This is what makes me not want to play killer

Tried to make do with what i had, i didn't camp, i didn't tunnel.

I rarely play killer for this same reason, cause i'm trying to learn, and you never know what you'll be matched up with, i try and get good perks, even dumping points from survivor to killer. But it doesn't matter.


  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    You're gonna get dunked on a lot as a new player. It's what happens. I did too when I first started. Now I win 99% of my games without gen regression even against hardcore swf's. My suggestion is to literally take off noed and the iridescent addons and play without crutch perks or items. Believe me you'll improve faster that way. People get use to crutchy perks or items to win the game, and they never improve.

  • gusm09
    gusm09 Member Posts: 47

    Yeah, NOED feels like a bad habit. But at least i'm trying to play killer, i'm a high level cause i keep dumping points from survivor to killer.

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444

    I'm consistently rank 1 and I use noed in almost every game(I don't get to use it most of the time but it's a nice gen rush insurance policy that rarely works for longer than 15sec before cleansed)

    Remove monitor since it lowers your terror radius outside chases, and outside chases is when u want the terror radius as big as possible.

    Doctors static blast is as big as his terror radius, u need that to find survivors easier.

    A red rank survivor said that to me once after a game, I had no idea that's how it worked until someone told me, it changed my whole experience as doctor, rarely ever lose as him now.

  • gusm09
    gusm09 Member Posts: 47

    Just wish i had survivor who give me tips post game, and not toxic people. I don't feel at all bad from losing, since yes. I will have to lose some games to start understanding how to better patrol, apply pressure.

  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    Their builds aren’t even bad. Yours on other hand.... I mean, with that, you should have had the upper hand. But I did read your thread and you’re still learning so at the same time I can’t blame you.

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444

    I got 1 helpful survivor out of thousands of games, 10/100 nice survivors and that's only cause I give hatch almost all the time.

    Rest is just toxic chat, having noed makes them usually focus on it even if u didn't even use it xD

    (Had a match where I only used it on one person cause one of em just bailed and had 2 downed before it activated, swamp map they were under a building, I knew someone was dropping down when I pick up the survivor, it felt real good hitting him before he drops the pallet, only happened to me a few times that a down stopped a pallet stun in 500h I got but oh boy it feels great) after-game chat wanted me to kill myself like usual

    Let me just tell u straight away, 4man good loopers on communication is automatically a lost game even if u play perfectly, it depends on them making a mistake for u to win.

    The only counter I found was trapper, I've only lost maybe 5games as trapper, I'm really good at predicting where people r gonna go so I place random traps where people won't expect them, and if u can get someone in basement.... U can secure that ######### and it's game over, just dont go too far and leave 1 entrance open, but again can be countered by communication and teamwork, one unhooks others remove the traps from other sides, hasn't happened to me yet

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444
    edited February 2021

    Nah u need cannibal dlc to get Bbq n chilli, it's worth it for the bloodpoints, I'm currently in process of finishing up every killer to p2 with 500h played

    survivor u gotta be good and count on killer not being afk or ignoring u or camping to get points and killer gets more bloodpoints

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    I get the same treatment playing survivor when I play survivor

    People go out of their way to be nasty on this game

  • gusm09
    gusm09 Member Posts: 47

    I love playing trapper, i feel like a mastermind when one of them falls for a recently placed trap. But he also needs good perk, i'm aiming at getting Pop Goes from clown.

    Also, i've had games like that where survivors are perfectly coordinated, this was one of them. They knew my every move, if i was chasing someone multiple of them were doing generators.

  • gusm09
    gusm09 Member Posts: 47

    I don't really get mad when i get trash talked as either survivor or killer. Cause it's a waste of time to fight someone on the internet, or a game.

    But yeah, some people are very nasty and too passionate with their hate comments. Which i don't get, lol.

  • celesteismore
    celesteismore Member Posts: 173

    I had another survivor get mad at me for not being able to save them and one of them thank me for saving them before second stage. I took a hook stage for someone and ended up getting to second stage for it and I didn't complain about it. They said I messed up for not healing the person who was on death hook but I told them when I tried to I got stuck in the animation and couldn't.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    Just ignore them. No need to let people you don't know ruin your experience. People that find it okay to bully players that just had one bad match usually don't have a life.

  • gusm09
    gusm09 Member Posts: 47

    I ignore, it's just slightly disheartening when you had a tough game, and they rub it in by calling the killer "trash" or "baby"

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Being able to take abuse from Survivors is one of the core conditions that need to be met in order to play Killer. It is what it is, if you can´t take being called every name in the book or being told to ######### every day you play then Killer is just not for you. Unless you close post game chat, which is always an option.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221
    edited February 2021

    People can be nasty towards others unfortunately & have no consequence for it. Personally I think you should:

    • STOP letting other people dictate how you play. You don't need to play by the survivor rule book. Granted, I hope you don't take this advice and decide to facecamp every game, but if you need to sometimes tunnel someone out to take them out of the game because it's coming to an end, please do so. It could mean the difference between a lost and won game.
    • Have different builds for different killers. For a killer like Doc, you need a build that makes you have a large terror radius (try using Distressing and pairing it with something like Unnerving Presence/Coulrophobia). For a killer like Myers, you might want a slugging build since Tier 3 helps with that. See my gist?
    • Extras: Make sure you know when to start a 3-gen, when to slug, etc. Once again, these all contribute to whether the game is a win or a loss.

