Will the Ds and OoO Nerfs kill this game?



  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    This already exist by not pressing space when you have Ds you Safe it for later -_-

    Killer Main I guess?

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    You could always do that by not hitting the skill check. Just don't press any button and DS will be ready for the next rescue.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    If it is correct what you say and the majority is against the change than that might be correct because the majority only plays survivor.

    Whether or not you like it, it was a very necessary change.

    Ds was actually being abused and now it is actually a anti tunnel perk.

    Beside, you can still abuse the lockers with ds 😂

    OoO is only a suggestion and it's not set in stone, it was made to discuss ideas.

    And my idea is to revert OoO back to the old day where both killer and the survivor had to look into each others direction to make it work, as soon as 1 looked away than the link would be broken.

    The suggested one is practically the exact same as it is now beside from your aura being revealed every 30s.

    As soon as someone uses ds or that healing perk where you become the obsession, you have it back the way it is now.

    No more aura reveal from you and you can decide when the killer will see you and when not.

    So yeah still a dumb perk if the make it as the suggested one

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Not a killer main, but ive never been able to save my DS. Though to be fair ive never used it in such a way purposely.

    Well then my bad. 950 hour rookie here lol

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Just don't press anything except wiggle and it will remain active for the next rescue. I sometimes don't always use DS on the first tunnel, sometimes it makes more sense to save it especially if someone's going to flashlight save or your confident you will wiggle. There's a lot of things we learn later in the game. Just a few weeks ago I learned the difference between two status effects, endurance and then there's the other one. One requires you to mend the other one doesn't.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270
  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    The reason 80% of this forum is against it is because there are more survivors then killers in the game

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765
    edited February 2021

    Its because the devs are notoriously killer-sided and whined and whined until the devs gave survivors another nerf. While this doesn't affect me too much as I don't often run DS unless its been tunnel city all day, I worry for weaker players that use it regularly to avoid being taken out of the game quickly.

    There's also loads of problems with the new DS and the definitions aren't defined. What does "healing" mean? If a killer hooks another survivor shortly after you get unhooked and you start to heal, but the killer comes back to tunnel, is your DS now deactivated even though you didn't finish the heal? If the killer pops your gen near your hook and you tap it so it doesn't regress even further while deciding whether or not to wait for DS to run out, is that going to cause DS to deactivate? If a teammate heals you for a second (Even though you don't want them to) does that deactivate DS?

    It seems like this nerf to DS isn't going to be noticeable against camping killers who choose to tunnel, but will be abused by killers who proxy or just run back to the hook to tunnel. Hell, we could even look at a new type of tunneling called, "bait tunneling" where the killer makes the survivor think he's not going to come for them so they tap a gen or start to heal or something and then immediately the killer runs back to tunnel the survivor whose DS is now expired.

    It just wasn't thought about from all angles and was just another way to appease the ever increasingly whiney killer main crowd who refuse to get decent at the game and instead just want nerfs.

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    I think I saved a other pp from getting smol so your Welcome :D

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    Lol this forum is heavy Killersided its not even funny anymore.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178


    The game is still going strong despite what you say.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    This account was always baiting but people just don't seem to realize lol

  • sainivedant41
    sainivedant41 Member Posts: 2

    The problems with the DS nerf that I can already predict. Teammate heals you immediately after being unhooked. Disabled while killer comes back.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    The, "x needs to do this" argument is the dumbest thing ever. If that's the case, survivors need to survive so DS should cause the killer to be stunned for 20 seconds. See how dumb that sounds? Tapping a gen isn't working on a generator. It should be changed to something like, "performing x action for x amount of seconds" should deactivate DS. This way a survivor has a bit of leeway if someone is hooked as the survivor with DS is unhooked and the killer decides to come back and tunnel so they're not screwed out of their DS by thinking they were safe for a moment.

  • EclipsedMind
    EclipsedMind Member Posts: 26

    It only deactivates if you perform a healing action, not the other way around. Meaning if you use Self Care or a Med-Kit or heal another Survivor, it’s deactivated.

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    Of anything this is going to bring back a lot of killers so no more ######### ques

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    It's been confirmed getting healed by a teammate won't deactivate it. The perk is only deactivated by things the unhooked person chooses to do.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    The Bait Master is back, and I'm not surprised at all that he thinks these nerfs are a bad thing.

    This is probably the healthiest change this game has gotten in a long time.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    When I first heard of the news yesterday and read a picture of the perk description, I immediately thought it was a prank because it was clearly written by a killer main. It was written exactly how killer mains want it. I had to go watch a vod of the stream to confirm it was true because I couldn't believe it was being nerfed yet again and in a way that killer mains precisely want it.

