Punished a survivor for teabagging and got 9 msgs of sweet salty tears lol

I try and play fair. I also play for fun, so don't care about wins or losses, or what strategies a killer or survivor uses to get there, but I do have 1 rule: if you're gonna be a cocky douche with the teabags or flashlight spam, I'll make sure you die lol.
######### is that thumbnail? Is this 2010?
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T-bagging is a strategy.
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Whoa... You're really good 🤯
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Salty Messages are Best Messages
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Hitting on the hook and getting annoyed by someone spamming crouch. I think I know who is salty as well.
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It "can" be a strategy certainly, but more often than not it is just to irritate people. Most of the time, the Killer can tell which is which. Then there are those that linger at the gate to tea-bag the Killer which not even you can argue is a "strategy" beyond wanting to wind the Killer up.
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You sounds salty as ######### that someone teabagged you...
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lol i like how the dude sending salty messages is a red rank with the small pee pee build. It all makes sense.
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When le survivor is toxic
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After watching the VOD (congratz, one view on it)...Yeah, you are salty.
You injured the Tapp who unhooked the BIll, went after BIll to tunnel him, he teabagged. And then you were salty, ready to throw the game, hitting him on the hook...
You take this a little bit personal, eh?
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"You take this a little bit personal, eh?"
says the person who spent there time watching the whole video then retelling what happened on it and reading into the emotions that came out of it
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You shut your mouth! Rage faces are timeless! I hope they make a resurgence.
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Nah, I am just quite annoyed by people who are like "Moooom, they are teabagging me in a videogame! :(" despite deserving it (by clearly tunneling the Bill). Let alone that he posts it here days after it happened, calling that Survivor salty while being salty himself.
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So basically you are salty that this streamer is salty because of teabaggers?
Ohhh the irony
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understandable, a tractor abusing meg (it was around after a patch where I started having a hard time landing on the haystack for a while afterwards) I tunneled and camped on her last hook because she kept asking if I wanted some hot bags of tea while playing ring around the rosie on the tractor. she was in a 3 man swf I assume, since two of them were hellbent on trying to save her instead of doing generators.