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Really stuck getting traction with Myers

Being a big fan of the Halloween series except 3 and redemption just don't they will make you dumber having seen them, especially redemption its like a bad low budget fan flick that makes no sense and has some of the worst acting you'll ever see but I digress...

I really want to like Myers in this game and I think his power is a great idea that really captures the creepy nature of his character in the films, but...

I for the life of me can't find a way to make him work, I feel he's just to slow to get going in the current game climate.

I'm not adverse to losing a few gens at the start as I main Hag and Trapper mostly, but you leverage a lot from their powers and tend to snowball in the midgame. I just can't seem to find that same kind of traction with Myers.

I could run through all the varying builds I've tried but I'd rather just hear what others have done to make him work. I've watched a few good vids about him and from time to time replicated that kind of success but its really hit and miss, not consistent at all.

Kinda feels sluggish and unless you secure multiple downs at tier 3 its a lot of set up for very little return, powering up to get 1 to 2 hooks.

Any suggestions or builds would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Member Posts: 2,114

    Playing killer IS a hit or miss. It doesn't matter how good the killer you play is because good survivors will understand how to play against every killer so I wouldn't blame it entirely on myers.

    I would recommend infectious fright (for snowball potential with T3), bamboozle (myers vaults faster at T3 and bamboozle makes it even faster) and maybe nurses calling (your TR will be lower at T2) and monitor and abuse (even lower TR for every tier and to combo up with infectious fright as it works based on TR and your TR increases by 8 while in chase).

    2 Hooks from a single T3 run is actually the ideal amount provided they were both healthy before they went down. Try and slug another person if you can with the help of above perks and apply pressure. Downing 2 people applies pressure to the entire team and no one will be on gens. Also the first down with T3 should be instant. Always 99% your stalk meter and tap M2 when you are sure that you will get the insta down.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I wish I could offer you a magic bullet. I'm a Myers main myself. I chose him because, like you, I'm a fan (although I really only think the first movie matters). I also picked him because he is a hard, essentially an M1 Killer with some creative Build options which allow you to have really like 3 different Killers in one.

    The only thing that will get you better at Myers is time in grade, i.e. a lot of hours honing the basics. He is as basic as they get. You need to be able to Mind Game, Loop, Herd, know when to break off chases, and when to camp, slug, and even Mori. I prefer the Spooky Myers build (what many call the Jump Scare) so I'm slow. If you want Perk suggestions, Play With Your Food, Corrupt Intervention, some kind of Information Perk, and whatever else you want to throw in there. The rest is all basics. Myers is only ever as good as YOU are going to be.

  • Member Posts: 252

    For Myers..The best idea from personal is what I call "Wait and bait"..You get teir 2 up to the little bit left til teir 3 and hold It til you are in case and when you know you can get the hit off....POP THE Tier 3. Usually works.

    for perks

    I run his "Save the best for last" cause It basically makes him swing faster which is always a bonus..Sometimes with knockout and deer stalker thrown in for more control. The best idea is to knock one turd down and then hunt another one..Hook someone If you see no one else around..Otherwise chase anyone they will be too scared to save their friend until the expose of teir 3 is off them.

    Zeus up there gots some good perk ideas as well (And not as gimicky as mine) so try his out first.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    Something to keep in mind is that Myers essentially has 3 separate powers. EW1 where you have permanent Undetectable but are slower and have a shorter lunge, EW2 where you are a standard killer with half the normal Terror Radius, and EW3 where you have insta downs, better lunging, and better vaulting. It is your job to use each one of his different powers when they are most useful and make your build around whichever one you are planning on using the most.

    So... your mileage may vary greatly with this build... but this is how I make Myers work.

    I run Surveillance, Oppression, Nurses Calling, Sloppy Butcher and Boyfriend's Letter. What I do is I do not leave EW 1 until I feel I need the extra power and mobility that EW 2 and 3 give. I get downs by playing very hit and run with Sloppy and Nurses with extra regression and info from Surveillance and Oppression. It is my personal opinion that EW1 is criminally underused. You have no idea how often teams fall to pieces when they have zero clue where the Killer is for 90% of the Trial.

