Our Favourite Slicers N Dicers, Who's Innocent And Whos Guilty?

ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

So after reading a post from @Dabihwow about the Clown and his personality it got me thinking, Despite Clown(Obvious Evil [BAD WORD]) just how many of the killers are willing to torture and kill, and which are hesitant.

The people I'm not sure about the most are Blight, Hag and Joey from the Legion

Game Time!

Pick any killers you'd like and say if you think they're "Innocent" or "Guilty" Innocent being for those that are being manipulated or "Forced" to kill. Guilty being those that enjoy it and love carrying out the dirty work. Try and give a reason why you believe so, Aim to come up with a unique one!

Feel free to use Perks/Cosmetics or even your own Detective's hunch(Wink) to draw your conclusion.

Example: Susie and Trapper may be considered "Innocent" by some as trapper was tortured in to killing by the entity and Susie by her best friends.

Deathslinger could be considered guilty for the facial hair alone, but also because his backstory reveals from a young age he had a dark mind, he was planning on inventibg a device that ripped eyes from they're sockets.

Maybe you see it from a different angle? Could everyone be innocent? Or Everyone be Guilty?

I know this is kind of a weird topic as some of these killers have already been revealed, but who knows maybe someone thinks otherwise... I think a good conversation may just spark somewhere! I look forward to hearing what you guys think



  • ImHexyAndINoed
    ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504

    I agree, it seems she also worships the entity, which is why she kills. Maybe she's being manipulated that she's pleasing the gods by killing?

    Any choices for Guilty?

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I would consider Wraith, Trapper, Susie, Spirit, and Charlotte I guess

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Suzie isn't innocent. Part of her backstory is how she brutally mugged someone and left him for dead.

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    I don't think we should consider cosmetics descriptions canon, there's a lot of weird stuff in there.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    Bubba is innocent but his family (specifically Drayton) knows better & is definitely evil. Bubba is genuinely scared of other people therefore he kills out of fear, and usually the people he kills are intruders of his home anyways. As for the cannibal/mask-wearing stuff, it's how he was taught to live ever since he was a little kid so you cannot completely blame him for his ways.

    He is basically his family's protector, and he obviously doesn't want to disappoint them, so he does what he feels he needs to do. Just don't poke the bear & Bubba shouldn't see you as a threat lol.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 291

    Doctor, Clown, Legion, Pig, Myers, Huntress, Leatherface, Hillbilly, Deathslinger, Oni - complete and utter #########, probably love every second of it.

    Wraith, Nurse, Spirit, Plague, Hag, Twins - decent folk who got screwed over in their life, now Entity is screwing their brains in the afterlife and they are miserable.

    Blight - didn't know when to freaking stop and think.

    Demogorgon - just angry because Stranger Things writers don't know when to quit.

  • rats00
    rats00 Member Posts: 194

    The list is easy.

    Are they an original character by Behavior and are male? They are evil.

    Are they an original character by Behavior and are female? They are innocent victims.

    Its a trend I was really, really hoping they would stop and then they didn't.

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    Doc is innocent. He just wanted to get first place in the science fair

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    I think by far the most guilty killers are Doc, Oni, and Ghostie (if we're counting him). I mean... He's literally a serial killer.

    Innocent, Wraith's up there. My bing bong boi went through a lot of #########. Plague is also up there, as is Spirit.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Doctor is most certainly guilty, for many reasons. But I saw a theory that he studied under a Nazi scientist, which would make a lot of sense.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 291

    The Huntress is far from innocent. She killed entire families and then kept kidnapped children as pets, watching them die a slow and painful death. Legion girls are also not innocent because simping for a bully is not an excuse.

  • rats00
    rats00 Member Posts: 194

    The legion girls would walk on all charges in Canada and be given witness protection and the medias favour. They would absolutely be viewed as victims of Frank.

    For huntress I may have missed extended lore for her but she is supposed to be essentially an animal right? Mother died when she was young and self taught to survive?

    Huntress may be an exception if I am ass backwards on that. But she'd still just be the exception like wraith.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    I mean, yes, most of the original female killers are innocent, other than Huntress and Halfway Charlotte.

    But plenty of the male original killers are just as much victims.

    Wraith did nothing wrong. Probably tortured by The Entity.

    Trapper was tortured by the Entity and probably had an abusive, manipulative father.

    Hillbilly was abused literally most of his life.

    Blight was driven mad by the Entity.

    None of them are "evil", they were forced into their current situation by either their parents or the Entity.

    The only killers that fit this stereotype you see is Oni, Doc, and Clown. Ghostface too, but he's the weird half licensed cousin.

    And I'd say Julie and Suzie are still pretty damn evil. Julie leaned hard into Frank's way of life.

