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“Do they have a head injury?!”: Strange killer load outs.

In one survivor match a Plague had NOED, but proceeded to use CP which doesn’t insta down exposed survivors.

The criticism isn’t that she used CP, it’s “why use NOED on Plague?!”

In another match I happened to be running Kindred, I noticed a Huntress trying to Insidious camp (i’d had otherwise not realised she had Insidious)

”Oh Luv, that doesn’t get rid of the lullaby you poor dear.”

What other “what are you doing?!” load outs have you noticed in your games?

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  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    I've used distressing/insidius/monitor on camping invisible wraith before for the lulz, I've also used those and did not use invisibility on the camping wraith for the same lulz

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    Michael running vanity mirror. I don't know why anyone would want to use that horrible add-on.

  • Member Posts: 2,225

    I almost never seen killers with meme perks except when I do it.

    Come to think of it, I never seen any meme builds from both sides.

  • Member Posts: 716

    I once played this michael who used noed... wait that was me. In almost honesty, their probably just new. When you're going against someone who you know isnt that good, try to be nice and not be a jerk. Keep the game fun

  • Member Posts: 57

    I have seen 2 Plagues using Sloppy Butcher.

  • Member Posts: 16

    Maybe they were memeing, or maybe they felt like playing Plague but were also doing that NOED challenge from Tome I. As for me, I sometimes swap perks out for Agitation and Mad Grit if the lobby I load into looks like a SWF, and on some killers I'll add in STBFL. Sometimes I get lucky and the survivors prove to be exceedingly altruistic, other times I don't get any value out of Mad Grit. But when it works, it works.

  • Member Posts: 6,278
  • Member Posts: 698

    I've seen some experienced players recommend Sloppy Butcher on Legion. Feral Frenzy stabs aren't considered basic attacks, and even if Feral Frenzy stabs applied Sloppy Butcher I wouldn't recommend it because you actually WANT survivors to heal as Legion.

    It's extremely painful to watch.

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    I used no mither with ds, dead hard and deliverance one night and it took a few games but finally got one where I totally got to use every single one of the perks for some good laughs. gates were powered, first hook finally had deliverance up, ds was a deterrent right at the exit gate when I had it to 99 before I had the trapper down me and leave me there (probably deterred by ds and the obsession) while the killer was far enough away looking for the other guy (who also used deliverance after the gates were powered lmfao) I finished reviving myself with no mither once I crawled a little from the trap to avoid a buggy snap into it, disarmed it, tapped the gate, waited inside byt he exit to teabag and let him pointlessly hit me so I could fall into an escape. all for great justice. The other guy got out too so I'm sure we all had a great time. Except those two that died.

  • I've seen plagues run it with effectiveness addons because survivors doing well in a SWF will all cleanse at the same time near the very end of the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,221
  • Member Posts: 740

    Oh I have witnessed an Insidious camper Huntress. The dude didn't even understand when we told him that it does not work like that in the post match chat.

    Yesterday I had a Blendie in my team who was running Balanced Landing and Sprint Burst. Biggest 🧐 moment of my DBD experience.

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    They could be using meme builds or a random perk wheel just for fun. I do that a lot just to keep things spicy and not use the same perks all the time.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    Meme’ing is fine.

    Using un-usable perks because of a certain combination, or because of how a killers power works and still playing seriously is just strange though

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    You're right. It is funny doing random perks though, last time I got ooo and no mither obviously I died but it was pretty hilarious.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    I've seen survivors use SB and DH

  • Member Posts: 1,093
    edited February 2021

    Not so much of a "strange load out" thing, but I'm sometimes mystified by killers who will run a perk, then play in a way that suggests they have no idea how the perk actually works (and that they should have run anything OTHER than what they did).