    Do not take the game seriously serious. I know it can be frustrating at times but you'll never have fun if you don't allow yourself to. Cheers mate, and I hope your games get better!

  • gusm09
    gusm09 Member Posts: 47

    I just had a game of Trapper, and they were cocky survivors, teabagging and trying to flashlight save.

    I played it great this time, they were doing the gens extremely fast. So i started setting up for a 3 gen situation. I had to take one of them out of the game, so i picked their weakest teammate and targeted him until dead.

    From then on i started trapping around the Storehouse's strongest loops, and they all fell to my traps one after another. It felt great.

    Got a 3k btw, i let the last survivor get the door. He kept me waiting for some reason. I alt-tabbed to watch a youtube video and he was still waiting at the exit gates to tbag me i guess.

  • wojtech
    wojtech Member Posts: 192
    edited February 2021

    Yu can try iron maiden instead of monitor and one of the Calm addons to increase terror radius.

    Also I sometimes run lightborn when there are many flashlights in the lobby.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    If you play nicely against swf you get bullied. Playing nice gets you nowhere in dbd except for less toxic messages post game.

    I try and hook each player multiple times and I don't camp, subsequently i ll get smashed occasionally.

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    And then survivors wonder why queu times are high -_-

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I used to give killers tips at the end of the match but they used to get mad at me for it. And tbh, rightfully so. A lot of people will interpret the advice as "you didn't play well, I can play well and I'm going to tell you why you're bad". There are very few people who will take it as actual advice. People on the forums will give advice though and my advice for you would be:

    Monitor is a bit of a meme on Doc. It's one of his perks but it doesn't synergise at all with him. You want a bigger TR so your static blast can potentially find more people. Distressing can be good on small/indoor maps like coal tower, Midwich etc. STBFL is a good perk on him though, I know a lot of Doctor players use it. And NOED is... NOED, Idk what to say about that perk. If you feel like NOED is helping you then keep running it but I would recommend something like pop or surge.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    If you want to play doc never go in without at least one discipline add on unless your low. They are the most important thing to have.

    Noed is fine on m1 killers because you are going to lose gens on most maps. Players say it is a crutch, but it beats playing a map because survivors will get all tilted and the normal play goes right out the window.

    Doc loves early pressure so whispers is perfect for getting familiar with spawns on maps. After awhile you may want to switch to discordance because I find whispers to be like bumpers in the bowling lane gutters.

    I see you have distressing doc is one where that perk works however I've mentioned legion perk discordance already just go right on and get legions perk iron maiden as well. Survivors either hide or run and the ones that hide must depend on the lockers to do so.

    With the runners zap them at pallets and windows with intentions to meet them on the other side. Don't get too zap happy in chase some pallets just need to be broken, never forget.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    I think survivor is a much easier role to play than Killer.

    I have been playing since late October last year, still fairly new. The vast majority of my hours have been on Killer. Despite this my survivor rank is higher (rank 3 survivor and rank 7 killer). This is with only playing solo queue survivor as well. Survivor is just less stressful and easier to win.

    When you encounter survivors who like to insult you on victory, it just makes me think they never play Killer, and like playing survivor as they like winning. They like the fact it's easy to win, and can pretend that they are more skilled because of it.

    With that in mind, I don't get annoyed anymore if a survivor says GG ez, as I know they're probably just a weak person.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,147
    edited February 2021

    You can watch these videos of otz but nice work on trapper. I main him and doc when I first play as killer.

  • Trashmaster
    Trashmaster Member Posts: 357

    Well, in this case you set up very badly and it'll take some serious doctoring to play without a solid loadout.

    First of all, iridescent doctor is just not the best of ideas. You'll want to combine an iridescent add-on with any purple add-on, they're all extremely useful.

    Next the perks, only STBFL is worth it out of them, maybe even the best perk to run on doc.

    Noed, absolute garbage, just don't use it in general.

    Distressing, only in terror radius build, normally it just reduces the control you have on static blast.

    Monitor, only good when used with 2 calms, can actually be pretty fun in some maps such as the game.

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444

    True nurse can counter them easy but only if u get good with her, I'm talking complete counter against best of the best not just a 4man swf.

    If you have at least 2 good loopers, 3 on gen till 1 goes down and rest doing gens non stop thats all gens in 4min easy, and thats without gen perks or toolboxes, only way to win against them is to either mind game them or take them by suprise, very few killers can do that and cant catch up before they open gate and start taking hits for the looper all the way to the gate, thats just how the game is made.