    It is not about how it was nerfed that is important here, it is why it is nerfed. Decisive Strike was not nerfed because of balance reasons. The devs never said the perk was too strong, they strictly talked about the fun factor for specifically one side. It was nerfed because killers didn't like the perk. Killers demand to be totally in charge of their opponent and always oppressing them. DS doesn't win the game by having it equipped, it made the experience playing that side a little more bearable. It was a "fun" perk to use but at the same time a "required" perk to use because despite the rhetoric from the killer side, tunneling is the most effective way to win the game. I know because I play killer as well. If I want to win, I can tunnel someone out of the match and there is nothing that team can do. If it is a SWF team, they'll do anything to help their buddy and then it throws the match. I've seen it from both sides since the game released.

    With deactivation conditions which I've said on this forum numerous times which the devs have chosen to ignore, a killer can stop chase after a survivor has been unhooked and if they find that survivor with nurses calling, THEY ARE TUNNELING. The perk is useless. They can work on the objective and thinking they are safe, the killer can stop chasing and return to THAT SURVIVOR and TUNNEL. The perk is useless again. A ghostface can hide, wait for the unhook, wait for the survivor to heal or touch a gen AND PROCEED TO TUNNEL, the perk is again useless.

    This perk was nerfed for the benefit of one side at the cost of the other side for not balance reasons, but strictly FUN reasons. It has been nerfed at least five times.

    So to answer your question, if you are a survivor main or play solo or duo, then you should definitely quit. This side has been nerfed constantly and consistently for five years with total disregard to mechanics freely given to killer that can make this side miserable to play. Instead of nerfing DS, more perks should be buffed to even discourage its use to help against unfun mechanics. Why couldn't Discordance be buffed instead of nerfing DS? Keep in mind, Infectious Freight on Nurse, Spirit, Oni, Billy are all still a thing, Infectious Freight has never been nerfed, keep in mind it can be abused to cause the survivor side to be miserable. The devs and killers think this perk is healthy, obviously, for the game. An insidious camper can still camp with NOED. A bubba can camp someone in the basement and there is no possible out, a killer recently BUFFED! The devs think this is healthy, obviously.

    For me personally, I can not wait for Back 4 Blood, I've been thinking about that game a lot since it was announced and this nerf has made me even more excited and can't wait. Guess the best part is of B4B? Characters will not constantly be nerfed in that game, it will constantly improve. When you enjoy something in that game, you won't have to worry about something being taken away from you. Especially after you bought it.

  • Azeroth
    Azeroth Member Posts: 66

    ######### man did u played on red ranks ? 95% killers start tunneling if they lose gens

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    These perks both need changes; the OoO change is pretty awesome, imo. It removes control for the survivor (which was honestly the issue with the perk as they got the information whenever they wanted) but also allows some new counterplay to perks like I'm All Ears and Nurse's Calling, which is a fun interaction, imo.

    The DS change is the most stupid suggestion ever given to the devs, and they're likely going for it, which is depressing. I've hardly played this game in the past month because it feels like a mess for both roles, and with these changes coming I'm likely not to play any more at all soon. Until a month ago, I was playing minimum 40 hours a week...for a very long time...

    I don't run DS myself, but the fact that it can function to counter tunneling in some cases and causes there to be an obsession means I have a chance at not being tunneled to death because I had a good chase and the killer wants me out of the game at all cost (which happens way too often)

    The changes don't do anything to change the fact that being tunneled and doing well despite the tunnel means that you're punished with an empty perk slot, meanwhile they add the punishment that being healed by someone with an obscenely good healing build like We'll Make It + Desperate Measures + Botany Knowledge and a Ranger Med-Kit when the killer was just outside the basement on the moment of unhooking would mean that DS is now deactivated, even if the killer commits to the already unhooked person.

    The healing caveat needs removing, and a new one in which being in chase pauses the timer and the proposed factors double the rate of regression for the timer (not completely deactivate it) needs to be added for this to have any real function as an anti tunneling perk.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
  • EclipsedMind
    EclipsedMind Member Posts: 26

    Didn’t even notice the indirect buff for stealth Killers, good idea there.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I think it means if you heal another survivor not if your healed yourself, then again i feel that this part is pretty unnecessary since yes your not getting chased yet so your heal another survivor but the killer can go to you as you heal and also this often happens right off the hook.

    I feel that it really just shouldn't be for healing.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    The Killers that camp and tunnel won't feel the nerf. Those killers immediately down the Survivor off the hook or prevent the initial unhook, either way the Survivor doesn't make it to a gen in order to disable their perk.

    If you are getting facecamped or whatever, DS will still save you.

    As for if the Killer tries to wait for you to tap a gen, unless they are a stealth killer that wouldn't work at all, since the Survivor can counterplay it simply by running out of the TR before working on a gen, and stealth killers only have it a bit better as if the Survivor is careful they can predict the immediate ambush and plan accordingly, a predictable stealth killer won't win games.

  • tak47888
    tak47888 Member Posts: 125

    If it really is dying, then most likely not due to perk changes, that give more balance to each side.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295


    If anything this is going to resuscitate the game. This is a good change for the whole. Like when the exhaustion mechanic was added. Obviously survivors fought that because it took away from them but the game improved as a result. Que times will likely improve because killers might come back. Hell I'm considering returning now.