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General Discussions

Blood Warden is the perfect DBD perk because it ONLY works against bullies and trolls

Member Posts: 180
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

As wraith main, I run BW as part of every build for a simple reason: it is the only killer perk in the game that gets more powerful and more effective at red ranks.

When I play yellow and green rank teams, BW is useless. If I've only killed 0 or 1 and have 1 on the ground when the last gen blows, the other people simply open the gate and leave before I can pick up the survivor and get them to a hook.

At red ranks, bullies and trolls don't escape, BW activates (I try to do it on a third hook person), and they teabag while I NOED them. Most don't even think to turn to the gate to see if BW is active, and after teabagging me just run uselessly into the wall.

No other perk in the game has this magnificent of a troll radar.

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  • Member Posts: 1,302

    The fact you are dedicating half your build to a situation where you have already lost the game is why you are getting trolled and bullied, just FYI.

  • Member Posts: 180

    If you don't reach the endgame (because of a 4K or 3K+ hatch), then by definition you didn't need the two perk slots anyway. If you do reach endgame, those two perks can turn around the game. I've had very, very few intermediate situations where I thought "oh, they never would have reached the endgame if I had picked sloppy instead of BW". If I am at 0 or 1 when gens blow, its because the team was far far better than me- but BW/NOED gives you a very good chance at a 2K, and maybe even a 3K or 4K if they are arrogant and stupid enough.

  • Member Posts: 1,302

    Ok? So why would I want to play the majority of my games with 2 perk slots when I could play them with all 4?

    Theres tons of extremely impactful perks that will help you all game every game.

    With wraith? I’m thinking things like bamboozle / enduring / corrupt / pop / etc.

    5-6 pop goes as well as shutting down all jungle gyms and the shack sounds infinitely better than getting run at the same tile for 2 gens and ~maybe~ getting a pity kill out of NOED blood warden if the team is dumb at the end because they have gotten cocky from dunking on you all game.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    So, this just happened to me like an hour ago:

    I managed to get the last gen, doors powered. I ran to the door, opened it. Went back for my wife ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE MAP, then as we were turning back to get out, NOED popped. We circled the outskirts of the map to find the Trapper hooking a teammate and guarding the open door. I managed to outplay him at the pallet near the exit and Sprint Burst right into a closed Blood Warden.

    Which part of that was me being a bully or a troll?

  • Member Posts: 180

    Trying to help someone when gates are open is (by definition) bullying and trolling. Value your own survival! Greens and yellows mostly do.

  • It works on anyone. It doesn't work on bullies or trolls any more than anyone else- it works on people who are either too eager or too altruistic.

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    There's nothing greater than seeing a teabagging survivor at the exit gates just to hit them and then they realise you have bloodwarden. You can see the light leave their eyes, it's really beautiful. 🥰

  • Member Posts: 1,454

    I’ll say I’ve had a game we’re I hook a person or 2 and just kick every pallet till they do the gens then bam noed.... they open the gate I hook survivor xyz and head to the gate with them teabagging and bam got all 3 they didn’t even check to see bw till I was there. Did I have to play like that no was it ultra relaxed yes

  • Member Posts: 804
    edited February 2021

    Yesterday I was playing survivors with 1 friend and two randoms. We had a good match and in the end still managed to have the gate opened with four of us alive with one of the randoms on a hook.

    Me and my friend discussed our odds very briefly and decided, "Yeah we can save him."

    We approach the hook carefully as the killer stays rigidly close to hooked survivor. He clearly knows from the fact we haven't left yet that we're going to try a desperate final rescue. He has no intention of losing his kill and would love nothing more than to give the entity more sacrifices.

    Mission Start!

    I grab the killers attention for a moment, make it look like I'm going for the save. He takes the bait. Just as there's enough distance between the hook and the killer my friend leaps into action from behind a rock and gets the guy off the hook. As the random gets unhooked the killer spins around and closes the gap between them quicker than expected. I standby at a safeish distance to make sure there's no hitch. The killer swings at the random, borrowed time procs and we all get to go home for dinner, right?

    Well no. My friend does a 180 and stands under the hook.

    "What are you doing?"

    "Giving him a kill."


    "Showing respect."

    "Well alright then." I respond.

    We get to the gate, hear the scream, blood warden procs.

    "You son of a ######### you doomed us all!" I call out to them.


    "Blood Warden!"

    "I did nothing wrong." They claim defiantly, "You should have run faster!"


    We didn't troll or bully.

    The killer saw us all stuck at the gate and did that little nod/spin thing that I took as laughter at our misfortune. They were nice though and let us three escape. Waited out the blood warden and watched us depart. Guess it was my lucky day.

  • Member Posts: 5,211
    edited February 2021

    Honestly, while there are a lot of perks that are better and would be more useful, I run Blood Warden on any one shot killer specifically because when it does work against the bully squads, it makes everything so worth it.

    Especially the times when the only reason they got BW was because they decided to stick around and mock me. All four were sitting at the gate and could have left at any point but nope, one of you got a little too cute, slid around on a pallet and got yourself caught. "No biggy" you think to yourself, "My bully squad buddies have BT! I got caught but it's not like it's that big of a deal since my buddies will just grab me and We can all lea...wait....why won't the game let me leave?"

    It's my favorite when I know they're trying to get me to hit them to slow down the clock. All they get out of me is a NOPE NOD until The Entity comes down to claim what is rightfully theirs...

  • Member Posts: 107

    Yup this is the dumbest thing I have read on this forum. You’ve topped it.

    Its a team game. You’re supposed to help your teammates. Absolutely nothing about teamwork is bullying you sardine.

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