big wave of new people, those people got friends to play cuz of free weekends and stuff. i think this marketing startegy has ran its course as they used it multiple times.

    Also corona gave dbd a big player boost, there are just not much NEW people left to add to the community.

    I think there will only be a decline in players from now on, with sometimes a very short/small boost when there is a new DLC or free weekend.

    If there is 1 thing main killers/survivors agree on, its that this game is actually a trash toxic ######### game, for some players its addictive (looking for that 1out of 10 games that actually feels fun and gives you that rush), those are the ones that stay, but even these people are leaving as they start to understand that these devs will never change and are mostly amateurs lucky to be in the position that they are.

  • ImHexyAndINoed
    ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504

    Rank 1 both sides but I'm a solo survivor main, 70/30, 1K hours so I'm far from the best:/

    Every achievement

    Every Archive challenge done

    Still trying to P3 everyone.

    The reason DBD Isnt boring to me yet is because I'm constantly challengeing myself to try new things on both sides. Whever it's a variety of builds, winning without a mechanic(no vaulting/No power) or even setting a unique goal for each match such as a perk roulette. And I can't escape until I've used every perk once.

    One other reason, games others consider very repetitive and Dull I wound up going on to have thousands of hours in.

    So at least to me DBD is still kicking, but if they keep refusing to listen to they're player base even the die hard supporters are going to leave. I hate seeing this game squander it's potential

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    DbD is not going away any time soon, not unless something drastic happens. It has a revolving door of players ready to spend a few hundred hours pumping out money for chapters and cosmetics til they get bored and replaced.

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    I am blessed by your wisdom and this brings up a valid point of how negative the community is, I started playing right after the hex ruin nerf and it's kind of strange how something so ancient feeling to me was actually still in the game not a month before I started playing.

    I think that you are very right. We should thank the devs for what we have and hope that they can get it to an even better state as they have done before.

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    It's fair to exclude steam charts data imo quarantine just gave way to so much more gaming time.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    I think it's kind of mean to talk about when the game's going to die on its own forum. I'll just say I'm concerned about the future unless they drastically expand the number of people working on it.

  • fixdeadhard
    fixdeadhard Member Posts: 134

    I think its already dieing but slowly, they already reached most people that could be part of the community. not much decent licensed killers are left that they can use(abuse), as well as the tons of free weekends has ran its marketing course. Corona also gave a big boost to the community.

    it probably will just be a decline from now on with short/small waves of players when a new DLC comes out or when there is a free weekend.

    like the devs said before, they have trouble keeping old players but not getting new players. As these devs have proven thousands of times that they are amateurs, i doubt that alot players will stay for much longer. They are running out of things to bring in the new players (and im happy for it). They dont deserve the spot that they are in. they milked this "monopoly" too hard, its way too obvious in how they take years to fix things and just add new things no1 asked for. If there is something main killers and survivors agree on, then its that this game is a toxic ######### trash game, but just addictive for some by giving us that 1 out of 10 games that actually felt fun and gave you that rush.

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    I think one of the reasons that this game isn't dead is the achievable content, the grind (while painful and monotonous) is actually very rewarding,

    I remember having fun with my newely prestiged trapper and I just felt this sense of not having everything and instead I had a challenge.

    I could never do all archives lol, 571 hrs and like I still just rush the pages on killer bc I'm better as them and then just start working backwards for surv. Some of the garbage like do 60 stuns with pallets makes me wanna go to sleep and not wake up ever again.

    What's keeping me into DBD is learning, I love playing nurse RN bc I'm garbage, no joke, it makes me feel so happy when I actually get a few kills and I feel like I'm learning.

    In conclusion, I wish this game had like more achievements or like passive in game challenges like a challenge journal (that aren't super grindy instead it's just like encouraging people to play with all of there characters for example if you have a character you have a challenge like play 3 games with their 3 unique perks so you have an incentive to try everyone) written by some body from the lost tapes with just a bunch of challenges with BP rewards or hell even IShards.

    (And give me something to do with BP pls after P3'ing everyone)

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    Where tf am I supposed to talk about it? you want me to run and EG chat poll?

    Also I respect BHVR while I disagree with some of their choices, I just genuinely wanted peoples thoughts because I've never really heard anyone talk about it.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
    edited February 2021

    Actually if you look at the Steam charts, dbd peaked awhile ago and isn't managing to retain players. It's good that the average player number is higher thanks to the pandemic but the fact that the peak players never managed to break into the 80k mark and died down even with the pandemic means future growth for dbd isn't good. They've hit the cap so to speak. So while I doubt the game will completely die anytime soon, I think it's hit the end for growth.

    Post edited by Terro on
  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    Thank you for understanding me. I really hope that more people will change their mind about this. We have to stick together and hope for a better future for this game.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    About 4k hours and this tournament thing could go 4 ways

    1 It works well and we get stuck in this hell hole of a mess (bad ending)

    2 it works well and it brings attention to the bs things in this game that will be fixed (good ending)

    3 it goes south and no new players come in (lobby sim ending)

    4 someone who is good at said possible tournament directly shows how bad this game can be makeing the devs look like massive fools and idoits makeing no new players and possibly helping adjust the bs thia game can have

    (lobby sim+good ending)

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    1,000 hours rank 1 both sides, started playing in 2018. dbd has only been getting more and more popular over the past 5 years or so to the point where it's like the 25th most played game on steam currently. It won't die anytime soon.

