Tired of overpowered Nurse
Honestly, it was a good idea to nerf nurse and her addons, but she is still extremely powerful.
1.If you check tournaments Nurse is able to kill a 4 swf squad (each survivors 2k hours+) using voice connection
2.An extremely experienced Nurse is really such a toxic thing to experience, not only she completely controls the whole map because of her insane mobility, same insane mobility allows her to catch survivors quickly because guess what, she has no counterplay, she ignores pallets, windows, anything that survivors were initially given to run and escape from killers
3.When i solo q on red ranks nurse is almost an impossible killer to escape from. Those tiny mistakes that can be forgiven if you are playing vs killer with low mobility become disasterous when you are playing against her. And if you get feeding randoms, or ruining survivors then its good game
4.Here is one thing that makes Nurse extremely strong. For example, if spirit uses her ability to go to the other side of the map, it is set on a cooldown allowing survivors to live for a while. But the nurse does not have this drawback.She can consequently use her power to cross large distances and then immediately keep on chasing
I would recommend changing her power so that survivors will have some kind of counterplay
P.S. I would really appreciate people who dont play survivors on purple/red ranks to not comment on this post as i was told Nurse is really not popular in lower ranks
Hahahaha. What are you talking about? They nerf her every chapter with new bugs.
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pretty much everything you say is true...
but Nurse is extremely hard to learn. Something isn't overpowered if it requires skill to use, which Nurse does. If Nurse had no punishment for blinking or missing an attack after blinking, she'd be overpowered because mistakes would not matter and anyone could use her.
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You're not allowed to say that in these forums. Everyone is supposed to pretend that Nurse is balanced because of her high skill floor, please ignore that Slinger is the same.
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Not that hard, she is extremely strong. Here is how balance should be: able to catch survivors quickly then you should not have strong mobility. Imagine clown being able to teleport? She has both. And i am already facing tons of nurses who know how to play and its just a terrible frustrating experience
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she is hard to learn? kinda yes, but after you learn it u just dont get any worse is easy to mantain it there... and everything should have counterplay, a good nurse doesnt.
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Listen, I am one of the first to call out OP killers where I see 'em. But Nurse definitely does have counterplay. Break line of sight and don't be predictable. If you follow through with your run around a loop the first time, don't do it the second time and double back on her when she teleports. Also I don't feel as bad when I get demolished by a really good PC Nurse because I know that Nurse lost a ######### ton of games before she got good.
Spirit (With Stridor) and Freddy have no counterplay. Focus on them instead.
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Nurse can't slow down survivors and is literally slower than survivors. Next.
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Well she's very hard but not actually mobile. Yes she can teleport and go through walls, and the wall part actually saves a bit of time, but outside of chases she doesn't patrol the map faster than 4.6 killers. Her range and fatigue is about equal to a walking 4.6 killer and in a straight line (or without blinking through walls) she doesn't catch up any faster to someone running away.
She also isn't affected by regular looping so pallets don't matter; usually a killer will have easier chases towards the end if the survivors used a lot of pallets while the nurse is looped the same all game long.
The game is usually decided by her skill level but also the experience of the survivors. There aren't that many nurse so most survivors don't have as much experience as they should against her. The game is played a lot differently with a nurse than other killers, so regular tactics don't work and then you get complaints for this exact reason.
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While 1) might be true, that 4 man squad destroys all other killers. Why is it a problem if the squad has a killer with a high skill floor that can actually beat them?
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Found a soulmate huh. Deathslinger is cancer, so true.
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I am sorry but i dont think a person who says that Freddy has no counterplay can comment on this topic
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So no killer should be able kill a squad of 2K+ hour survivors on coms.
Glad we can define a ceiling for killers.
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easy to maintain for a few matches? Yes. Easy to maintain after taking breaks from dbd? No. And most people who have an ounce of sanity left take a long break from this game at one point or another. I've been on this forum for less than three months but I've seen countless people making "I'm done with this game" posts, but I digress. My point is being good with Nurse and maintaining being good with Nurse takes a huge amount of time and effort
that or I'm just bad idk
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k k k k k
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This game is not about 4 man squad.It is about making the killer playable and winnable as a solo survivor
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We got a comedian, lads.
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low effort comment
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Again its not about a squad.It is about making her balanced and improving solo survivor gameplay
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Nurse is the most fun killer to go against for me, I wish there were more of them at red ranks. She ignores normal survivor defence trough pallets and creates new ones trough jukes and mindgames of LOS, thanks to slow mm speed and power usage dependancy.
