Any stories of Taunting gone wrong?

I alternate between Killer and Survivor and was playing the Trapper earlier today.

Now, when it comes to EGC, I don't stick around at the Gates. If I can see the Survivors standing in there, I walk away immediately and just look at my phone or something while I wait it out. I'm not giving them the satisfaction. You won, now leave.

Today though I had 2 matches where things went a bit differently.

In the 1st, most of them left once I walked away, but one kept evidently speed vaulting a pallet judging by the rapid notifications I was getting. This continues for most of the EGC, until it's replaced by the sound of them being auto sacrificed. Guess they didn't know that would happen when the timer expired.

In the 2nd, one Survivors DC'd almost immediately, I sacrificed one of the others, after the last gen was repaired. The last 2, one of which was a Flashlight Clicker that had all but begged me to chase them, made it to the gate and I walked away. They both came back and got right in my face! So I hit one, they split, injured one gets caught in one of my traps inside the killer shack. So I hook them in the basement. Reset the window trap and put one on the stairs for good measure. The last one did the smart thing and fled.

I did not think walking away would ever pay off like it did today. Anyone else seen taunting go wrong like that?



  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    Just yesterday, a Jake tried to T-bag me a bit too far from the gates. Executed.

    Another time, I was playing Demo, and I came around from the side just as they got to the gate. Two of them had to crawl out, and I took the Dwight as punishment for being too cocky.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I had a game as p head an there was a nea not really tbagging or anything, she just pointed at me and then came to crouch and look at me. I took it as just being a little cocky and thought not much of it. She then immediately got hit by my shockwave by the cow tree. The way I flicked like 90 degrees immediately and perfectly hit her blind was amazing. I then gave her a chop and ded. She then posted "plays pyramid head" on my steam profile. I don't think she was being that toxic, just a bit cocky so it was a bit funny to see her go down like that.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Once I had a wraith kill everyone else but me. Then he found the hatch, stealthed and camped it.

    When I got to the hatch he was standing right on top of it, so I couldn't get in. Then he kicks the hatch closed in my face and decloaks.

    As he does I take out the key I fished from the chest right beneath where he stood and jumped in the hatch.

    I bet he left the endgame chat instantly so he wouldn't have to bear with my gloating.

  • SentinelCaptain
    SentinelCaptain Member Posts: 234

    Did not know keys could still open the hatch after the killer closed it, I'll have to keep that in mind. Bravo.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    I actually play this way a lot, most of my satisfaction from this game comes from opening chests. That's why I play Plunderers + Ace in the Hole, it's like opening lootboxes, it's exciting to see if you get junk like a toolbox or gold like a key.

    The most ideal result is to fish a key during the match, be the last one standing, killer closes the hatch and patrols the gates while you go to the hatch and jump in. I very rarely get to do this because I don't play like a complete #########, I play normally and help out with gens and unhooks after I'm done opening chests (which itself is hugely inefficient). I don't always last until the end because I don't hide and throw the rest of the team under the bus. It's part of my own private game and keeps the game exciting.

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672

    I had an injured David t-bagging me outside of the exit gates. So I moonwalked towards him, spun around, and (As he tried to run towards the exit) downed him, Which resulted in him getting hooked. The rest of his team ended up leaving him. 😂

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Yes, I actually wanted to see what Tbagging at exit gate was like but I wasn't close enough, Bubba came in downed me, and I just sat there laughing my ass off at my stupidity

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    When a player t bags me on pallets drop. I will lose that game just so I can tunnel and camp that player to death. No other survivors mater when it comes to a t bagger in this game.

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    Ran a pig all game, got downed, EGC started me and one survivor remain. Have tenacity and unbreakable (prove thy self and we'll make it in case anyone is wondering the rest) pig is tbagging me and I slowly crawled away so I don't give away my tenacity, crawl to pallet and stand up, stun and leave.

  • Meg_Main
    Meg_Main Member Posts: 28

    Was playing badBreathslinger this David wanted to be altruistic pro man towards Laurie while she was on death hook. I guess he didn't realize. He took a hit and thus was injured. Bromie thought it would be a good idea to wait at the gate against a badBreathslinger so I took advantage and hit a Faze Timothy quickscope on him and he was subsequently downed. This was at like rank 3 so maybe he hadn't played against slinger before? Was ultimately a stupid play so I got 3 kills.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531
    edited February 2021

    In this match I was Trapper and trying out iri stone.

    A nea was taunting me at the door as I was going over (it was 99'd so she knew she'd be fine) but somehow she hadn't clocked earlier into the match I had iri stone on and as I arrived, the disarmed trap had reset itself and as she went to open the door she trapped herself, pure absolute bliss!

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    When I was a real unexperienced piggy I finally got a RBT on a player that clearly was not only outplaying me but made sure I knew it with loads of bm. It was just before the last gen popped and he got saved of the hook while I was going for someone else. He kept following and taunting just out of reach and ended up happily teabagging near the exit while I was watching from a small distance. I clearly knew something he didn't and he tried to leave with an active RBT on his head. Never had a more satisfying kill with a RBT.