    Spirit to a certain degree but def not a full counter

    Freddy is a m1 killer he's one of the weakest ingame, kinda weird u would even think of putting him as a swf counter

    Hag, her traps are laughable and can easily be avoided by crouching or destroyed with a flashlight

    Huntress is preety broken I havent used her alot but her hatchet is a hit or miss, mostly miss, had quite a few go straight trough the center of their body only for it to miss, same with gunslinger

    again my point wasnt about how many SWF did you beat, it was that SWF are the obvious power role in the game and he shouldnt feel bad if he loses since only a few killers can take experienced SWF by suprise and that is the only way to win against them if you cant mindgame them and we're considering they arent mind gameable since most arent

  • FacuMart
    FacuMart Member Posts: 45
  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276
    edited February 2021

    Don't take this the wrong way but thr moment I saw nord, I literally could not defend you. In the true one of things, that match sucked; I know that. However, not getting a sacrifice really isn't all that, I swear its not.

    Here's an idea, Drop noed and replace it with BBQ or Pop. The more you know where your potential hooks are. The better.

    Edit: also replace monitor, it's a literal joke. Put it with nurses calling or sloppy butcher to make it easier to see who's healing who and harder to heal.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    I'm very happy to hear that the game ended up in your favor (especially as Trapper). Just please remember to play the game how you want & you'll enjoy your matches a whole lot more. Now go kill some survivors for me, will ya?

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Hey bud learning how to patrol/apply pressure is very important. If you don't want to watch video of others playing this game (like me) run tinkerer or discordance for awhile. Will help tremendously and then when you take it off you will see a big difference in you gameplay. I no longer need either of them and have seen a significant boost in my ability to apply pressure and patrol.

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444

    I still use it, it's an incredibly useful perk, so is tinkerer depending on build. Specially when it's last gen u can quickly find it before its fixed I wouldn't discourage either of them, depends on your other perks u should always have 2 gen perks if u want to consistently win in red ranks

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I didn't say anyone had to take them off. I just said you will notice improvement in your gameplay when you don't have them. For instance I'm leveling up 3 killers who don't have them I'm doing phenomenal because I ran these too perks so much. They are great perks and I'm also doing just fine without them at rank 3 which is red ranks.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited February 2021

    The kicker here is the "you suck" message at the end its just not necessary and says more about the quality of the survivors you were forced to play with rather than you as killer. Toxicity in red ranks is rampart and really why I don't like hitting the reds.

    I do like the doc though but that build will probably hurt you more than help you.

    Here's my unsolicited suggestion... Try a gen killer build.

    Distressing, unnerving presence, overcharge, and whatever you like as 4th, a chase perk or another gen killer perk, STBFL, Pop, Thana, sloppy, huntress lullaby, BBQ for BP's

    Calm and Disc or iri addon (queen or king doesn't matter)

    Knock it up a notch with a game or hawkins offering and you have map wide blast where unless the survivors are on their A-game with hitting the skill checks they'll regress the gens for you and all you have to do is run around and hit them. One big blast at the start with a follow up soon after then just let your jumbo aura do the work for you.

    Most of the time the game delay is enough for you to get a couple of survivors out and then its a cake walk as there is nowhere to hide.

    People will say this build only works against new players but I find it highly effective at all ranks.

    You'll either get overwhelmed by the number of gens exploding all the time (cue maniacal laughter) or you'll get a team who can hit those great skill checks which in most cases they'll probably wreck you anyway so just roll with it and have a laugh.

    Be ready for the salt, win or lose, I find a lot of players play survivor as if they don't actually want to play the game, they just want to belt out the gens and leave within 5mins so they can wait in another 10 min queue. This build can really drag it out which can generate a lot of hate.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    This is what's on my level 15 Legion right now.

    Discordance T2, Spies From The Shadows T1, Thanatophobia T1, Sloppy Bitcher T1.

    Do you know what match making I get for that?

    Red ranks from rank 1-3 usually all with T3 perks, really good equipment and add-ons and awesome offerings.

    Why does the game keep giving me red ranks survivors who have about 2,000 more hours gameplay than what I do?

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444

    Use one killer till u lvl up another killer, playing as base killer against red ranks is ass and can't be done, good survivors of course. U can ######### all over bad survivors with no perks easy after a few matches with the killer(that's why survivors gotta escape 8x no perks but not survivors, cause it's easy even with no perks for them)

    Those r good perks tho discordance is good on lvl2 as well, those r good perks but against red ranks unfortunately ur screwed as a newer player.

    Sadly there is no fix for the trash matchmaking yet

  • gusm09
    gusm09 Member Posts: 47

    I'm about to try this build, it seems decent, saw it on one of Monto's videos, the change is not having Huntress Lullaby, but having STBFL instead

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Sweet, good luck, doc doesn't have any real mobility tricks so often huntress' lullaby gets busted before you get any value out of it, I usually run a chase perk like STBFL or even just enduring or brutal strength to get those gen kicks off quicker.