You're New Killer/Survivor Ideas

The title is pretty self-explanatory, what are you're ideas for a killer or survivor, to be added into dbd, or what changes/reworks would you like to see happen to existing characters?
I want them to revisit the idea of The Teacher.
Idk why it just seems neat and I like the dunce cap perk icon!
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YES, I want that icon so goddam bad idc how bad the perk would be I would run it every game just for the icon
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Seeing as they've been going on a trend with the recent Survivors being members of the "Pariahs" group with 5 members total, I'd like to see the final Pariah turn out to be one of the Killers. No idea what their power would end up as or etc, I just think that'd be interesting.
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Ryuk from Death Note would be cool, He could have an Oni type ability charge, once he charges the ability he takes a survivor down one health state. L would come with Ryuk he would be a survivor with perks based towards finding other survivors and the killer. As far as teachables I have no ideas
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SOMEONE GETS IT! Like,at the top of the perk quad, would look so sweet
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I was thinking about a camera-related killer don't know how it would work or anything but it would be a neat idea.maybe like he throws a camera that can create a tripwire and slow/expose? or he can swap to the camera and tag the survivor making him be able to see them for a bit and slowing action speed?
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Wait. They were going to?
I have no idea who this person is but the killer itself sounds cool af. I'd love to see this!
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The Teacher was supposed to be The Nurse. They got scraped soon into their development though. They still have a couple of perk icons in the files though.
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Yeah The Teacher was a killer in development that was originally gonna be DLC 1 instead of Nurse but for which whatever reason they scrapped it, no one outside of the team knows why to this day
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First: "You're" is an abbreviation of "you are," so this post is titled "You Are New Killer/Survivor Ideas."
Second: I'm pretty sure the reason they didn't go with the Teacher is because that the idea of an abusive, murderous teacher... well, think about what the backstory would be.
Think about the ratings! We can't have something controversial like child abuse (Hillbilly, Huntress, Trapper, Nightmare, Twins, Legion, Cannibal, probably Clown), child death (Nightmare, Twins and Huntress again, Plague, Spirit, Nurse, maybe Clown), or abuse of authority (Doctor, Trapper, Nurse, Deathsllinger)!
Also, judging by what little we know about the Teacher, their abilities would have most likely been based around taking control away from the survivors. Taking power from the player, as we call it, is a terrible idea, and almost invariably leaves the player with feelings of frustration and helplessness, which we have enough of in this game already.
(I just realized that I was lecturing you. Like a disapproving teacher.)
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Duke Nukem (baby) / obviously an alien. Laura Croft(? Ich)/ some gumball. Magi looking person / cyclops/ogre//troll
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I think a sci-fi killer would be cool. One with a device he can place that traps any survivor that is within a certain range of it for a certain period of time. Not like trapper and his traps, this would trigger once a survivor got within maybe 5-7 meters. The survivor could still move, and loop and stuff, but they would be trapped inside of this 5-7 meter trap for like 30 seconds. The killer could enter it of course to kill the survivor, but the survivor couldn’t leave.
Maybe the trap would spawn like 3 nodes around its perimeter that another survivor could break 2 of in order to release the trapped survivor. They already have the kick animation from kicking victor, so...
That said, I’m not sure what the right number of meters is for the size trap. Maybe 5-7 is too small. Maybe it should be more like 10.
Either way, a giant shield bubble sci-fi killer would be cool.
Killer name you ask? Trapper 3021