Why does hatch exist?

The fun facts of how completely annoying this game was aside when playing a killer. I barely play this unbalanced game at all anymore with most of my friends quitting already. The one ######### thing however that made me put the game down after just 2 games after taking a break from a game for few days however is a ######### hatch.

Now I do understand that survivors always feel entitled to have chance to escape, even if they can completely skew game in their favor with 4 offerings, 4 items, and 16 perks vs killers 1 offering and 4 perks. We can even gloss over a fact that it's ######### absurd that devs think that 5 gens by 4 people is balanced for 9-12 hooks by 1 person when any decent survivor can easily loop you for half a gen or several gens. All that aside, I get it that survivors been taught that they always have a right to escape no matter what, even if they lost a game.

The hatch is such a deus ex machina bs and really if you think on it, beside the fact that people are used to it. How in the ######### is it fair? So you lost a game but do not worry, you can just find a hatch and escape, or even worse, bring a key and mass escape even if you lost a game. Now as a killer do I get anything like this? Do not ######### say noed, cause not only you can still outplay a killer, leave 1 dead and escape, but also you can actually break it.

So really, as a killer, do I get anything that just lets me now kill one or several survivors cause I just find a single button on a map? No, I ######### don't get anything like that as a killer. It's simple, if you lose as a killer, you do not get any second, third, fourth chances. You lost a chase? YOu do not have ######### dead hard to fix your missed hit, you also do not have a hatch.

Well you noob you might say, you can close the hatch. Yes, I know and thank you for bringing me to the grand point of this rant. Why are killers complaining? It's not that we can't get kills, I do believe that in kill department it's actually ok but here is a catch, you got to play like scum bag. You aint gonna get 3-4k on decent survivors if you don't camp, tunnel, slug. You got to play dirty and it's frustrating on a top of all the ######### you got to deal with survivors. I today found 2 ######### pallets in a same rubble tile, not even 5 meters away from one another, are you ######### kidding me?

Let me tell you how fun it is to have to slug a third person and then search all over a ######### map for some immersive piece of ######### survivor main that feels entitled to a win after they just lost, or for a god damn hatch. Then having to play this dumb 2 people keep reviving each other and hiding game till you finally catch them both to get a 4k. It is not fun, it is so not ######### that I am about ready to say ######### this game. I went from buying dlcs, cells, getting game for my friends to not wanting even spend a single dime on this game anymore because of how frustrating it is.

Well why do you care about 4k that much you ask? Well why do you care so much about escaping. It's ######### mind boggling how devs cuddles survivors in this game to think that it is ok for killer player to not want to reap the product of their labor and just let 4th survivor escape. How many god damn second chances do you ######### need?


  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Without hatch the last survivor would have two choices: hide or die. Now, have you ever played against survivors who hide without trying to do anything else? It's horrible. Without hatch that would be a constant.

    If you want an advice, stop caring about 4king. If the last survivor has to use the hatch to escape you already won.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    I have no problem the hatch exists, how it spawns, or what its function is.

    I have a problem with Keys.

  • Sciffer
    Sciffer Member Posts: 41

    I do believe you but is there no better way? Like devs could not come up with something less frustrating? Like what if, just if, last survivor just idk, loses the game? To emphasize the fact that it is a team game and not "if I get out it's all cool"? Lets be real here, as I said above, 4 survivors doing 5 gens 80 sec without any assistance vs 9+ hooks where each chase can be gen long is not really in killers favor.

    Fine, I get it that they been cuddled so much that they feel that they DESERVE to have a chance even if they lost. How about a door game? Basically what happens when hatch is closed? Cause let me tell you, I escape quite often by letting killer find a hatch while I open a door as soon as they close it.

    Point is, it is not fun to play a killer. What is that survivors do when they don't have fun? Oh yeah DC, well killers been dcing on a whole new level, by uninstalling this ######### game.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,123

    Actually, going by horror-movie standards, rather than the fourth survivor automatically losing, the game should just be capped at 3 survivors dying and the fourth one is always the "final girl" (or guy, but you know what I mean).

  • Sciffer
    Sciffer Member Posts: 41

    So all good points, honestly in my frustration I did forget about old days that I been told about. Still though, it is rather frustrating having to go through the whole ordeal to slug, look for last survivor, having 3rd picked up, repeat over and over till you say ######### it and look for hatch and just ignore them for a while. Finally find a hatch, find a survivor, take them down, hook and run to a hatch hopping that you get there in time. It's a ######### chore, a word that summons up playing a killer, a ######### chore.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,123
    edited February 2021

    Yeah, slugging for the 4k isn't fun, I only ever do it as killer if I'm doing some sort of challenge that requires a 4k. Otherwise, screw it.

