Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

There are enough anti-slugging perks. DS shouldn't be one of them

You can still hop into a locker to avoid being slugged. Forcing killer either to eat DS or leave you to chase someone else. In 2nd case you just start healing or working on a gen. Killer won't come back to check if you're out of the locker already, this is not efficient. So basically locker tech left unchanged which is just infuriating anti-momentum situation, The main reason why killers hate DS. It should be on killer to decide if he wants to pick you up (tunnel you) or leave you on the grond to apply pressure and give your teammates/perks chance to pick you up.

Slugging is not tunneling. Locker should not save you against slugging. Make DS Anti-tunneling tool, not swiss army knife


  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    because they want to force DS and don't want to be slugged im not missing anything

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Whats the problem, them being in the locker means they are not doing gens meaning the killer still have pressure. Because of this there doesn't seem to be a difference between slugging the survivors and leaving them in a locker.

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387
    edited February 2021


    Because I've heard literally no-one but you say that "People use DS to not be slugged".

    Frankly, people who use DS are GOING to be slugged regardless, it makes killers slug them, even when they don't want to. That's it's counterplay. Survivors hide in the locker to not be slugged while holding onto DS, yet the perk is literally useless when you get downed.

    You try to kill someone using the 4-minute timer that is the 'downed' state, purposefully. That's slugging.

    An anti-slug perk limits the effect of that, or just plain defies it, by bringing you up a health state, or by making it easier to crawl to other survivors/avoid the killer.

    The point of anti-slug limits the downside of being downed, and punishes the killer in some fashion if they do slug.

    However, DS does nothing of the sort. DS simply prevents survivors from being picked up by the killer. It does nothing to minimize the problems that come from being slugged, in fact, it's weaker when you're being slugged with DS, because it's countered by it. You're both dying AND unable to be picked up without the Killer risking a stab to the back.

    Still think you're well-informed on how DS works and what it's used for? Didn't really think through that DS causes slugging more than it makes slugging weaker.

    Tl;dr: Decisive strike is useless when you're slugged. While it's still in effect, you're on the ground, dying, and the killer is waiting because now both scenarios are both in his favor when he's slugging you. He can either wait for you to die on the ground, or wait for DS to expire.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    yes. really. Slugging is making survivor do nothing and forcing his teammate to pick him up. Slugging is basically applying pressure on 2 survivors, which you can't apply if survivor is in the locker. Killer must decide when to pick you up, or when to leave you on the ground. Not you

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    which pressure? Killer is right here. Will you sit in the locker when he's gone? No. You'll heal or do a gen. And there is no killer to stop you from that now He won't come back to check if you left the locker. If you're slugged it's you and your teamate not doing gens. When killer is not even here. Locker DS Destroys it

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387
    edited February 2021

    I literally do not see how DS can make this Anti-slug if it does nothing to make slugging less useful.

    For starters, DS activates when you've been hooked. The perk does nothing if you're downed before you get hooked. IF the killer is looking to slug people, DS would do jack.

    If the killer downs you after you've been hooked, he'll either wait you out, or leave you alone regardless because DS is in play. That effectively makes the cause, you having DS and the killer knowing it, lead to the effect, the killer either waiting you out or leaving you on the ground, and both options involve slugging. It doesn't prevent it, it incites it, and does nothing to reduce what slugging does to you or to your teammates.

    When you hop in that locker, you're "countering" slugging? True, you're not on the ground BLEEDING to death, waiting for god knows how long for that one survivor to come in to save you. While you're in that locker, now you're effectively the most safest teammate with 3 others working on generators, with the killer pressuring a SINGLE survivor, so that means they're all free to repair for as long as he's in front of you. This perk counters tunneling more effectively whilst in lockers because that killer either has to wait several seconds for DS to expire whilst you're inside the locker, which only happens if the killer wants you dead, I.E: tunneling you, and be punished by letting 3 survivors work on generators with absolutely no fear for up to 1 minute. Or the killer can leave, pressure other survivors, and you go out until you do anything useful as a survivor to stop DS from working, effectively countering tunneling, because now the killer is pressuring the other survivors.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    All you would be doing is removing legitimate instances of tunneling if ds deactivated in a locker which overall is terrible.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Slugging unhooked survivor is not tunneling. That called applying pressure and locker DS prevents this. If killer is chasing you after unhook to leave you on the ground that's not tunneling. If you're slugged you have a chance to get picked up by teammate or perk. Killer trying to hook you again is tunneling. Killers should be able to slug whenever they want whoefver they see. Picking up unhooked person? no. That's tunneling.

    Idk why i have to explain this

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193
    edited February 2021

    dude just run and don't jump in a locker. You'll DS him if he picks you up. If not - your teammate had enough time to pick you up

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    but... DS is an anti tunneling perk already...