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    I’m about to hit devotion level 8, no clue how many hours I’ve got but it’s a lot. Just now really starting to feel like I’m getting good at survivor, and enjoying the possibilities of the game. I focus on the fun side, and ignore the losers that DC all the time. I’m having fun, or I wouldn’t play.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I'm not sure on my hours but I'm devotion lvl 12 and I've been playing this game for a long time.

    I think how long this game last now is mainly up to whether or not a new game comes on the market that captures the same feel that dbd has for a lot of people. When that happens the community could get smaller but I think even if it does the game will still be around for a good 5+ years yet.

    Honestly I think a bit of healthy competition would be the best thing for this game because it would make the devs put in 100% to new game chapters and make sure to be doing there best to entice players into the game with cosmetics you can earn with event currency and just bigger and better changes like they did when they first started growing. Sadly atm they are focusing more on monetisation and less on the overall Heath and quality of the game.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    I'd say another year if things keep going the way they are.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Had a few hundred hours when i was playing. The game is going to last for a few years unless other competitors or other games rise up to the challenge. That being said in terms of game quality it should not be holding up like it has. Should, say identity V go to PC or another game be made I dont see DBD holding a candle to any true competition

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Despite everything negative, I think it will stick around for at least another 5 years.

  • ImHexyAndINoed
    ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504

    Completely agree! One thing I'd add aswell is I'd like to add rewards for the Devotion system. The shards are nice and if you save up it means you can buy a chapter that may not be worth the real life money(IMO Twins) although this idea dosent seem far off. As they're starting to add BP for your end of season rank.

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    why do you think this? I think it still has a good few years without any anomalous events

  • ClaudioFrosty
    ClaudioFrosty Member Posts: 12

    Just over 2,000 hours in the game, nearly every achievement, and I'm Rank 1 on both sides. The game is fun. It can be frustrating at times, but hey, that's literally every game every so often.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843
    edited February 2021

    Pretty much my current relationship with the game goes like this:

    1. Start the hints/speculation about a new upcoming chapter, getting excited at the possibilities
    2. Find out what it is
    3. Disappoint
    4. Maybe the perks will be cool?
    5. More disappoint
    6. Bored because nothing new in the game that I like
    7. Quit until the next chapter

    So for me personally it's dead until I get something to revive my interest

    But for people in general I'd say, if we keep getting ######### chapters like the last one, or maybe once a good competitor comes along with developers who aren't greedier than Mr. Krabs or literally 3 guys in their basement working on games as a side job, then maybe they'll have to step up their game a bit

    But for as long as it holds the monopoly it's not going anywhere. Even if they announce tomorrow all characters are gone and the only survivor is Joe Mama, the only killer is RTX Morshu, and the only map is the inside of thompson house with no exit, people still have to play this game because there's no other asymmetrical game for all us severely addicted mofos to run off to

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,264

    My play time is 169.5 hours.

    My survival rank changes between 10 to 9. I'm not playing as a killer anymore.

    What keeps me in the game is just its style and idea. If the game had not been unique, I would not have stayed.

    The game is currently lacking in interesting stuff and exciting news that will make us find a good reason to play today.

    I got 41 achievements so far and I want to join my first event on the game or some kind of battle pass that I'm used to from other games.

    I saw people say that a few years ago DBD did events with nice things. As a relatively new player I would be very happy to see more this year, since I got nothing but a sweater.


    I'm pretty disappointed that the devs are very slow when it comes to new things.

    But other than that, I love what I see and own in the game. I see myself playing this game for more months.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited February 2021

    It probably has a lot of life still left in it, purely because this game attracts a lot of new players. So we get waves of new players every now and again to replace the people who quit the game. And the only thing the players like you and me who've stuck around have to look forward to every 3 months is a new killer and 6 new perks, praying to highest heavens that at least 1 of those perks is actually useable. Normally I would also say we get a new map, but they've all been reworks recently, and the new maps we have gotten have all been terrible since Clown's map. And they're not even sticking to that 3 month schedule anymore, and we all absolutely know for sure that we're not gonna get any substantial gameplay or content changes in the foreseeable future so what do we have to look forward to? Because I'm not looking forward to playing the game in its current state for much longer knowing there's nothing major coming to the game in the near future I can tell you that much.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    If you look at steam charts DBD keeps going up and up its only ever risen. No sign of dropping at least on PC anytime soon.

  • Meg_Main
    Meg_Main Member Posts: 28

    1k(ish) hours console player.

    Seeing as DBD is really a one-of a kind thing in it's genre especially with the cancellation of Friday servers and Friday getting no more updates, DBD has a lengthy future. They seem to be getting a steady amount of licenses and consistent chapter releases. I used to find Friday superior but sadly licensing issues there resulted in the death of the game. Due to this if devs continue consistently releasing I'd say the game has a future. The game would be better, however, if there were new things to do. Such as 2v8 game modes. I am no coding expert but I don't think that this would take years to make. If not an actual gamemode, then at least a mode for custom games? I just think the game is quite simple now and survivors need something to do that is more complex than holding the action button on a generator and occasionally pressing M2/L1/LB.

  • PigEmpress
    PigEmpress Member Posts: 79

    Depends on how long my friends are enjoying this game. As soon as they stop playing I'll stop playing.

  • tariousx
    tariousx Member Posts: 156

    The minute this game gets an actual competitor you guys are gonna see a BHVR that you never seen before. They are gonna wake up and start slinging updates faster than we can read them because it happens literally ever single time a game with no competition suddenly gets some. But the damage may be already done at that point. Who knows? But this game is currently an unstoppable zombie that loses it's limbs left and right but just keeps regenerating them do to new player influx and veterans who just keep coming back regardless of the game state.