Will the Ds and OoO Nerfs kill this game?



  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Salty tears, i love it. After the ruin nerf, then mori and undying, you deserved it.

    The perk was mediocre anyway, i used it two or three times and changed it to kindred again.

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    My friend, you are the MINORITY of players who hate this change, which those players honestly are the ones who depended on DS a little too much. You can play and win without it! Streamers do it all the time, I do it all the time. The perk is a CRUTCH take it off. Instead of depending on it, play smart! Be observant after being unhooked, pay attention to what the killer could be doing, and get healed by a teamm8 if possible (as a heal from a teamm8 wont turn off DS) stop wanting to be able to play braindead and actually play using your brain!

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    You could already do that.. just don’t try to hit the skill check with DS and you can save it for your next hook

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    lmao no, but it will make a lot of survivors who use DS as a crutch leave if they can't git gud

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    You mean like killer Mains who don't stop to tunnel then crying to the Devs, so they Nerf it? Like everytime? Pallets, Perks, Maps etc???

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681


    Your exemple is unclear so I can't say anything.

    I don't see what was unfair about pallets before Clown, tell me what you mean here.

    Oh my... Every exhaution perk, Ds like 5 Times, MoM, BT, BL like 2 times, plunderes, the new one which allow to open a chest more then ones or some add ons ....instaheals, BNP, toolboxes heavy.

    Infinits are not a big Deal because good Killers know how to deal with it. And it makes sure that on the map is always something to Loop, which is the best part of the Game.

    And wow more "balence" for KiLlERs but now survivor have No Fun anymore... Nice :P

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681


    It's funny because you say everyone is bait but every comment YOU make is nothing more than bait.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Hmm, i think the changes came about because of the long survivor queue times some experienced, because fewer people wanted to play killer after the ruin, then mori, and now undying change.

    With the change of something unbalanced survivor sided, some people might consider playing killer again, leading to shorter queue times for survivors.

    If you want to quit, do it, because fewer survivors lead to shorter survivor queue times also.

    I think the DS change went a little over the top and could be taken down a notch, but the OoO was only relevant in games where the survivors had heavy advantages anyway (swf), so the OoO change should have that much weight actually.

  • FilthyQuentin
    FilthyQuentin Member Posts: 82
    edited February 2021

    Actually you can still get the old OoO after the nerf :P. But its going to be quite hard.

    Step 1: Use OoO and MoM.

    Step 2: Waste you time getting MoM stacks.

    Step 3: Use your MoM protection hit without getting downed.

    Step 4: Heal your self.

    Step 5: Well done, now the killer sees you and you see them if 16 meters apart.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    How am I a bait master? Because I want the game to be fair? Unlike you I actually try to be reasonable and fair to both sides. Meanwhile, the only thing I have ever seen you do is ######### and moan about every killer related thing in this game. Why do you think everyone calls you a bait master? Because everything you say is insanely survivor biased.

    Decisive Strike was a problem. It punished killers who didn't deserve it; that was it's biggest issue. Since the day it was created it has always been unfair in one way another, and now it has finally got what it had coming. Ds will still stop tunneling, but it will no longer be abuse-able. Let's not forget that Ruin+Undying got nerfed, it's only fair that Ds and OoO also get nerfed.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    It was never said to be specifically anti-tunnel. It doesn't even serve that purpose well and it for sure won't now. How is doing the objective abusive? Killers can play the game normally but survivors can't?

    Killers can abuse it now for the reasons I mentioned. The perk will be so bad it won't be used, therefore It is definitely not a healthy change when you lose a perk for doing the objective and when there is no obsessions everyone will be tunneled. It's only healthy for killers, to make the game even easier for them where 4K bloodbaths are the norm.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    My example: A blight hooks Meg, and then zooms to a nearby gen downing a dweet. When he dashes to the generator, Meg is unhooked with DS active for the next minute. The blight then hooks dwight, this process takes about 24 seconds. The blight then goes to another generator and happens to find Meg hiding around, he then downs her easily and picks her up, but is hit by DS. Tell me, is this tunneling?

    You are telling me you don't see how teleporting on the other side of a pallet was unfair for killers? Probably because the killer would be robbed of a hit they should have gotten.

    DS was hardly changed each time they "nerfed" it until they added the part where you were unhooked. The current DS is stronger than the old one since it has no counterplay.

    Insta heals, the old BNP, toolboxes, and the exhaustion nerfs were VERY good. It was a nerf, but it made the game more balanced. If 4 survivors used the BNPs, they could LITERALLY do 3 gens in less than a minute if they used it properly no matter the killer. Please tell me how MoM was balanced btw since you still seem a bit upset by its nerf. BT was changed for the better in case you didn't read my reasoning in my last comment. You also didn't tell me how BNPs or insta heals were fair, please do I would love to hear your reasoning for that.