    However, that is by no means the only way to run Myers. If you want to rush to EW3 and snowball... faster stalk add ons are good along with Play With Your Food and Infectious Fright. If you want your EW2 to be super scary... maybe run Monitor and Abuse and Dead Rabbit and rock a 4 meter Terror Radius as an otherwise normal killer, maybe with Save the Best for Last and only pop your 99'd EW3 to ruin the Obsession's day and save stacks.

    So... tl;dr: Figure out which aspect of Myer's kit you want to lean on and come up with a build that highlights it.

  • Member Posts: 1,302

    Recommended viewing, how to win almost every game with stock Myers.

    The basic idea is to never M1 in tier 1 and 2, and only attack once you have tier 3 ready.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Myers isn't a very strong killer, unfortunately. He's mostly an m1 killer, after a lot of set up, who occasionally has a slightly longer lunge and instadowns. That, vs any decent team, is just never going to happen. No perk, playstyle or build can change that.

    So just try to have fun with it. One of my favourite builds is a pseudo-T2 Myers. I run Sloppy, M&A, Nurses, and BBQ (entirely for the bloodpoints, it's very interchangeable. Corrupt would definitely be better). I get a T3 99'd, pop it, snowball as hard as I can to apply Sloppy to as many people as I can, and spend the rest of the trial as an m1 killer with Sloppy, Nurses calling and an 8m terror radius.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Cheers for the feedback and some build ideas,

    Not much more to do then but time my activating closer with tier 3 for an auto down and get better at stalking for quicker tier up. Have yet to unlock M&A on him.

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    play only in tier one for a trial (or ten). It really helps with understanding what you can get away with in terms of having no red stain and no terror radius.

    Also, slugging is your best friend if you want to build pressure without relying on cheap (imo) perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    I main Trapper and Myers. My go-to build is Corrupt, Pop, Brutal Strength and BBQ. Pretty generic for the mot part, except for brutal.

    Bear in mind that I play 90/100 matches without addons. He´s strong without them.

    You need to abuse your stealth to the best of your ability to get some good stalk in at the start. It´s usually a good idea to pop T3 early, get a down (or force a ton of pallets, hence brutal strength) and then get rolling with BBQ+Pop. The next guy either goes down super fast too or gives you even more free pallets.

    Use Tier 3 as often as possible, but try not to waste it. Tier up immediately before a hit.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Ok then from not feeling it to wrecking face in 2 days.

    Main problem taking swings in Tier II forget about it get to Tier III and smack down.

    Don't lament not getting two downs in tier 3, if the chase would drag you to far away from the first down then go back and just hook em, you'll get em back.

    Vault the windows he's so damn quick at it just vault it.

    Timing the tier 3 for the insta down straight into a new chase for the second down is the key and its getting more consistant.

    Rewatch halloween 1, 2, H20 and the latest release, the four best of them all.

    Play it like Myers, stalk creeply, only swing when it counts and chase on your terms.

    So far only 4k's and 3ks with hatch. Typically lose 1 to 2 gens at the start but it snowballs everytime you start the hook trading. Mid game is a tier 3 slug fest for added pressure. Someone will often bleed out and I apologise for nothing.

    Probably tunnel a lil more than I would like but so far that seems to be part of it all and typically tunnel into a slug not a rehook just for the extra pressure and to avoid DS. Unbreakable is the main enemy but it aint that bad.

    Current build till I unlock other perks is M&A, BBQ, Discordance, infectious fright.

    Discordance is great for getting that early multiple survivor stalk over quickly, infectious for the next target tier 3 downs, M&A to crank up the creept factor, BBQ for the 'hellavit' or bonus BP.

    I haven't had to kick gens much and the only time I'v estruggled was with a coordinated team that spli tup from the get go so discordance was useless for most of the match. It was still a 3k in the end but it was sweaty. Think I found my new main for a while.

    Time to get a wider perk spread and try some fun builds, jumpscare, infinite T3 killfest etc.

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