Why do nurses run slowdown like corrupt?

You're playing the best killer in the game who doesn't need slowdown like I'm lost at that logic. Sure run whatever but it just confuses me
Because they can. Need there be any other reason?
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Because not all nurses are god-tier. She's worst killer according to stats so there's a lot of bad nurses who needs slowdown
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Any killer can be gen rushed. Survivors that know how to play against a Nurse know to play stealthy when they can and to juke when they are in a chase. You need something slowing down the gens while you look for people.
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Because it's strong and there's nothing stopping them. Most Nurses I've gone agaisnt recently have been running Ruin/Undying/Infectious Fright. Why? Because why not, that why.
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It's not even that they need a slowdown, why wouldn't you give yourself the best chance to 4k when you're playing the hardest killer to learn at Red Ranks? survivors don't care about my fun when they run bullshit perks they don't need, so why should I care to run a slowdown perk and slug them at 5 gens like an #########?
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Because there are a lot more average nurses than good ones.
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Because they probably just aren't the best nurse. You should play a few games as nurse with no slowdown and see why they do it.
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All killers need slowdown to beat strong survivors. Especially if you plan to get your kills with more than 1 lousy hook per survivor (without slugging/tunneling). Reminder: The max number of hooks is 12 - not 4.
That being said I'm sick of running slowdown perks because they add nothing to the game in terms of interesting gameplay variables so I often run whatever I enjoy.
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Killers are only good if they run garbage perks and play by the rule book
Survivors though? Run BT/DS/DH/Unbreakable all you want; you are amazing at the game
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If they're a bad Nurse, they want a chance to learn and not get destroyed within 7 minutes.
If they're a good Nurse, it's for two reasons:
- They want a more easier, laidback game.
- They aren't confident in their ability to play this game lol
I literally just run BBQ, Whispers, Agitation, and Shadowborn on my Nurse and rarely, RARELY, struggle cause I'm pretty confident in my ability to play this Killer.
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she has a long stun into cooldown into long charge, not even a got tier nurse can win vs good survivors if they play it right, you must use slowdown on her just like on every killer
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She ran it cause she specifically knew you would get upset and run to the forums.
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Corrupt is good for every killer. Even nurse. There are times when even nurse does need the slowdown. The first minute of the match is crucial for setting tempo. If survivors spawn at 4 different gens and each genrushes even slug nurse will have a hard time unless she plays a perfect game. Depriving survivors of that early tempo advantage is key for every killer.
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Nurse is only the best killer in the game for the 5 people who sacrificed their life to pledge eternal allegiance to her.
For most mortals she's high B low A tier at best and they can use the extra time to learn her.
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Survivor is strong enough that you don't need second chance perks, yet most of them run them, why?
It's basically the same premise. It's not a matter of what you need, it's just what's the most effective.
This said, even Nurse against a really good group of survivors that are playing properly needs slow down. Nurse gets around needing slow down from slugging heavily, but good survivors will be spread on opposite sides of the map preventing this multiple slug pressure attempt. Yeah most survivors won't do this to where she can slug for her slow down, but I'd also argue most Nurses aren't good to be at that level anyway either.
It's similar to why I like Bamboozle a lot. Against most survivors it's completely unnecessary, but essential against those rare extremely good survivors that know how to abuse jungle gyms well. I'd rather bring it for most games and not need it for the rare case I happen to run into one of those swf swat groups and I have it. This is the same principle as to why you see Nurses running slow down.You never know what you're walking into.
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Doesn't matter which killer is used, gen speeds are a nightmare when survivors don't mess around.
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Because she's the hardest killer in the game? Unless you're a god tier Nurse, some slowdown like Corrupt is reasonable.
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Because Nurse needs to change her name to Nerf. She's trash tier on devices not PC because her map control is barely half of what it used to be and she gets penalized TWICE for using her power. So yeah, run Corrupt, run Ruin, run whatever the hell you please because quite simply, she's trash on any medium to big maps.
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Player confidence.
i'm more scared of a nurse that has no slowdown than a nurse running ruin, thanata, undying or corrupt because if they are confident enough in there skill as a nurse to not need them then they are real chads
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If you can think of it that's a reason they could be learning and a game that lasts 3min isn't a lot to learn
Why not
Could be doing a gen blocker build ect ect
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They usually use the slowdown because even if they want the match to last longer to try and get into a winning position like when survivors group up the longer the match the more likely it happens
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The only slowdown I run on Nurse is Corrupt and it's just so I can find someone at the start of the game easier.
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Because people have slow starts? Most people I play against tend to hide a lot early on.