Will the Ds and OoO Nerfs kill this game?

Seriously what is going on right now, does anybody know what the reason for the heavy Ds and OoO Nerfs (Not "Change") are?
And no a "Killer don't like it" dosen't count. If there is not only ONE good reason for that, then they should go back right now.
I hope they know that the majority of players against the Ds change. Do anyone know what the Devs said about that (the reasons)
@Sluzzy should we leave the game?
Thank you for you opinon @Sluzzy I will copy it here so everyone can see it. Hope it's ok for you.
Sluzzy wrote:
"When I first heard of the news yesterday and read a picture of the perk description, I immediately thought it was a prank because it was clearly written by a killer main. It was written exactly how killer mains want it. I had to go watch a vod of the stream to confirm it was true because I couldn't believe it was being nerfed yet again and in a way that killer mains precisely want it.
It is not about how it was nerfed that is important here, it is why it is nerfed. Decisive Strike was not nerfed because of balance reasons. The devs never said the perk was too strong, they strictly talked about the fun factor for specifically one side. It was nerfed because killers didn't like the perk. Killers demand to be totally in charge of their opponent and always oppressing them. DS doesn't win the game by having it equipped, it made the experience playing that side a little more bearable. It was a "fun" perk to use but at the same time a "required" perk to use because despite the rhetoric from the killer side, tunneling is the most effective way to win the game. I know because I play killer as well. If I want to win, I can tunnel someone out of the match and there is nothing that team can do. If it is a SWF team, they'll do anything to help their buddy and then it throws the match. I've seen it from both sides since the game released.
With deactivation conditions which I've said on this forum numerous times which the devs have chosen to ignore, a killer can stop chase after a survivor has been unhooked and if they find that survivor with nurses calling, THEY ARE TUNNELING. The perk is useless. They can work on the objective and thinking they are safe, the killer can stop chasing and return to THAT SURVIVOR and TUNNEL. The perk is useless again. A ghostface can hide, wait for the unhook, wait for the survivor to heal or touch a gen AND PROCEED TO TUNNEL, the perk is again useless.
This perk was nerfed for the benefit of one side at the cost of the other side for not balance reasons, but strictly FUN reasons. It has been nerfed at least five times.
So to answer your question, if you are a survivor main or play solo or duo, then you should definitely quit. This side has been nerfed constantly and consistently for five years with total disregard to mechanics freely given to killer that can make this side miserable to play. Instead of nerfing DS, more perks should be buffed to even discourage its use to help against unfun mechanics. Why couldn't Discordance be buffed instead of nerfing DS? Keep in mind, Infectious Freight on Nurse, Spirit, Oni, Billy are all still a thing, Infectious Freight has never been nerfed, keep in mind it can be abused to cause the survivor side to be miserable. The devs and killers think this perk is healthy, obviously, for the game. An insidious camper can still camp with NOED. A bubba can camp someone in the basement and there is no possible out, a killer recently BUFFED! The devs think this is healthy, obviously.
For me personally, I can not wait for Back 4 Blood, I've been thinking about that game a lot since it was announced and this nerf has made me even more excited and can't wait. Guess the best part is of B4B? Characters will not constantly be nerfed in that game, it will constantly improve. When you enjoy something in that game, you won't have to worry about something being taken away from you. Especially after you bought it."
I'm gonna assume this is sarcasm.
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Not this time, I'm dead serious today
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It might kill the game for the most toxic, obnoxious trolls. Good riddance.
Maybe you have not seen the hundreds of posts that highlight why these perks have been problematic, maybe you were unable to follow the reasoning, maybe you enjoy imbalanced stuff, I don´t know. These are good changes that contribute to a more balanced and enjoyable experience for everyone, same with the recent changes to Moris and the upcoming Undying change.
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Nah. Survivors are used to Nerfs and will adapt without opening a Gajillion Threads on the Forum.
While I see the DS-Nerf as debateable (but more in a point that it is still not a true Anti-Tunnel Perk), people who used OoO and dont know what they are doing are simply lying.
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I have not seen a single person against this change. Even the survivors are chill with it.
