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Your experience with Repressed Alliance?

So I used Repressed Alliance to try and counter Pop Goes the Weasel and buy some time in general. And my experience with it, besides not being able to charge the Perk with two Survivors on a gen because gens are too fast, that Killer with Pop will just stand in front of the gen until they can kick the gen with it. It is pretty sad to watch at and makes it not really worth to play in my opinion even though it is a fun an interesting Perk.

Maybe there is like another type of play you can make with Red Herring to distract the Killer with a gen he can't kick? But that probably would require SwF or just luck.

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  • Member Posts: 14,893

    I get at most 2 uses out of it in one match and that is under perfect conditions. Overall it doesn’t really help, in my experience the killer can just pop another gen and get to the repressed gen after their next hook.

  • Member Posts: 9

    IMO It needs to be changed so it also repairs the gen by like 15-20% over that 30 seconds, as atm its just such an incredibly niche/dumb perk that also has massive prerequisites to even use.

  • Member Posts: 42

    True it is just unlucky if the gen is besides the hook xD

    But it is really difficult to time it because If you do not want to get chased you have to use it early and that dramatically reduces the time the Killer will have to wait to kick the gen which will make saving difficult if no one is close by

  • Member Posts: 375

    overkill. Pop's timer starts the moment they hook someone. so it includes the time it takes the killer to go to a generator as well as the whole kicking animation, including any time they might spend chasing survivors they find on the way. Repressed alliance protects the gen for 30 seconds the moment it's activated, so adding those times up makes it outlast Pop most of the time, unless the person is hooked right next to a generator being worked on.

    Also, if the killer decides to camp a sealed generator AND waits for the blocked timer to run out, that's 30 seconds the survivor has to run away and get on another generator. If the survivor doesnt take advantage of it, that's the survivors' fault. just like when survivors reward a killer who camps the hook by standing nearby teabagging instead of doing gens.

  • Member Posts: 42

    the thing is most survivors confuse it with either Thrilling Tremors or Trail of Torment even though it is a different aura and different conditions and they will not finish it unless it is SwF. In my experience at l least.

  • Member Posts: 42

    I agree the time should not be extended but maybe the charge time. Like I said being you are not able to charge the Perk with two Survivors on a gen because gens are too fast.

  • Member Posts: 42

    Uhm no? are you crazy? that stuff would OP as heck everyone would use it. blocking the gen so it repairs automatically while the Killer stands beside it and watches? no? why not give use a Perks that lets the killer walk at half speed for 5 min?

  • Member Posts: 347

    when I take this perk into a match, then either: not a good opportunity to use it since the killer does not come to my generator when I repair it, or the perk is not activated yet.

  • Member Posts: 2,015

    I tried using it for a while but it takes too long to charge up. I got very little use out of it.

  • Member Posts: 2,114

    I've got tons of use out of repressed alliance but then I've played a lot of games with it. It's not going to be really useful all the time but will come in clutch when it is.

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    I mean....just block the gen and go do literally anything else that is useful in the meantime?

  • Member Posts: 3,449

    It needs to be easier to activate, when you have 3 other teammates doing gens at the same time as you, you hardly ever get to use it.

  • Member Posts: 1,448

    never seen anyone running it aside from achievement players.

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    I think it can be really good in a coordinated environment to counter Ruin regression if you don't want to cleanse totems.

    I know many teams that ignore totems because playing Russian roulette with Haunted Grounds is a death sentence against a high level killer, so they'll take two Prove Thyselfs and a Repressed Alliance or two to take the sting off Ruin while rotating on gens.

    My issue with Repressed is that I can't turn it off if I don't need the full duration. I've had situations where a gen is at 90% and I'm sitting there waiting to finish it.

  • Member Posts: 347

    My problem with the perk is that takes while to active, also I find it difficult to decide when to use it, because sometimes the killer just leaves me. But I can't go back to the gen cause it's blocked.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited February 2021

    This is a tough one. I do think it's better than people think it is, however I wouldn't mind if it got slightly buffed. The issue is that if you buffed it so that you had it up more option you run the risk of people turning it into a troll your teammates perk. Maybe there's a better way to buff it.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    My experience in solo queue has been that either the killer does exactly what the OP describes -- camps the gen until the timer runs out and kicks it anyway -- or, the killer and I chase away together but then a teammate I didn't know about wants to do the gen and can't because it's blocked.

    I like the suggestion of using it to counter ruin while you go do something else. I haven't tried that yet, and I might, now.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    It was actually pretty good against ruin + undying, I tried it out. Otherwise, unless the killer has pop there is no point to the perk other than protecting a gen 99%'d.

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    When survivors used Repressed Alliance in my games, I honestly laugh. I suddenly don't have to worry about monitoring a gen that was about to be finished for a short while. Gives me more time to chase the survivors I would otherwise leave.

  • Member Posts: 441

    I use it to BM the Survivors and help the Killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,624

    Trash perk that nobody should use.

    Protect against Pop? You're also "protecting" the gen from your teammates. And yourself.

    Just don't.

  • Member Posts: 1,624

    That would have to be a pretty braindead killer to just stand there for 30 seconds waiting for the block to disappear.

    Any decent killer will find another gen to kick or just kill any survivors nearby.

  • Member Posts: 618

    You guys are misinterpreting the other use of RA other than countering Pop: countering passive regression.

    Repressed Alliance has proven to be a time saver in the scenarios where I have to leave a nearly finished gen to save another survivor while the killer has Ruin active. I can just block the gen and occupy the rescued long enough to make it back to the gen before the blocker ends, and with no progress lost :D.

  • Member Posts: 1,531

    Well yeah but that's what the op is saying, and if they are chasing someone, they either commit and lose that pop on the gen they wanted originally or they lose their pop, or they use it on a less crucial gen.

  • Member Posts: 1,784

    None. I have 0 experience with this perk.

    Haven't seen it used once.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I like it. Its been the difference between me getting hooked and the killer snowballing or getting a gen completed a couple times recently. It also temporarily stops ruin and signals your teammates about the gen.

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    Don't think it's that good of a perk, but I have used it a few times. It can work sometimes, but can also work against you.

    My worst experience with it was when I wanted to use it but another survivor was also on the gen so I couldn't. I had to wait until the killer was right behind me before the other survivor let go. So they had a free m1.

    So definitely not the best, particularly in solo queue.

  • Member Posts: 318

    This would add a lot of utility to the perk, but to balance it out, I'd have it so that the perk can't finish the gen. It can only go up to 99% completion.

  • Member Posts: 504

    I'll use it sometimes, I find it useful when the Killer has ruin, as I can use the ability, save a teammate, heal said teammate(if the Killer dosent come back of course) then go back to the gen with no worries, but it's so situational that I never boot up the game with the intention to use the perk

  • Member Posts: 136

    Don't forget it counters ruin, so you can leave a gen for that unhook or heal without loosing progress

  • Member Posts: 9

    Honestly I didn't think of that, thats a bloody great idea.

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