How long will it take to find a match with 4 green keys

What do you think, how long will it take for a killer NOT to leave this lobby?
BTW i think the DS-Nerf is fine, the OoO nerf is fine even though the perk will basically dead... but the fact that Moris AND DS AND OoO all got addressed before keys while keys are still in a buffed state where a key holder can pick and choose the hatch location with a brown offering (where he has jump priority and cannot be grabbed) is utterly ludicrous
So yea. Let's see how long it takes for a killer NOT to instantly leave this lobby. Currently up to 8 killers joining and leaving, and counting ^^
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Update: the 9th killer stayed and committed his killer pick (Hag), a perk slot (Franklins), both addons (Mint Rag / Grandma's Heart) and his offering (Black Ward) to countering our key shenanigans. Close game, deserved victory for them
Now ask yourself: Should a simple item a single survivor can have with a single brown offering by that same survivor have the power to demand a specific killer pick with a specific red addon and a dedicated perk slot to have any chance of countering it? No?
*Then why are keys still not being fixed?*
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
PS: To be objective and actually make two key (badumm tss) suggestions:
Using the key to open a hatch should be a 5-10 second action with a "difficult" skill check, brand new part style
Touching a regressing generator should only stop the regression after AT LEAST as much time as the animation for the killer to kick it again takes, no 0,1 second mid-looping touch undoing the kick.
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keys should not work until either the gates are powered or you are the lasts urvivor left alive, so that they can reopen a closed hatch while the egc timer still goes down even then. anything else is not on par with mori, you can't get killed early, you can't escape early. hopefully the survivor queue time stays bad just a little bit longer to get them to do that fair change. those queue lengths are the only reason they finally put the needed conditions on ds and are even considering looking at object.
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Thing is the 2 most crucial powerups for "toxic squads" are still going to be in the game - Dead Hard to make loops THAT much safer and longer, and keys for a free escape after 1 death tops. It's dumb. It's dumb to the point where i intentionally run Plunderers Instinct on almost every survivor and i get a key in like 60% of my matches.
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lol yeah if you check enough chests you get one every few games at least often enough with plunderer. how are the queue lengths tonight after the ds change for survivor queue length compared to previously? I'd have to download the game again ps5 or I'd have checked by now. I made space for the nioh remastered collection for one of the games by deleting dbd and crysis remastered so I could preload them the other night.