OoO also seems to be a much stronger perk outside of swf if those are the actual changes to it.
Actually really surprised. The survivor side has really shown it's maturnity compared to how when a killer perk gets changed the whole forum turns into a whine storm
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On the off chance this isn't bait, it's because DS is ridiculously strong for a perk that gives you free heals, totems, saves and gen time, and OoO is ridiculously strong for an aura reading perk. And that's without going into swf teams abusing them. Especially OoO.
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The reason why Moris got changed is survivor should not get Killer after 60 secounds after the game begins. Ds Made sure the survivor has atleast a bit more time. But with nerfing that tunneler will Run rampage.
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Even in Solo Object will be weaker, but it was also too strong in Solo. Knowing that the Killer is coming to you from far away to get distance immediatly was still strong, without any way of communicating their actions to other players.
But the Object-Change is solid, even tho the Aura Read is not that useful IMO. Sure, you see the Killer with BBQ, but you know where they are and healing in the Terror Radius should not be done anyway.
But as I said, it is solid, Object will not be a bad Perk, it will be less used than before, but this is highly appreciated.
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How does this change to DS lead to "tunneler will Run rampage"?
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Yes getting tunnelled after you heal up, start doing a gen and other survivors have been hooked in the meantime will definitely become an issue, as tunnelling means being hooked more than once in the same match now I guess.
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Decisive Strike allowed the Survivors to play offensively and recklessly committing plays that would have killed them, had they not had said perk. The changes remove that ability, but keep the punishment to people who are hard tunneling.
OoO changes come because the perk gave FAR too much info for little risk. it also completely annihilated Trapper and Hag.
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Yes. Killing the game for the most toxic part of community will be a giant step forward for inviting new players into the game. Everyone will benefit from it
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game is slow dying
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It really isnt.
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Ne He is right
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You are factually wrong.
Steam charts show that 2020 was the best year for DBD ever.
Xbox and PlayStation likely have double the amount of PC players at least. Plus Switch and Stadia got added this year.
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hahaha will see dying or not same hapent with one game that have 30 k when devs put auto balance game die, now have 1 k, no one will waste time with tunnel and campers kids
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The problems with the DS nerf that I can already predict. Teammate heals you immediately after being unhooked. Disabled while killer comes back.
teamate trying to finish your heal. DS gone killer interrupts you mid heal and downs you because your weak
Go on a gen because a stealth killer has no heartbeat but baited you out to thinking your safe. Gen ends DS and you go back to hook.
now killers are going to outplay the DS to tunnel and kill survivors more easily. It’s no longer an efficient anti tunnel at rank 1. And this game is going to suffer in the long run due to half thought out fixes
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I am the same opinion. Ds didnt need a change.
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OoO is a high risk hige reward perk so I don't see the problem. (They die even more often)
The only thing ds do is making sure that the survivor can have atleast a bit fun before tunneled to death.
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You know that you need survivor who play the game for having a lobby...
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There are too many survivors in my area, I can never play survivor because queues are so long. Fewer survivors would be a good thing.
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You know that we have too too too way too many survivor right now right?
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That Show that playing survivor make fun. So why make it unfun with tunneling Killer?
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Object was not really high risk/high reward. The reward was indeed high, but the risk depends on how the player is using it. If they are really good at looping, the risk was quite low, as long as the Killer was not really good (which made the risk higher). But even if you only use it to see what the Killer is doing, you can basically run away when the Killer is around 30 meters away (when Terror Radius starts), which gives a really strong head start.
While I agree on DS, it is fine to remove the abusive parts, as long as they would have made it a real Anti-Tunnel Perk.
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And for you too
That Show that playing survivor make fun. So why make it unfun with tunneling Killer?
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That'd be pathetic if it does.
I've ran D strike maybe 5-10 times in 3 years and yet somehow have still survived and had fun as survivor?
If people really quit over something like this, then good riddance.
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It has been confirmed by BHRV Mclean on twitter that only YOUR OWN healing disables it.
Aka other survivors healing you will not disable DS but trying to selfcare/Heal your teammate will.
