Just met this complete degenerate

So, it was all going good, i was doing solo Q and i got Badham against Pig.
Nothing strange, she actually killed 1 of us with 2 gens left. I managed to do the last gen.
Endgame begins, and she commences to do this:
Now, that is either 300 stacks of PWYF. Or NOED giving that sweet speed boost.
On a serious note, all you can do is report them. Maybe it's because I haven't been playing lately, but am I the only one that hasn't seen a single hacker?
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I hadn't seen one until now!! Reported him of course, cause it's just nasty.
He had the crossplay circle besides his name, but i don't know if you can cheat on consoles so i assume he was from the Gamepass thing on PC.
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EZ Anticheat working like a charm i see
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Cross-play also appears if the player is from the Windows store, so that'd be my guess. I don't know if this is true but I've heard the Window's Store version doesn't even have EAC. I don't think you can hack on console, but I'm not super tech savvy with that kinda stuff.
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Didn't even know there was a Windows Store version, haha. I used to also play on Xbox PC Gamepass until i got the game on Steam.
Worse part is the game was going pretty fair until Endgame Collapse arrived, i really lose hope when i see this types of players.
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This game has basically been ported to everything. Even Stadia.
Apparently hackers are on the rise. I haven't seen any, but again, I haven't been playing the game all that much lately. At this point I'm just waiting for the new chapter so I can be interested in this game again.
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I've been addicted to it lately, it's like a nasty itch.
I completely hate the game at times, and some other times i love it and i'm having fun.
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That's DbD for you. It's either trash, or amazing.
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No cheat, she just found this :
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i know you said you reported them but just to check, did you fill out the support ticket too? that's the only way to fully complete a report and i know a lot of people don't know about it.
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Can you guide me on how to do that? I still have the raw footage with names
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Nevermind i found out how to, filling the report now!
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Head to this link and select "additional player report information". Fill out all the necessary details and specify which platform they're on (I made this mistake by forgetting this and being told that I didn't include someone's SteamID even though they were cross-play, which was certainly an experience). Upload your footage, either attach a file or if this doesn't work then use a link to a YouTube video or maybe Twitch VOD in the "decription of issue" box and wait for a response.
You won't be told if someone has or hasn't been banned, but when you recieve your 2nd email back is usually when they've either taken action or decided they weren't hacking (which in this case, they clearly were lol).
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I know it won't make much of a difference, but it's worse to just turn a blind eye and let him keep ruining games for other players.
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as they say at tesco