    Killer does often feel like a chore. I haven't started up the game since before the Christmas event ended. Survivor queues are too long, not enjoying playing killer, gonna play Dying Light or something else, instead.

    In terms of the hatch, what actually needs to be done is 1. A killer should not be punished when he gets a 3k and the final survivor escapes through the hatch. Everyone always says "that's a win for the killer," but in terms of points the game doesn't treat it like one. 2. Survivors should not be told it's a win. It's a consolation prize at best. Their end screen is just "You escaped! Hooray!" but no, it shouldn't be. For one thing, the fewer gens completed, the fewer points the hatch should reward, that way all survivors are encouraged to work on gens and fewer play solely for the hatch. Also, the survivor should look all beat up and crawling on the ground or something on the end screen, showing that their team's ass got beat and their hatch escape is not the same as getting out through the exit gate.

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    The #########. The hatch legit can be closed by you, you need to just find it before the survivor does. Hatch exists because it stops the game being held hostage, gives the survivor a chance to escape without needing to open an exit gate which is basically wanting to die in itself and its not unfair or unbalanced cause you can close it.

  • Rittihilatti
    Rittihilatti Member Posts: 124

    The hatch mechanic is a clear message to entitled killermains.

    No matter what you do, what perks or addons you use, no matter how good you are, how hard you sweat, camp, tunnel...

    ...you CANT and you WONT 4k every time, becuase sometimes there will be one, who escapes.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    If the last survivor wants to escape, they should have to earn it.

    I'm so sick of this stupid dice roll to see who finds that hatch, and then you get another dice roll to see how fair or unfair the gates are. The devs should make a system that at least takes some a semblance of skill for the survivor to escape. I'm pretty sure TrueTalent came up with an idea to replace the hatch that I really liked. Basically the killer and survivor have a OoO like effect, and after enough time has passed the gates open by themselves.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482
    edited February 2021

    If you remove the hatch you'll be spending 20+ mins looking for Blendette who is doing nothing but hiding until you finally give up and open the gate so they can just leave. That or killers would feel obligated to bring whispers to find the last surv meaning they lose a perk slot just to find the last surv.

    The hatch exists as the end game when it's just the survivor vs the killer.

    Without it and it's back to hide and seek simulator.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    yeah ikr 80% of the time the killer will find it before the survivor. but its probably there to give the survivor one last shot or at least camp an exit gate when the killer closes it

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    i always felt the solution was make the birds more aggressive with revealing location if they were the last one alive

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    i mean it really shouldnt be instant. Like if the survivor had to prime it or something, or hit a button and it creates a global alert that all survs and killers can see, that the killer can then go to start regressing. Honestly same with doors. Just give the killer the ability to regress the opening of doors and hatches and it becomes a lot more skill based

  • Sciffer
    Sciffer Member Posts: 41

    What you just said makes absolutely no sense. How is it killers feeling entitled to a 4k when they clearly deserved it? I am not saying "why gates exist?" or some #########. If you lost, you lost, you can get outplayed, out perked, etc. However, if I clearly won the game, I do not see why survivor gets that extra chance, or even worse, use a key to get several escapes during a game that they lost. Sorry to break it to you buddy but it's survivors that are entitled. You know that main argument I usually hear from survivors is that they feel that they deserve a chance to escape. Well ######### man, I think I deserve a chance to get a kill even when I lose, ya know? Why don't I as a killer get to insta mori someone when a gates are opened?

  • Rittihilatti
    Rittihilatti Member Posts: 124

    If you read it again, you gain a chance to understand what i said.

    To be honest, the game is not that clear about what a win, or a loss is, since it is unable to properly determine the value you do through a match.

    Because of that, people are setting up their own rules and clarify what they did through that.

    If you think that you did enough on your last match, why do you still whining about that one escape? You know, that is one thing because you get called an entitled killermain. Im sorry for you, "man", but asking for a free mori is another (btw i would not have a problem with that idea tbh).

    Survivors did not asked for the hatch mechanic. It was always a thing from the beginning. Maybe you cant remember that because you were not here at that time?

    Probably you missed out the latest BHVR video too. They stated that they do not consider keys an issue as huge as killermains does. Keys are choosen approximately 2% of the matches, using it succesfully is a lower percentage obviously. You might meet several keys within a certain time as an individual, but these are the numbers overall, they said.

    I dont say that survivors must always have a chance to escape. Sometimes they die, even with keys and they cannot escape because it is impossible under the current circumstances. Just as a killer cannot 4k all the dime.

    I agree on that there are entitled survivors too. I agree on that if you say that the power role should be taken back a bit that was stolen by SWFs.

    But if you want the other side to be weaker, instead thinking over what you should do differently next time, you are doing it wrong.