Updating the chainsaw bros animations

I believe they need an updated animation to better show when they start/stop revving their chainsaws. An animation that clearly reflects their actions, and to removing surprise M1s and unpredictable grabs.
This may slightly nerf the pair, some players use the lack of actions to “mind game” their opponents, but compensatory buffs can be put in place to ensure their performance isn’t affected drastically.
IF they need compensation buffs, suggestions that spring to mind include:
- Reducing the base chainsaw charge time (not massively)
- Reducing the base heat gained from reviving a chainsaw (still not keen on the mechanic being in-game tbh)
Well, i don't think that the "nerf" to the animations is needed, but the reduced chainsaw recharge time would be too much for a compensation. Both Bubba and Billy are in a good place right know, reliable but with enough counterplay
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This is completely unnecessary and the animations are like that so they can mind game. What's next you're going to ask for Wraith's animation to change so he can't fake out survivors to get a hit when that's basically all he can do?
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The change isn’t aimed to balance them but to address the lack of animation for certain. It would be similar to when Spirit received an animation when vaulting.
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The “mind game” is more “one player can see the chainsaw charge bar and the other can’t”. I don’t believe it’s healthy and presents a similar issue to when Spirit didn’t have a vault animation. Survivors aren’t being out-skilled when it’s applied, they’re being punished for not knowing better.
A healthy mind game is Ghost face/Pig going into stealth during a chase or the Blight bouncing from an angle to catch a Survivor off-guard. These are fully telegraphed and both players have equal understanding of the situation.
Wraith also has a fully telegraphed animation when going in/out of stealth. A Survivor has a full understanding of the situation and when the wraith is ringing his bell continuously to catch Survivors off-guard, both players have equal footing.
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Do you know Bubba's default charge time? 2 seconds.... you do NOT want it to be faster.
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Not really. You would remove a potential mindgame to give two straight buffs to some Killers who are clearly not the worst Killers in the game.
Your idea mostly applies to Billy, but why would you remove something which is somewhat skill-based (revving the Chainsaw in a way that you can trick a Survivor into thinking you commit to it to follow up with an M1) to give two buffs, which affect all players, regardless of how good or bad they are?
Obviously better players will profit as well, but I would rather keep it in a way that people who are experienced with Billy (and Bubba) get rewarded for their experience with those Killers.
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It is a suggestion if compensatory buffs are needed, not a requirement.
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Please god no. BHVR shouldn’t touch the chainsaw boys ever again. They’ve put Bubba in an amazing place and Billy is fine. I honestly think they’d just make them worse.
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The compensatory buffs are there if the Killers need them, but not a requirement (I have reworded the post so less people think I’m asking for to slap 2 straight buffs on the Killers).
The “mind game” I’ve addressed in an earlier post. I don’t believe it’s healthy and needs a tweak, similar to Spirit being given a vault animation. The animation itself doesn’t need to be ridiculous, something that simply telegraphs what is happening.
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I feel you, but only in BHVR can we trust to make changes to the game.