    My favorite has been when I've seen a killer running Devour Hope or Make Your Choice -- two perks that rely on the killer leaving the hooked survivor -- and then facecamping (and not to someone who did anything that might have warranted it). I was camped by a Pig early in a match once with MYC (I got rescued and saved through a misplay on their part, and BT on the rescuer), and watched them camp the other few hooks they got as well -- I was completely baffled to see MYC on their build, since they did nothing to get it to actually do anything. :facepalm: They ended up looking at a 4-person escape, not surprisingly.

    Some add-ons bring the same confusion. Every time I see a Myers who's playing with the Boyfriend's Memo (to slightly increase the lunge on Tier 1) and they're NOT playing Jump Scare Myers, I shake my head in bewilderment.

    ETA: the examples above were not new killers -- they were Green Ranks or better.

  • Member Posts: 107

    I saw a rank 5 blendie with 3 exhaustion perks. Balance landing, sprint burst and dead hard.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    Huntress running Iri head, NOED, Devour Hope and Make Your Choice.

  • Member Posts: 2,340
    edited February 2021

    my drunk ass runs what it wants to may not 99% make sense to others, but it makes sense to my drunk ass

  • Member Posts: 9

    Hello DBD community. I find this particular topic and its name a good place to say hi to everyone from a new killer in game. I am a big horror fan and I started playing like two weeks ago and, now having ~50hrs of in game time, playing killer only. I am currently at rank 11, getting better and I get matched with red ranks SWF really often, and I am assuming all of you in this discussion are red or ranked high. I am not sure why is this happening and if it's some kind of a shadow MMR thing... but I don't really mind it I don't want to go off topic with it. Playing against high skilled players is good way to learn the game, but it can also backfire, and I can barely learn anything from being parkour-ed around the maps layouts I barely know yet.

    The things I am trying to point out here are: Making assumptions, having high expectations, or you are expecting everyone will use the same meta perk builds for gen regression, tracking, chasing or what not - if they even have it unlocked yet. Of course I can read about perks and what they do, I also watch few streamers play and I've seen their YouTube videos explaining things in depth - but 50hrs or so is just not enough to even "feel" the game, compared to thousands of hours red ranked survivors I was in game with.

    There are probably no "head injuries" (that's not even too funny), some people are learning at slower rates, some are just not that much competitive or willing to dive deep into matter like you... or there might just be some still very inexperienced killers like me unlocking new perks, testing killer's characteristics and trying things out or just plainly not knowing what they do - still learning things. I guess none of you were experts at the very start. Just have more understanding for other players in game, some respect is never a bad thing, we are all unique deep inside, I cannot know your reasons but I can hear you - after all, we are just trying to have fun with this great game running around in chases.

  • Member Posts: 1,448

    what is CP ? coz for me it means First Grade in French so i'm a bit confused ahah

    But otherwise i would say i sometimes run against NOED Myers, i mean he basically has NOEd control all over the game so why have the perk ?

  • Member Posts: 395

    I've seen a Nea use Urban, Balanced Landing, Sprint Burst

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    Hag with Rusty Shackles and Disfigured Ear. So, not only you actually do get alerted of traps triggering, but you remove the camera flick as well. Red rank, obviously.

    I've also seen a Scratched Mirror Myers burn an Azarov's key once.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    ive seen plenty of killers bringing Franklyns / Lightborn when no one brought in an item...

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Thrill of the hunt + haunted grounds with no other hexes seems questionable but it works out for me sometimes

  • Member Posts: 16
    edited February 2021

    @Adeloo CP stands for Corrupt Purge, which is Plague's damaging projectile vomit.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    Pretty sure they've seen that one plague in the BOTB tournament and thought it would be a good idea lmao

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    This had to be for an exposed challenge I remember one in a previous tomb. If not that is hilarious. We will never know though.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Ehh i can kinda understand noed on plague tbh.

    The moment all gens are done is the best moment to start cleaning as the game won't last long enough anymore for plague to make use of all those fountains. and Noed is a nice counter to that strategy.

    Not the best counter and not the best strategy but there is some logic to it

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