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387
    edited February 2021

    Sigh, you're absolutely thick, aren't you...

    If you want a perk that can be described as 'anti-slug', Unbreakable activates when you are downed, and relies on slugging to work in the first place. It is useless when you are being tunneled, because you're not on the damn ground to use the perk.

    DS relies on tunneling to work, which by your logic, is 're-hooking a survivor' which means the killer has to pick you up, but it does nothing against slugging, which becomes useless for as long as you're on the ground until you are picked up, in which instance, the killer is not slugging you, but is instead tunneling because he is trying to re-hook you.

    If the guy with DS hides in the locker, he's not countering slugging, he's countering tunneling because he cannot pick you up to rehook you without being stabbed.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    "Hiding in a locker to force the killer to hook someone else is not successfully countering tunneling, but is instead countering 'slugging', despite you not being slugged in the first place."

    So even you just told me DS prevents slugging in fisrt place Which means you can't slug survivor even if you want. Which means perks has anti - slugging purpose

    Perk that prevent's slugging is an anti-slug perk too, my friend

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387
    edited February 2021

    For starters, I mentioned the first part to set the logic you're trying to tell me here, though I failed to mention that I was doing that. I was not agreeing, nor intentionally saying that the perk counters slugging, for [Angy bleep] sake.

    I'm standing by my statement that the perk does not counter slugging.

    Once again, I said the first part (before deleting it after I realized I had just gone against what I said, accidentally) so I can reiterate the logic, work through said logic, and break it down.

    And if perks are considered 'anti-slug' by preventing the killer from doing so in the first place, then that would mean Sprint Burst is anti-slug because it prevents the killer from catching you for a few more seconds, which means it denies them the capability of slugging you.

    Do you not see the logic you're placing upon DS in locker right now? You've literally said that most of the perks in DBD counter slugging by your line of thinking.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193
    edited February 2021

    " which means it denies them the capability of slugging you."

    How dare survivors to escape from me in chase

    No. Because in case with DS, Killer caught you already and you just want to stun him or make him go away. Annihilating option to slug you. There is nothing else Locker DS do. Just prevents slugging. If killer is tunneling - he'll pick you up anyway. If not - he wants to slug. And you jump in a locker because of that

    Think about it

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Then just don't tunnel the survivor. Weather or not they are in a locker or not you still tunneled the person. That's logic.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Tunneling is intention to hook survivor again. I didn't pick him up which means i didn't tunnel. I just can't find the unhooker

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I am confused by my own comment, I wrote that half-thought out.

    DS is an anti-tunnel perk, not an anti-slug perk. It does nothing when you are in the dying state and not being picked up.

    Unbreakable, tenacity, WGLF, and flip-flop even are anti-tunnel perks.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    it prevents slugging if you hop in a locker. So it has anti-slugging purpose and it should go

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    With the DS nerf incoming, I believe that even though survivors can do this still, it will not be that big of a deal. Right now if a survivor pulls the locker BS DS, then yeah it will suck for you. However, when the nerf comes it will be much less powerful since the second they do anything that progresses the game the timer will be paused, meaning if you come back and they thought you had left, they will be completely unprotected by it.

    I wouldn't really say that lockers make it an anti-slug perk either. Just because you can't slug them if they jump in a locker doesn't necessarily mean that it is also an anti-slug perk.

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387
    edited February 2021

    What the [bleep]? Did you just go against your own logic?: "If killer is tunneling - he'll pick you up anyway. If not - he wants to slug. And you jump in a locker because of that"

    Maybe he will want to tunnel and eat the ds. But for starters, there's a chance he's tunneling and will just leave you there regardless. After all, not all killers think alike.

    Secondly, you've just admitted that the perk does nothing when you're on the ground, and therefore, does not counter slugging.

    If the perk counters slugging because you did something to prevent that from happening for a moment, such as hiding in a locker, then you've just said every perk that wastes the killers time is anti-slug.

    Every word you say is a contradiction on it's own, and is becoming less and less meaningful.

    Want to say that's not what you meant? I'm afraid you did when you said this: "Annihilating option to slug you."

    You've said it from your own mouth. DS in locker counters Slugging because "it removes the option of slugging you". You'v effectively said most of the perks in the game are anti-slug, which I'm sure is not your intention, since you have also said that "If you're slugged you have a chance to get picked up by teammate or perk." which means, DS is NOT a slugging perk because you were never slugged to begin with, and even if you did, it did nothing to help.

    Congratulations. You've now become a walking contradiction that has spouted nothing but nonsense in a baseless argument. Any and all further argument against this will no longer have any meaning simply because you continuously defy your own logic in an attempt to sound right, and all because you refuse to accept losing.

    Good day, and

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    i knew our conversation was pointless and people like you will always stand their ground. Have a nice day

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387
    edited February 2021

    And to you too, sir.