  • ChantyBoi
    ChantyBoi Member Posts: 179

    Trying to gate bm a deathslinger is usually a recipe for disaster. It's always fun to slap some cocky survivor down with NOED.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Oh, sure. Survivors dying because they didn't just leave when they could've is one of the most amusing things in the game. I run Bloodwarden sometimes just to take advantage of those situations.

    During one of the previous Tomes I was playing Spirit running NOED to do some sacrifice-during-the-EGC challenge. Got the survivors on death hook before the last gen popped so that whoever I caught had no chance of being rescued. A Claudette with a flashlight stood in the exit gate next to safety clicking her flashlight at me... so I walked away. Turn around. Yeah, she's the exact kind of survivor I expected, because she inched farther and farther away from safety to make sure I saw her gloating until finally she's running in circles all the way at the front of the exit gate. I just stand still and watch her up until the moment I phase on top of her ass and down her. Ah, yes, that was a satisfying sacrifice.

    Some survivors just aren't prepared for patience or strategy. Or NOED.

  • SentinelCaptain
    SentinelCaptain Member Posts: 234

    At least you have the maturity to realize your mistake and laugh at yourself. So few people can do that.

  • SentinelCaptain
    SentinelCaptain Member Posts: 234

    At least 2 of them had a sense of humor and an ounce of respect for running that perk.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    I had a survivor teabag at a pallet and then proceeded to drop the pallet while on the wrong side of it.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    I was Mikey, had sacrificed 3 survivors. Last survivor finished last gen as 3rd survivor was sacrificed. I was at end of my tier 3 while chasing last survivor, when it ended they decided to teabag at me thinking they were safe but I had NOED so still insta-downed them. Had they gone for hatch instead of finishing gen or hadn't stopped to teabag they probably would've escaped. NOED is also really enjoyable with the survivors that decide to taunt in front of exit gates.

    I love when I'm spectating after dying or escaping and remaining teammate that could've escaped decides to taunt the killer only to be downed and killed.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I always tend to do that, i don't get why people get so pissed over it. Literally I had an injured Jane the Exit gates were open, I was playing Slinger, I chased her around a truck next to the exit gate, she knew if she left the loop I can get her. She tried to run but I got and she raged so stupidly it was hilarious. I'm like dude you realize you couldn't survive that right.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    I'm still laughing over the match I had where I got the "hook survivors in the EGC" challenge as trapper.

    The survivors played really da**ed well but then two of them stopped to tbag in the exit gates, not realizing that I had just activated Blood Warden.

    A few days ago I let a low rank Bubba dqn me in the exit gate because I had DS. Then I missed my skillcheck. Whoops. Laughed my a** off qhile he carried me into the Entity's warm embrace.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    One day, I was playing with Trapper with Iridescent Brick(Traps resets automatically), I got one Meg on my match that was constantly T-Bagging after dropping pallets on my face, she then ran to a tile where it had a Trap inside the pallet and started Self-Caring herself WITH mangled effect.

    I started setting my traps around the Shack like totally ignoring her and chasing other Survivor nearby, and after she finished healing fully(she stood there healing for 40 seconds) the Trap beneath her armed automatically, I was very close so I droped the chase and immediately picked her up and she was on death hook :)

    I wish I could read her thoughts that day.

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    It's entirely possible the speed vaulter was waiting for EGC. I've done that before- I don't know how your match went, but if I feel the Killer had a bad one or was harassed, I'll run up to the them once gates are open and offer myself as sacrifice.

    And if I can't find them, I just let the EGC take me 🤷‍♀️

    Killers put up with a lot of poo-poo sometimes, and they deserve love too. *Hugs*

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    This is true. I've had plenty of matches where I let myself die to the EGC. A lot of times I'll go into the basement and locker-spam a few times so the killer can come see me die if they want.

  • LeChristmas
    LeChristmas Member Posts: 9

    All I need to say

  • Malum_Midnight
    Malum_Midnight Member Posts: 366

    SWF was teabagging me at the gate. As I came, they accidentally blocked off a Feng. I was in my power already (Oni) and downed her. Played hook roulette and I ended up with a 2k, instead of a 0k if they had just left.

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    Was playing with 4 friends, killer was slinguer. 1 was moried, and as 5th gen popped i was downed thanks to noed and put in the basement. Told my friends to just leave, but one of them chose to stay and t bag. Needless to say he got speared and killed.

    Sent killer a message to thank him for downing my friend and sent a GG. Got a GG back and we both laughed about it

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    One time it was down to a 3v1 and my Dwight was trying to protect the other two survivors by getting Myers attention. I had to, because I was the only good runner and I saw that one was on the hook and the other girl was trying to go in for the save.