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801

    Why Susie lol she’s murderous and definitely guilty

  • rats00
    rats00 Member Posts: 194

    You're right, I am being a little salty on this. It's just extremely annoying to see the frequency of this as it reinforces the whole no agency for women hyper agency for men. It's not fair to anyone and I'd like to see devs break out of these stereotypes more often.

    Still tho, you won't see near as much sympathy for trapper or Billy that you will for the legion girls and it feels like the core story really wants you to feel that they are doing it due to Frank's control.

    I just want to have a really cool psychopath that's a women. A character where there is no argument and is a good old fashioned monster for us to play as.

    Instead it's pick your flavor of victim/debatable victim....

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    That's because her friends forced her to be, Julie is the most psychotic of the bunch, next to Frank. Susie was that girl who wanted to fit in, in tome 3 cutscene for Legion shes in the background cowering at what shes watching, in the lore she barely took a jab at the body of the Janitor

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    I can see your grievances (I actually do see a lot of sympathy for Wraith and Trapper).

    I'm unsure about Joey, but I think he's the most hesitant if cosmetics are to be believed, but I can't remember.

    I feel like for the most part, DbD has made every killer at least slightly understandable. Most of them were systematically abused for a long period of time, all in various ways. Frank is a foster kid who had a long, hard life. His most recent foster father was an alcoholic who never paid attention to him.

    Even Kazan (Oni) THINKS he's doing the right thing. I mean, he's still a murderer and 100% in the wrong, but he thinks he's right.

    That leaves only Doc, Ghostie, and Clown, but he never really had parents so he's somewhat debateable.

    I'd say that ONLY Doc and Ghostface fit this stereotype. That's pretty damn little for a game about murders.

  • rats00
    rats00 Member Posts: 194

    For wraith I have see lots of sympathy as well. This thread is probably the first time I have ever seen anyone say trapper/hillbilly weren't just evil to be honest.

    For legions backstory it's hard for me to not view it through my countries legal system. A Canadian jury would not hesitate to punish Frank and Joey, Suzie would likely be brought in as a witness and Julie would only face punishment if she refused to roll on Frank.

    Also thanks for not immediately jumping down my throat with insults like I normally experience with this topic. It was nice for a change.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 291

    Huntress is not an animal. She is an absolute sociopath.

    • She didn't kill to survive. She did it for sport, switching from large animals to humans. A hermit who is one with the nature is more likely to avoid people and only act in self defense, not actively pursue unlucky strangers and slaughter them.
    • She has no empathy. She had a loving mother, she knew how it feels to lose a mom, but it didn't stop her from forcefully taking girls after disemboweling their parents (and brothers) before their eyes. Her affection towards the girls was extremely selfish: she didn't care that they were traumatized, sick, starving and absolutely unwilling to call her "Mom".

    As for the Legion gals, we're not talking about how the legal system would treat them, we're talking about their actual guilt and they're certainly guilty. Even that one, who wasn't that willing to stab people - she could've grown a spine and told the police, but she chose to stay complacent.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897
    edited February 2021

    Mikey is definitely guilty. He commited his first murder when he was just 6 years old. His own sister too. For no particular reason. He's never wanted to put the knife down since.

    As his psychiatrist Dr. Loomis said "I realized that what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply evil".

    Post edited by Dwight_Fairfield on
  • UrbanEvasionuser
    UrbanEvasionuser Member Posts: 67
    edited February 2021
  • UrbanEvasionuser
    UrbanEvasionuser Member Posts: 67

    Trapper- Sort of Innocent

    Wraith- Innocent

    Hillbilly- Innocent

    Nurse- Guilty as hell

    Michael- Guilty

    Hag- Sort of Innocent

    Doctor- Guilty as hell

    Huntress- Guilty

    Bubba- Guilty as hell

    Freddy- Guilty

    Amanda- Guilty as hell

    Clown- Guilty


    F.J.S.J- Guilty

    Plague- Innocent

    Danny- Guilty


    Oni- Guilty as hell

    Deathslinger- Guilty

    P.H- Guilty

    Blight-Sort of Innocent

    Twins- Sort of Innocent

  • rats00
    rats00 Member Posts: 194

    From my talking to someone else I realize I was letting my salt talk a bit. My last break was right before the rifts came out, so it seems a lot was added since then.

    Its clear since then much has changed, so I do back down a bit on it.

    I do still feel it's a little more lopsided then it should be but I get I was letting myself get to upset.

    Also I agree with your other comment about PH. He only hurts you if you want him to.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    actually, the devs said that cosmetics are technically canon in the lore, but they are other versions or different multiverse versions of the character, like how there is future or past versions of skins. This means that in the Susie skin, she was more hostile and dangerous, but the regular Susie is not.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    I'm just a pretty big fan of DbD's lore. It's probably the most exceptional part of the game imo. It's fantastic (most of the time. I find Hag's lore to be meh).

    I try not to view put the fictional characters of the game into a real life jury system, otherwise it'd be all over the place. Wraith would certainly be charged with Manslaughter nowadays, then just the straight up murder of Azarov. It's hard to say in a realistic way, as a lot of the killers are literal magical beings.