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the only people who are going to stop playing this game because of this are the bumbling SWF sweatlords who are only out to ruin killers' days, as far as i'm concerned, good riddance
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I wouldn't know if survivor is fun, queues are too long for me to play. You know without killers you don't have lobbies either, right?
I haven't played DbD at all in well over a month.
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If you don't Play the game why are you here?
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Really? That's your takeaway? I put a lot of money into the game, I want to play it. But killer isn't fun and survivor queues are too long. What am I supposed to do? Give up? After all the time I've put into it? I'm here on the forums hoping to discuss and see changes that will make the game better. I want the game to improve.
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Lol. Only the trolls will leave.
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OoO is a very healthy perk now, same with DS
Devs are trying to make the game healthier for both sides and you are complaining about it....does that make any sense to you?
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Nice bait
They aren't nerfs its balancing the perks whilst still retaining their core use and effectiveness!
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no people play survivor because survivors make playing killer unfun, the irony
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For both sides?! Lol nice bait m8
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Low bait
The Nerfs are Not needed and only bad green Rank Killers who Camp and Tunnel the whole time wanted this.
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Too many people are playing survivor because survivor isn't fun, got it. Any more pearls of wisdom to dispense?
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Yes If you every used Ruin/undying as Killer your pp will get smoler with every secound you Play with it.
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Nah man, most certainly needed because even to the most skilled red rank killers these perks were nightmares, DS hasn't been much of a problem compared to OoO but its abusability needed to be fixed.
OoO was completely broken and bringing one perk shouldn't, absolutely shouldn't be a hard counter to a multitude of killers, in its current state its still way more benificial to the survivor than the killer (i'll go as far to say its less detrimental for the killer but has far more utility for the survivor, its basically distortion on steroids post-change)
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"Nah man, most certainly needed because even to the most skilled red rank killers these perks were nightmares, DS hasn't been much of a problem compared to OoO but its abusability needed to be fixed."
Oh sry I mean not only Green but also Red Rank Killer who Tunnel and Camp wanted this... Yes that Sounds better
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If you can't live with the OoO and DS changes, then you should check out the killer's side. OoO is absolutely frustrating and destroys the power of many killers. DS should be an anti-tunnel perk, but it isn't. The changes are urgently needed!
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This ∆ and damn I would love to give more than 1 up vote here.
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I assume you wanted to say that as a killer you need 4 survivors to be able to have a match.
Not all survivors are toxic - why would you assume that? And we definitely don't need toxic people in this game - I hope devs will start working towards that soon.
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What so playing survivor is now Toxic?!! Wow now I saw everything
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It's a big problem, go into a game without an obsession and it's GG before it even began. The real issue is that DS still is not effective at dealing with tunneling. Tunneling is an optional killer behavior that basically most of them if not all do at some point, but it's an issue that adversely impacts the survivor experience. Yet these changes are strictly from the perspective of improving the experience for the killer. Tunneling is already effective, powerful, easy and now it's even easier. On the stream Queen said if you're not aggressively working on a generator and you're actually getting tunneled then you'll be able to use DS but she forgot to add that assuming the tunnel doesn't exceed 60 seconds, you get picked up within 60 seconds, you hit the skill check and it's the first time you're getting tunneled then yes you'll be able to use DS. If that's outside of those perimeters including the second tunnel, you're on your own. Even a successful stun from DS provides little relief, imo DS feels more like a chase extender and tunnel delayer than anything.
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Actually i see a small buff to DS with this. Hear me out.
Before many killers would purposely tunnel to remove the chance of a late game DS. Late game is when the perk is strongest.
Before if you wanted to save your DS you had to purposely stealth if the killer was close by.
Now, tapping a gen in passing or self caring means that you can still play normal and efficiently while still saving DS until late game.
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No there's no tunneling or camping involved, oh suddenly I have to give the survivor a free second chance because I downed the other two remaining pussies in your death squad within 60 seconds?
I don't think so, tunneling is chasing the same survivor consistently through choice! and DS has absolutely no bearing on camping, I won't bring up OoO because that perk has no bearing on either and your clearly just upset you can't abuse a broken perk (DS anymore), shame for you ig