    Also, BL was nerfed because it was stupidly powerful on Haddonfield especially.

    Infinite were still a problem for even the good killers (except nurse). The best killer player in DBD playing a killer like Wraith would catch the survivor running an infinite only after all gens were done. All maps always have something to work with, you just have to be good to find and use it. Take lery's for example, most survivors have no idea the special spot on the map where there are always guaranteed pallets and strong windows. Infinites were still a problem for good killers (except nurse) especially if the survivor running them was good.

    You seem to be upset that you can't rely on anything but your skill now, especially after the DS change I would assume. Survivor is still very fun, I don't know what you are talking about. Also, does survivor fun HAVE to come at expense of the killer's fun? Because that is what old Mom, BT, Bl, BNP toolboxes, and infinites did.

    I will wait on your well-written response and arguments. However, you seem like a bait-poster.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Bold of you to assume survivors can get at least 3 protection hits in a match lol

    but seriously, I am pretty sure this won't be a problem.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696

    But hey...that game will NEVER have nerfs or balance changes....according to the salt fueled time machine, anyway.

    Complaining about DLC being changed in a live game is about as far away from rational as you can get in terms of gaming.

    Gotta say, though, I was waiting a while for their "survivor bubble" to pop, and I guess DS was what did it - it was an amusing read, at least.

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    Someone depended on DS a little too much lol, finally realizing how much it carried you?

  • jake1989
    jake1989 Member Posts: 29

    ds change is not balance they just help tunnel - camp kids, why no fix gen speed?, surv now will just dont do nothing afraid do gen -totem - heal ? bc deactivate it ds is now like selfcare wasting time nothing more

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    If there are people who rely on a perk to enjoy this game... that's sad.

  • jake1989
    jake1989 Member Posts: 29

    If there are people who rely on a camp - tunnel to enjoy this game... that'sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad.

  • EclipsedMind
    EclipsedMind Member Posts: 26

    I see where you’re coming from and yes, it’s not fun to be camped or tunneled or to do either, but as the Developers said during the Q&A, it’s a strategy used to put pressure on Survivors. I wish tunneling and camping didn’t exist, but it happens. Decisive Strike was the answer to it, but it was too powerful, especially with Unbreakable, to the point it wasn’t even used defensively as a counter to tunneling, but aggressively.

  • VicThor
    VicThor Member Posts: 347
    edited February 2021

    So you say it was useful cause you could DS-d the killer within 60 sec almost in case of any action?

    I’m sorry if it sound harsh, but if you didn’t use the anti tunnel part of DS and that’s what you needed to win.. then maybe you relied on this perk too much. The perk won’t be useless, you just can’t play cocky anymore and it will punish killer if he tunnels you. Why should be the killer punished because you go for an unhook right after unhook or you jump on a gen right after unhook? Killer can’t do his objective neither he can’t hook u again without punishment, it’s a fair trade off.

  • Emikol
    Emikol Member Posts: 41

    To the original post and title. No I don't think it will kill this game at all just like every time something is changed people will find something new to latch onto. I never used DS personally though it would have been handy in a rare few games the new proposed version would do the same as in these instances I'm talking about I was targeted straight from off the hook.

    From being a killer and seeing 3-4x DS every game they do not use it in this manner they use it to unhook in my face, work on gens in my face and act very aggressive knowing they have it. That is the problem with DS not the perks settings but the way the player base is using it. Same with OoO I only ever see it in a SWF group and playing killer it's just annoying to see. OoO users in my games don't just glace up to see where I am at times for info they keep it up 24/7 and often are teabagging with it to try and lure me over. (I ignore this and take out the rest of their team forcing them to come to me) So overall I feel these proposed changes are there because of how the player base uses them.

  • jake1989
    jake1989 Member Posts: 29

    rly are strategy? gen is not strategy?, why devs nerf toolbox? why they nerf instal heal and not nerf noed + hope? only killer have stradegy??? you gonna be kiding me i waste more that 7 k hours in this game i waste 5 h per day in this game 70 % are camp - tunnel and worts is more are red rank baby killers that crying about ds and br so i ques next is br time?

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    No just toxic team builds that make killers evaluate why they play

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    Survivors always using these perks to win would kill the game, i'd say Survivor nerfs are needed

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 572

    I think the change to DS will hurt solo queue, just because you'll probably have a teammate every so often that opts to do nothing to keep their DS up.

    But both of these changes hurt SWF squads and toxic play a lot and will most likely reduce a lot of the frustrations with playing killer, which is great.

    I do wish they would make Borrowed Time activate based on killer proximity rather than terror radius though so that I can just ditch DS altogether. The fact that it doesn't activate when the oblivious or undetectable status effects are in play is really silly.