    And no problem! This is just a videogame after all, I don't like jumping down peoples throats (though I've unfortunately certainly done it.)

  • panernaners
    panernaners Member Posts: 243

    In my opinion this is how the list would be. I'm going to separate them into 4 categories NA, innocent, grey area, and guilty.

    NA: demo and pyramid head

    Their both not human and pyramid head just doesn't make sense for this question.

    Innocent: Hag, spirit, Plague, and Charlotte

    All four of them did nothing wrong and obviously wouldn't have made a deal with the entity if they didn't have to.

    Grey area: Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Leather face, and blight. maybe Susie and joey but they are both complicit in Frank and Julies crimes.

    The first three and leather face had a bad upbringing or were acting out of revenge so it doesn't make them innocent or guilty because they never really got a chance at life and we don't really know if they would be different if they had the chance. Blight is weird because he was a survivor but then was changed to be a killer but that isn't what he was trying to do he was trying to escape but he got addicted to collecting and experimenting with the pustula flowers so that's why I put him here.

    Guilty: Nurse, Myers, Doctor, Huntress, Freddy, pig, clown, Julie, frank, ghostface, oni, and deathslinger

    All of these killers are obviously evil to me. The only ones I see an argument for is huntress or the legion members they are a product of their environment but unlike hillbilly or leatherface they are aware enough to know that what there doing is wrong huntress doesn't have to be super territorial and kill every thing and the legion members breaking point was when they killed the janitor they changed form delinquents to murderers. everyone else hopefully is obvious that they wanted to join the entity.

    What do you think? did I remember the lore wrong somewhere or do you just disagree?

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Trapper is anything but innocent, he already killed like 100 or more miners before being taken to The Fog, he was tortured because he refused to follow orders not because he didnt want to keep killing, after killing his father he became his own master and didnt want to bow to a new one.

    I bet if The Entity took him to a realm where he has to eat cake and enjoy life he would need some coercing too.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Wraith is innocent.

    IMHO the mercenaries were killed out of pre-emptive self defense, they were killing everyone and burning down the villages. No different than the Nazis. They had to be stopped.

    What happened at Autohaven? I honestly think Azarov deserved it. He was using employees to unknowingly murder for money. It's very likely Philip would have been killed after he discovered people were in the trunks of the cars to be crushed.

  • panernaners
    panernaners Member Posts: 243

    If you want someone who is very obviously evil who is female look at nurse she is messed up in the head even if she was having a hard time with life it doesn't make what she did any less evil

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    in general, any killer that is deformed in unnatural ways (e.g. iron hooks growing out of their back) were hesitant.

    these deformations are a sign that the entity had to torture them to do its bidding, according to the Devs.

    so any Killer that isnt weirdly mangled actually does their "job" (sacrificing survivors) willingly and therefore has to be considered guilty.

    though the whole torture aspect might also only be taking place, because the killers didnt want to SACRIFICE survivors, but just to slaughter them. so the entity kind of had to force them to submission, but not because they were innocent.

    especially with the tomes that keep releasing i feel more any more insecure about my rankings of who is innocent and who isnt by that rule - Doctor for example would have to be seen as innocent, however with his backstory revealed more and more i feel like the entity only tortured him so that he would stop experimenting on survivors and actually goes ahead and sacrifices them to it, as it wants him to.

    so the only killers i now deem "innocent" would be the ones whose backstory states that they didnt chose to become what they became, but were forced into it by some tragic circumstances - e.g. Huntress, Hag or the Twins.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    Nurse is both insane and under the impression that she's euthanizing people who can't function due to mental illness / are in pain. Given her abilities, the kind of things that survivors do, and the whole Entity thing, it makes sense why she would think that.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    Nurse, Bubba and Pyramid Head are all completely justified from their point of view.

    Bubba is scared to all hell and thinks the survivors want to hurt him and his family. He has no idea that what he's done is wrong. In his eyes, we're the monsters.

    Nurse genuinely believes that she's helping the survivors by putting them out of their misery. That was her excuse for killing the asylum patients, even the ones she loved, and in her Mori, she strokes the survivors face.

    Pyramid Head is from another dimension, and is a manifestation of a desire to be punished. Being guilt incarnate, what he's doing is literally his definition. If he wasn't punishing people, he wouldn't exist.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    Thank goodness I am still on there as independent since I don't support either set of liars lol. I don't vote since I see it as cartel 1 versus cartel 2 arguing over who gets to steal from us. That's scarier than most dbd killers though, maybe AOC should be the next licensed killer. She got dem crazy eyes. wooooshooosh snap... crazy eyes. If I saw that in game I'd probably drop the controller the first time. whether it's through jump scare or laughter I couldn't tell you yet, I just know it could lead to me dropping the pad.