You got what you wanted...

You killer mains got what you wanted so does that mean our survivor ques will be shorter?
Are you thinking of switching?
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these changes they put out ARE not set in stone they may or may not go out as you see them, kinda like many other things that never got touched on survivor sided just never went past the idea stage.
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I mean...yes actually it might. I doubt it will be much, but yeah I can see these changes actually increasing the killer's in queue by a tiny bit. I doubt it will be enough for anyone to notice however.
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I find killer boring.
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The main concept of the perk rework is mostly set it stone. I’ve notice the changes to ds mentioned nothing about locker hopping with ds so they might add that while still keeping the changes they’re making but who knows.
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they've had perk reworks and said that things may change or it might not even get to the live servers and they never did and people said the changes were set in stone. I'm not saying they won't, but it might not be what we see here or at all who knows.
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I’m more excited about the possibility of the variety of Killers coming, especially the ones that were strained mainly because of OoO.
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Killer is boring so i dont wanna
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Yeah, killer has felt boring, that's why I haven't started up the game in well over a month. The change to DS is nice, but it's not going to suddenly make killer more fun.
If you really want shorter survivor queues, more people usually play killer during 2x BP Bloodhunts, maybe just giving players 2x BP for playing killer normally would get more people playing the role on a daily basis.
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I didn't get what killer mains get?
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If the games hard man get better not madder.
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I imagine the biggest issue is so many killers left period. So whether this is enough to get people who have abandoned the game to come back or not remains to be seen. If I ever became smart enough to abandon ship, I'd likely not even pay any attention to the game anymore and would never realize this change happened.
I suppose your best chance is that yes, it will eventually as less new killers quit out of frustration.
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Problem of queue time is not because one side is easier than another. No matter how you nerf OoO it wouldn't change queue times.
There is more survivors because at evening time lot of people like to play with friends, because they are not busy and ready to play. Try to play at morning or daytime and you will see that killer queues take forever and survivors' are almost instant.
You can't change this balance that was build by real life conditions. You can't fix it with nerfing or buffing certain perks.
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I am gonna go full killer main after these changes. Killer is already more easy and rewarding than solo survivor which is pretty much all I play. And I think lots of people will do the same. Get ready for 15+ minutes killer queues again.
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Survivor mains got undying and mori nerfed. The Devs are trying to balance for both sides and fixing perks that are outright frustrating. I don't see what changes for survivors though. Apparently object is rare and DS is anti-tunnel and now object is much more stronger so what's the issue?
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Actually, probably. I know a community of dbd players where the killers are actually thinking of returning because these more glaring balancing issues are actually gonna be fixed
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Object was debilitating for some killers. Trapper, hag, demo, to name a few. The new one means they can set up in peace.
Its also a sneaky mettle of man buff but ill let you figure that one out
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I doubt survivor queues will instantly become good(Better yes but good... Idk) because curing an infection like DS's abuse being the way it was for so long causes damages that last long past its removal.
Aka the damage to the survivor queues might already be done due to how long it took to actually fix it because of how many killers probably have quit for good due to it.
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No, they'll blame Deja Vu now
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If there is indeed a killer shortage all of a sudden, it is due to the role having a lack of challenge and being stale. Four years of constant survivor nerfs and perk nerfs to hand hold new killers.
I can't wait for back for blood to release. Will be able to enjoy that game without constant nerfs. Zombies don't want their hands held :)
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I mean you will still have to wait 3 months for the next chapter when it goes live but probably
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That's like trying to find out if the killer is running monstersious shrine you wont know
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Bro why did you put your self as your icon.
Edit if some of us tried harder we would probably have a stroke
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First of all, most Killers also play Survivor. Quit trying to make this an "us versus theme" situation; it isn't. Second, these are proposed changes that haven't taken place yet and may never take place. They also told us keys would be getting a rework too, and that has not only not materialized yet, there are comments that indicate it probably won't take place. Survivor Ques are only going to get shorter when more people play Killer; the current dip has a lot of different causes and simply saying that DS and OoO might be fixed soon isn't going to do much (if anything) to address a much larger issue.
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Too little, too late. Actual great changes to DS (clearly taking community feedback to heart, finally). But it took far too many years before devs picked up the phone on this one. The survivor bias is already 100% apparent and a lot of us have already long since moved on.
I'm just here for the (occasional) #########-show, though I guess it means a few of the DBD streamers I still watch will be more entertaining.
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I won’t go full killer because I do enjoy solo survivor. I like the challenge. Killer feels too easy in comparison.