  • jake1989
    jake1989 Member Posts: 29

    im lying ? hahah baby how im 18 devotion then? go waste more that 5 h per day you will see how much there camp - tunnel kids bc they chase you more that 3 gen or bc they are just toxic, i ques you are camp - tunnel killer then ok baby hahah, thay are Superstars? bc playing game? hahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahhaahhaahahahahahahahhahah

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    B&C and PGTW both reward the killer for making progress on their objective whereas DS rewards survivors for getting caught or failing their objective. It makes no sense to complain about those perks.

    2nd DS can be used 4 times in a match, because each of the 4 survivors can bring it. It's dishonest to bring up the number of times a killer perk can be used at most and not do the same for the survivor perk. Not to mention a killer is likely not getting a chance to use every pop in a match nor is B&C always going to be showing survivors auras.

    And Tinkerer itself doesn't stop survivors from finishing gens nor does the perk itself provide any form of regression on that near completed gen. Meaning it's very possible to finish the gen despite attracting the killer's attention.

  • EclipsedMind
    EclipsedMind Member Posts: 26

    5 sec stun by from each Survivor, which could potentially be 20 seconds. At that point, as a Killer, you’ve lost the game most likely because each second count. And by abusable, I mean do a Generator in front of the Killer, playing aggressively towards the Killer, and just be obnoxious and cocky with it because, with the help of Borrowed Time, it puts Killers in a “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t “ situation.

  • EclipsedMind
    EclipsedMind Member Posts: 26

    And don’t even get me started on the synergy with Unbreakable.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Just keep right on digging that hole for yourself. I'm willing to accept that you are telling the truth if you want to admit to being the worst Dead by Daylight Player ever. :) I mean it can only be one or the other, right? I don't have nearly the hours you are claiming, and I don't get camped or tunneled 70% of the time. Remember, most of us can do basic math. You are claiming that of the seven thousand hours you have logged that you have been tunneled and camped four thousand nine hundred hours. If you want to embrace being THAT BAD why should I argue with you. How is it other people aren't spending 70% of their time being camped on a hook? Seriously, that is the kind of metrics a potato Player enjoys while they are still learning the game.

    I just find it hilarious that you would rather be known as the WORST Player in the game than admit that you you are exaggerating. :) Or perhaps you really are that bad. If so, please take the following video to heart:

  • EclipsedMind
    EclipsedMind Member Posts: 26

    Damn, lured him into a trap and finished him. Well played.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Some of the posts in this thread are simply head-shaking -- it's legitmately hard to tell who's actually just trolling and who isn't at times (the OP's post history suggests 100% troll, but others, it's hard to tell, lol).

    I play 50/50 (or close enough to it). As a survivor, I ALWAYS run DS in EVERY match. When I get to use it, 95% of the time, it works as it should -- I'm getting tunneled off of the hook (sometimes, my rescuer is taking a protection hit or is right there, and the killer ignores them to focus on me) and it buys me another chance to get away. That won't be changing in the future with these changes. There are times I use it offensively, which is NOT what the perk should be, and that's what's getting changed. If I lose my DS because I rush back to a gen to finish it after being unhooked instead of going to safety somewhere, that's on ME for taking the chance.

    I played last night for well over four hours as part of a 3 and 4-person SWF for most of the night. I actually had to use DS only a couple of times, because we didn't run into tunnelers. None of the upcoming changes would have affected my usage of the perk, because I use it to protect myself and not in an offensive manner.

    The only thing I think is overkill is the healing part -- I think you should be able to heal yourself and not have it deactivate (and if someone else healing you keeps it active, then that's a good thing). But everything else that's being tossed? Do a gen, break a totem, run to unhook in the killer's face right after you were hooked? That's on YOU as a survivor to weigh if the risk (getting downed again immediately) is worth the reward (finishing the last gen, rescuing someone on death hook, breaking that Ruin totem). That's balanced.

    This isn't going to be "killing" the game, and based on the survivor lobby times I face, anyone who quits as a result isn't going to be doing anything but helping the wait times for people to play. As so many players have said about the Undying nerf -- stating that it'll separate the good killers from the ones being carried by a "crutch" -- this may do the same for separating truly good survivors/teams from ones being carried by DS/UB X4.

  • jake1989
    jake1989 Member Posts: 29

    my eng is not soo good maybe i explain wrong anuway im not gonna waste time so much anumore in this game, im play solo i mean my teamates get campet-tunnel almost every match i dont care i escape or die im playing for fun, ds is punish killer tunneling? now is punish surv doing gen - totem, its waste time now, im sure they will nerf br time too bc killers crying about it too

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Why are you earnestly responding to a post that you acknowledged is bait?

  • jake1989
    jake1989 Member Posts: 29

    i know how loop i know what im doing i hate when killer tunnel someone im doing all what i can for help him but devs just help these tupe killers and that is bad for dbd healt if you think game will not die ok i hope you are right, i see game die that playing 30 k + players why bc devs dont listen community, im leaving now bye and take care and stay safe all