Nerfing her base power further which already was overnerfed would kill her off as nobody would play such a hard killer to use without making it worth the effort to learn her.
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a couple of things:
1) this isnt really a bad thing imo. if anything, this just proves that other killers seem to be lacking something Nurse has - just because you decide to play a 4 man sweat SWF should not mean you get a guaranteed escape every game.
2.1) toxicity has nothing to do with your choice of character. Its about the way a player chooses to play the game. Not every Nurse you see it automatically toxic, just because they picked Nurse.
2.2) an extremely experienced Nurse is not only the strongest killer in the game, its also by far the rarest killer you'll ever see. Nurse in general is extremely rare in the first place, and even when you get one you usually just have a decent to good level of Nurse, which is definitely beatable.
2.3) her map mobility has been nerfed quite hard with her nerf.
2.4) saying she had no counterplay is simply false. yes, she is very dominant throughout chases and has above average map pressure, but thats it. she is lacking in the both, the game slow down and tracking aspect of the game, which can be used against her. In fact, her tracking is way below average, due to the fatigue she receives after every blink, therefore avoiding her LoS is a lot easier than with other killers - in short, her counterplay is stealth. she cant kill what she cant see.
3.1) in solo q a vast majority of killers becomes almost impossible to escape from, given that the rest of your team is usually rank 21.
3.2) a killer punishing YOUR mistakes can not be held against them. you are the one that screwed up, now you gotta live with the consequences. honestly, i generally think more killers should be able to exploit a survivors mistake more than they currently can. though i would generally say that a Nurse isnt really one of those killers that exploit your mistakes - at least not in chases. she has the power she needs to not be reliant on you screwing up to win.
3.3) the exact same argument with the mistakes can also be made for the Nurse. any tiny mistake with her can easily cost you the blink, leading to a fatigue and you losing a lot of ground on the survivor.
4) she literally has a cooldown
also one thing i would like to add:
Nurse is currently riddled with bugs. from charging your blink but actually not charging it and then having to wait out the blink animtion, but not actually blinking, over not being able to blink through things / blinking in locations you never wanted to blink to, all the way to the game not registering your click, not allowing you to attack, letting survivors get away when you should have hit them.
this is also the main reason why you almost never see Nurses. she is extremely punishing towards players that havent reached perfection yet, however these bugs constantly force mistakes on you that shouldnt have happened, which just sucks the fun out of the character for both new and old players.
before we can talk about nerfing her, we need to fix her first.
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before we can talk about nerfing her, we need to fix her first.There we go. Perfect. 🙂
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Tired of Nurse's ten hundred too many bugs
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But 4man squads are part of the game. As far as i can see, you just want the killer to have the unbeatable matchups instead of the solo survivors. Its NOT about balance, its about who should lose what.
You cant balance the game around solo survivors as long as swf is a part of the same balance system. Thats why the devs balance kind of in the middle, where swf tends to beat killer and killer tends to beat solo survivors.
Last point, how many nurses are there that can beat high skilled 4man squads? Nerf nurse for all because 0.001 % can play her well?
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Boohoo you can’t loop a nurse
Get good
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Something isn't overpowered if it requires skill to use
... are you on drugs? Overpowered stuff is overpowered no matter how long it takes to learn
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So a nurse that can beat a swf is op. How do you play against nurse? If you tried to loop a nurse you deserve to lose. Nurses are rare cause of how many bugs she keeps getting. You need to lose line of sight with her. Why do you think most nurses run whisper,bbq and some other perks to get rid of this? I appreciate those who can sweat with nurse on console and pcs.
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Nurse doesn't have a cooldown you say? What? A killer that takes hours upon hours of practice just to be decent you want her nerf even when she is a bug mess.
Base your own experience not others even extremely good nurses can lose matches against extremely good survivors.
2. Toxic for being good at a videogame huh?
3. Maybe you haven't played against good nurses so no experience against her.
4. Comparing spirit to nurse is not the way to go if you are putting an example, spirit can be mastered in like 50 hours, nurse you will never stop learning.
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we need to fix her first
Soo never? 👀
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Very few Nurses are actually godlike, not in purple ranks anyway. My usual strategy against her is to look behind while running in the open and double back or otherwise change direction when she blinks. Surprisingly often it works, and that's because nurse is difficult to play. Yes, a god Nurse is a thing, but the game should be balanced around the majority, not those few Nurse mains with 4000 hours.
My chases against Nurse last about as long as against other killers. It requires different tactics, but Nurse definitely has counterplay.
