Why is this game downplaying solo survivors?

How long does a solo survivor need to be patient?
Patient for what exactly?
if your referring to will they get improvements to make them on par with swf, then while ugly the new UI is a huge step towards providing you a lot of needed information.
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Solo play is great, just some survivors prefer easier play like swf than an actual challenge.
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how much chuck could a survivor chuck if a survivor could still chuck
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No, solo is not great. Anyone who actually plays only solo will disagree with you.
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Supposedly MMR will fix solo queue. Fingers crossed.
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Last time it made it even worse, I’ve lost hope lol 😞
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I only play solo because I find it more enjoyable. So I guess I'm the only one.
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Make a buff for a solo survivor.
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I play solo, and solo is great, except for a handful of times
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What do you mean? New OoO would be meta for solo survivor.
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I play almost entirely solo I enjoy it for the most part. Other than poor matchmaking and a poor ranking system solo queue is fine for me. SWF is just too easy.
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Metta no but it could be as good as kindred
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Solo is the way for me. It’s a lot more challenging at red ranks
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Solo is just a challenge because you are basically 1v1v1v1v1 coz you can't predict how the other survivors will play ^^
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My number one wish as a regular solo survivor player is they added an in chase indicator.
Similar to the entity's legs moving while obsession is being chased. I find a lot of solos play much less timid if the killer is in a chase.
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I play only solo, and i disagree with YOU!
I enjoy solo play. And it doesnt need a buff, it need better matchmaking. For what i am seeing, most games are not won by the killer, but lost by the survivors. I had games were i was the only one doing gens, because the rest had a severe gen allergy, or where they hooktraded in front of the killer without bt.
Use aura perks to see what your fellow survivors are doing, and you see its not that survivors are weak, but they just play badly.
I hope matchmaking will fix this.
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Try to play solo at night and wait 10 minutes for a match just to have rank 15-20 team mates when you're in red ranks, and tell me again how great that is
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I only play solo, and I like it. I don’t like the quitters, and it’s annoying when survivors only crouch walk the entire game and hide in lockers, but what I love about it is the challenge. I get tired of survivors who just want a guaranteed win every game.
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Try to wait 10 minutes for a match to get rank 15-20 team mates who cant even get chased more than 1 second without going down, and tell me how much fun an unwinnable game is, not because of your skill, but because your team is just new players. I'll wait.
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I’m almost devotion level 8 from only solo queue. Believe me, I’ve had all the experiences everyone whines about.
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I'm devotion 17. Your point?
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That you have nothing to tell me about lobby waiting times and getting a bad team.
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I just did, again, what's your point? Tell me how enjoyable it is to play an unwinable game, not because you're bad, but because your team is bad.
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I enjoy the challenge. I’ve beaten many killers with horrible teammates.
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Hey I’ll. Have you know while I can’t loop for ######### i will slam all five gens myself without ######### up once
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I wish Kindred was base kit or at least nerfed version of it. You can keep the aura of reading killer unique to that perk now and just keep that you can see other Surivivors... If not global, at least like 32-40m away from the hooked person.
That would be nice buff.
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I agree with this, and take it a step further.
HUD should show:
-If a Survivor is working on a generator
-If a Survivor is cleansing a totem
-If a Survivor is in Chase
-If a Survivor is opening an Exit Gate
-If the Killer is within 10m of the hooked Survivor
Just simple icons. Killer wouldn't get any of this information for obvious reasons. Then killers could be buffed as necessary. This would bring Solo closer to SWF without making SWF stronger.
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Anyone else laughing at the argument going on in here or just me.
who gives a crap about bad teamates just play it smart and find a gate and wait for the killer 5o start egc
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You realize everyone playing solo is waiting the same amount of time, right? And red ranks is actually brain dead to get to. It’s not an accomplishment. Red rank players are just as bad as the rest. I mean look at all of this whining and blaming other factors.
Solo is more fun for some people. Myself included. Yes I’m red ranks. No your excuses don’t matter.
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thats the handful of times
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Solo should never be the same as swf, that gives every solo so many perks in the game for free, things like kindred, bond, empathy etc. And that's why swf is so strong, they get all the info from about 20perks just because of coms. Its be much better to balance swf with a small debuff. It's not punishing swf just balancing the info they get from coms, for example if you need a 4 man swf to reach red ranks you probably shouldn't be there, not an insult but you have gotten there by taking the easiest of routes with more advantage over solos so that slight debuff would likely keep you and your friends at the intended skill level.
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And can you explain why this is a problem with the balance in solo games, and not a problem of the matchmaking?
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"Red ranks dont matter"
"yes I'm in red ranks"
???? choose one
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The two don't contradict eachother.
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They do because being in red ranks, if it really does not matter, doesn't need to be brought up.
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It doesn't because if you are there you can say what you actually seen there. If you are rank 20 and say that ranks don't matter with 1 hour playtime then you aren't giving a good viewpoint. The point being made is that being top rank on DBD is not the same as say being radiant on Valorant where you aren't going to get to by being boosted or because of your playtime. The only thing you can say is that it would be better to say hours instead. The only ranks that really matter are the beginner ones. Rank 15-20.
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solo can not survive.
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Just give me the chance to tell my teammates "Don't unhook me!" when the Killer is a fart's distance away, and I'll be fine.
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They need to just offer in game voice (optional), so we can move beyond the two tier playstyle. It throws balance completely out of whack.
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Solo is easier to queue. You can fit into those 3-man SWF groups, and get paired up faster. I never wait more than a minute or two for a match.
Red Ranks mean nothing. I much prefer hovering around 6/7 and up to 4'ish. Get better matches there, and the SWF squads seem to be pretty chill. If I help them, they help me. I rarely (maybe 1 in 20-30 matches) get screwed because I'm not in their group.
I have no one requiring my assistance, so I can make better plays. I can run whatever Perks/items I want without a hassle. I can play however I want without causing an issue. There's a lot of reasons why solo queue is much more enjoyable imo.
When they buffed Kindred, they made solo queue a TON easier. They reverted a bit of that I think though, I noticed Wraith cloaking removes the aura read, but that might be an add-on I am not familiar with. I am more than happy to give up a Perk slot for that kind of information. SWF does get it for free, and I would not mind seeing at least the "See all other Survivors' auras when someone is on the hook" part become basekit, but it fits into any build I use. Maybe separate it and have the "See Killer's Aura" part be a different Perk or something for balance.
Bad teams are just part of the experience. I find myself enjoying those games quite a lot because it forces me to up my level of play. Sometimes it goes great, I get BP + pip(s) even when I die. Sometimes it turns into an absolute shitshow of insanity, but frequently I find myself laughing when that happens because it's just so godawful. You can't escape every match, but playing solo queue and setting yourself goals, you can "win" frequently.
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The game is clearly designed around solo play and working with limited information, hence how the mechanics are, much of the perk design, etc. I get that some people just want to have fun with their friends and that’s cool, but if you group up on comms your still essentially cheating - using third party applications (discord) to bypass game mechanics. It’s not too far removed from playing an FPS with wall hacks etc.
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Idk how anyone can find solo survivor fun, it's so boring and annoying because of all the 🌐teammates that you get stuck with just wandering around eating paste. Better off just playing killer were its easier because of 🌐's and you get more bp.
Swf/duo is the only time it's fun because you get to share the misery together.
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Every survivor who complains about "terrible" teammates holding them back in solo queue, I can almost guarantee those "terrible" teammates think the same exact thing about you in every game. Every player likes to think they are better than everyone else they are playing with, and its always someone else fault for their failure.