    So I teabagged, clicked, and beckoned Myers over. The taunt failed. As soon as that survivor got unhooked Myers turned around and went back for them. I was the only survivor that match. :<

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140
    edited February 2021

    I was chasing dwight around the coal tower, he had resilience and ironwill and outplayed me a bit so he rested a moment to teabag now and then. He didn't notice the trap after a window, i came at him nodded and he insta DC'd. Oh and with pig if i feel like i have space I like to chase while crouched people with beartraps that taunted me before to make the timer keep going and make their heads explode. Oh and I want to add, do not tbag Deathslinger at exit gates under any circumstances, i think that's self explanatory but many people still don't understand it.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,222

    I've seen an injured Meg vault a window and start T-bagging me.

    While I was playing Huntress.

    A few years later, and I still wonder what was going through her head.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I recorded this video 3 years ago to report a fat shame spot on Lerys. The ending however was epic and I had to keep it :P

  • Jamlpr
    Jamlpr Member Posts: 107

    Had a wraith who face camped and kept M1ing the first survivor they hooked. BT unhook and the poor guy didn’t get another hook. 4 escaped. It’s so satisfying.

    When I first started killing I had two obnoxious Nancy’s who kept tbagging and pointing at every dropped pallet. Well they got a pretty fierce 3gen and DCd. Red ranks. At least the other two gave it their best shot. Gotta give them that.

    Same night as that game I had a Jake who was MUCCCCH better than me. He just looped the dog ######### outta me every chance he could so I just didn’t give chase the entire game and focused on the other three, weaker, survivors. I couldn’t kill anyone though. They were just too well coordinated and much better. At the exit gate Jake just tbagged and clicked at me. He walked out just a bit too far and I NOEDd him. Hooked after his friends left. Beautiful.

  • adirgeforthedead
    adirgeforthedead Member Posts: 424
    edited February 2021

    I just recently started playing Killer after a long break due to being bullied by a SWFs squad back during the Halloween event. I'm bad as Killer and usually just play for dailies or challenges -- I'm Rank 18 right now and even like that I get matched against red ranks due to the MM issues.

    I am learning Deathslinger and I had a match where I was trying a built with two Hex totems, Ruin and DH. So, long story short, I get another SWFs team with two Davids dressed identically who changed at last second on lobby and one tried to get my attention so early on. Fast-vaulting, flashlight clicking, etc. I hit 3 stacks of DH and this David panicked trying to find the totem. He and the other guys find one in the centre, it was Yamaoka Estate, and there was a lit totem inside the house. They start humping in and I just try to protect the totem, downing them and hooking them around. Two of them die because of it and finally they cleanse it -- it was Ruin. By this time, they had three genned themselves with only two left and it became easily about ten to fifteen minutes of hide and seek until I found and killed them both.

    In a more recent occasion, I got another SWFs team playing with three OoO and they brought Mary's Letter. Needless to say it was an awful match from beginning to end, teabagging me from the distance because of the aura read. I couldn't do much through most of the match. At the end, they tried to swarm the doors and, since they were very close in Midwich, I could stride back and forth, injuring everyone. They still tried to teabag me once the doors were opened and well, teabagging with Deathslinger -- not a good idea. I speared one and two escaped. I hooked him and the last remaining one had OoO so... he didn't even try to save him and just ran away. Let's just say the endgame chat was... interesting.

    Post edited by adirgeforthedead on
  • GhostMaceNotCrusty
    GhostMaceNotCrusty Member Posts: 716

    Ryan... ryan sandbagged me and got me killed so now I scream ryan whenever he joins a call. Ryan...

  • nohahaha
    nohahaha Member Posts: 19
    edited February 2021

    I had a Feng taunting earlier while I was just screwing around as Billy during EGC of a game I just dicked around and tried to get chainsaw hits during sprints across map, and I legit chainsawed her on accident while she was taunting, triggering blood warden. Ended up with a 3 kill because her other 2 teammates didn't get out in time for the EGC.

  • SentinelCaptain
    SentinelCaptain Member Posts: 234

    Knowing the pain of being a yellow rank killer getting matched with a full red SWF, that may be *the* most satisfying story I have ever heard. Bravo for you! You deserved that moment of glory!

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    moral of the story: Run spine chill or better yet leave instead of being toxic

  • Aldath
    Aldath Member Posts: 30

    I was playing Executioner against a team of red SFW people. I was chasing a Claudette, who was the worst out of the bunch, and by the time I hooked her, 3 gens were gone. The rest of the match were the four of them preventing me from hitting Claudette, flashlight clicking, teabagging, using emotes, healing in my face and then teabagging, etc.

    During the endgame collapse, many of them were opening lockers and vaulting windows near an entrance to further make it worse; all of them were Injuried tho, they didn't bother healing during EGC.

    So, since I was near, I used PotD to get at least one of them but oh surprise, I ended up hitting BOTH the vaulter and the locker opener. I grab the Dwight that had been taunting me the most during the game and hook him, one of them goes for the save while the other tries to heal the downed survivor. I prevent the save by hitting the rescuer, I go back to the downed survivor, and the one who was trying to heal her just runs away as the collapse timer was about to run out. Dwight dies on hook, I manage to grab the rescuer and hook her, while the other one managed to crawl away.

    I got "Entity Displeased" but hey, at least I got two...