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I personally don't enjoy playing against Nurse but she is FAR from overpowered. On the one hand, she can ignore almost everything survivors have to defend themselves. But on the other hand, it takes weeks of getting destroyed every game to be even decent at Nurse.
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you literally can't actually, but I am not complaining since it takes real skill to wreck survivors
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Nurse should have her power removed. She should be strictly an M1 Killer that way she will be fair and not overpowered
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I think a better phrase is
boohoo you can't juke a Nurse
get good
She can't be looped but trust me. She can be juked. I know because plenty of survivors have been able to do it to my Nurse.
and OP. I've taken your proposal under advisement, My answer is No.
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she is not, she's been nerfed to the ground. get good complaining survivor
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While what you said is true, the number of players who are at that skill level are not that big. Maybe like .1% of the playerbase, if even that.
You should not be running into god nurses every game. Or even every other game. I only run into a problematic nurse player on weekends. On weekdays I practically never run into one. Out of 30 games I'll maybe get a God Nurse just once. It's not so bad.
More often you will run into a "good nurse" which is leagues different from a "god nurse." Good nurses are strong but make many mistakes, and you can stealth them or keep them busy for a long time in a good map location. God nurses make few mistakes and you will go down within seconds, and then IF procs and she slugs the rest of your team in under two minutes. Good nurses are not that amazing and can be countered because they make mistakes.
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Need to fix her before we nerf her, but for the most part, I can agree. She ignores everything a survivor can do. I still enjoy going against her more than Freddy.
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1. No she is not.
I watch a ton of Tournaments and Scrims and she gets an average of two Kills with builds like Ruin, Undying, Corrupt &Noed.
2. I kinda agree. A really good Nurse has not much counterplay but LOS Blocker and Dead Hard ( which almost everyone uses) should help you stay in chase for around 30/40 seconds). It's still a 4vs1, a single Survivor is not supposed to loop a Killer for 5 Gens.
3. That's a Solo Q Problem. Same could be said about Oni, Myers etc.
4. Nurse has a cooldown on top of her cooldown. Nurses cooldown has a bigger drawback than Spirits dunno what you talking about.
This sounds honestly like a get good issue.
In Pubs most Nurses are average at best but still play on easy Mode because your average Survivor plays like a DbD mobile bot.
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Weren't the addons buffed though, and by a whole lot? Before most of them really just made playing nurse harder
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yeah 😥
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Maybe I worded that wrong but I still stand by it. Nurse doesn't need a nerf because not anyone can pick up and play her well. Nurse takes commitment and skill to be good with.
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An interesting question is would nurse have been released in today’s dbd?
Of course not she’s currently a relic of the past and needs to be both fixed and nerfed
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You might wanna stop playing for a while if you are so tired of playing against her. She’s in the next tome so you might be seeing a lot more of her.
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We're about to get a flood of first-time Nurses. Match after match, survivors are going to have to stand still in one spot if they want to get some altruism points. Even then, it might take her a few tries.
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My goodness, it’s nerf killer, after killer, after killer. When will this end?! There are so many counters to nurse, you just have to break line of sight and not run in a straight line!
I hardly play the game these days due to the lack of new content and when I do it’s only to play as a nurse. If she is nerfed again I’m completely gone.
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That only means they need to nerf her AND make her easier to play
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If you don't already play nurse and get to red tanks with her. Most people that want a killer nerfed usually don't play the killer. Now then should nurse be nerfed? No. No one really plays her except people who dedicated time to learn nurse. You just can't play a killer and immediately learn their power it takes time. Shes already been nerfed anymore nerfs and she will just be more frustrating to play as. She has a nuch of bugs that blinking can hurt her more than help. When you play a God nurse you should think about the time and effort they dedicated.
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Nurse is not op, just dangerous in the right hands. How about giving credit to the player for besting you and not blaming the design. A killer's design doesn't do anything for bad players. Although killers do tend to get downgrades for a bad survivor's benefit.
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I've been a Nurse main for 3 1/2 years, I took one hell of a beating trying to learn her at the start, I ran no perks no add-ons to master her base ability at it's natural state without any extra blinks or bullshit recovery add-ons , if you say she's overpowered toss some perks on her and try out a few matches , I bet you don't come back saying she's OP anymore , survivors don't like the nurse because it turns it into a skill vs skill situation where you make a mistake and she can absolutely counter it but if you make her make a mistake or she chooses incorrectly it's just as hard on the nurse with the fatigue and the looking at the ground , that time looking at the ground can add up quick so you want to pick and choose wisely how you use blinks and how fast you can read a player and identify what type of runner they are, it's totally not as easy as you think it is.