What is the most niche perk that you ran that the opposite side complained about?

So you know how when you play either role, the other side will complain about the perks you run during the end game chat. Usually if you're running meta perks such as DS, Unbreakable, Dead Hard, Borrowed Time, etc as survivor. As killer, survivors often will complain about perks like Undying, Ruin, PGTW, NOED, Devour Hope, etc.
However, some players seem to always find a reason to complain, no matter which perks you're running. So, have you ever gotten complaints for running a niche (or somewhat niche) perk? If so, which one was it?
A friend of mine got bashed for running... Surge. Another friend of mine got a killer pissed off for running "meta perks"... which were Solidarity and Wake Up.
Lol I wouldn't say niche perk but perhaps build. So I was playing a kyf game the other day to try out this build of tenacity, flip flop, unbreakable, and boil over while my friend was running breakout. Let's just say in real games if you happen to pull that off even more than once the killer isn't gonna like that lol
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Is detective's hunch niche? That's the only killer perk complaint I've gotten.
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Blood Echo.
You better believe someone wasn't happy about never getting to use their Dead Hard while Mind Breaker'd and sick.
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Diversion. I was literally tunneled out of the game for pebbling the killer multiple times.
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Omg it definitely is imo. I couldn't even imagine getting complaints for running that perk. Did you cleanse all the killer's hex totems? Lmao
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I ran Sloppy Butcher on Bubba. Got called stupid and all kinds of other nice things. Didn't say a word about the fact I was also running Franklin's and Surge. Or that they had a key, map, and 2 flashlights.
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No One Escapes Death.
Super niche.
Only works if the game goes so long all five generators are repaired.
Does not work on Injured survivors.
Does not work on Killer Power attacks like Hatchets.
Can be deactivated by a Survivor finding a totem.
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Shadowborn. I was going for adept Wraith, and after the game the survivors claimed I was using op perks.
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Territorial Imperative - the Bill that I busted for crawling around in my basement was not amused.
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LMFAO HOLY #########
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Got called a Tryhard for using No MIther.
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you did the pebble proud. good job
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The thing about playing on console, is that people tend to not bother messaging anyone since it takes too long.
so you know when someone messages you, they are really pissed XD
it was quite fun when on 07/29/2019 someone said "farm" and I replied no
then on 03/17/2020, the same person said "pick noed, you'll need it. Didn't wanna farm with me"
and to me that's just hilarious... XD
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Stridor on Huntress and Hex: The Third Seal on Hag
All the Iron Will gamers were annoyed, and the survivors were not happy when they carelessly ran into several of my traps, got downed in quick succession, and then had a harder time finding one another.
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Third Seal is even one of the Hag's perks??? If I expect any killer to run that perk, it's definitely Hag lmaooo
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On Killer -- Spies from the Shadows.
On Survivor -- hmm not sure killers don't tend to complain in chat unlike Survivors. Usually it's my fellow survivors who complain when they see the crap loadout I went to battle with.
Killers do their complaining on the forums, not in the ingame chat.
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Sometimes I'll switch it up and bring autodidact. It is nice when you get 5 stacks but randoms DO NOT want you to go anywhere near them until you get at least 3.
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Iron grip or agitation usually gets people angry at me.
My combo of those two and mad grit and lightborn caused someone to type ######### in chat till it closed XD
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I get survivor DC’s and angry messages when I slug using Coulrophobia and Sloppy/Mangled. Specifically, when someone leads a chase back to a slugged survivor and they can’t simply just tap a button to get their teammate up. They take a kit, still try to heal the slug, can’t get them up, I down them.
And sometimes they DC.
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Poised, since apparently losing scratchmarks make you a hacker.
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Prove Thyself. Idk why that perk is toxic tho
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Someone complained that I was running Zanshin Tactics on The Nurse.
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Calm Spirit. I had a Doc basically state that I beat him the moment I added "that" Perk.
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I love Prove Thyself. Combine it with Bond and get those juicy BP in quick sucession.
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Shadownborn gives you 15° of speed and you drank your five hour energy so you had extra speed. Easily an OP perk.
I can’t play some killers without Shadowborn. It’s addictive.
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Boil Over. Since my friends and I were doing a sabo build XD
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edited since mods probably aren't asleep any more
Post edited by SocialDistomancy on0 -
They didn't really complain then but I once used old Hangman's Trick against 4 Toolboxes and they wondered why the hooks respawned so fast.
In the chat they were like: "Really, Hangman's Trick?"
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Not sure if this counts as niche, but Lightborn. Going for the hillbilly adept (which I still haven't gotten rip) and obviously that includes lightborn.
Just happened to go against a team full of flashlights. Survivors don't like it apparently when you don't give a ######### about flashlights.
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I occassionally like to run dark sense combined with poised. It's fun sometimes to be able to finish a generator, see the killers location, and then run in the opposite directions for 10 seconds without leaving a scratch mark. One match in particular I was the last survivor left and 2 gens needed to be finished. I came across one gen that was 90% done. Finished it and took off running. The killer was nearby. I found another generator across the map. I finished it and opened the door right next to it.
I got a long nasty message after the game from the killer. Apparently he thought I had been hiding in the area where I completed the 4th because he didn't see anyway I could have run away from the open area it was located without him either seeing me or being able to see my scratch marks. I got a long lecture on how unfair it was that I "tricked" him by using dark sense and poised to get away without leaving a trace.
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I think the one that sticks out to me the most was Second wind. It saved my ass qt the last second and the killer called it a crutch perk.
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I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry. It's just a great feeling when you can accurately predict which hook the killer is going to and drop it before they get there. And then they just drop your teammate and start tunneling you.
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Territorial Imperative
I was doing Adept Huntress and a Feng decided to go to the basement at the very beginning of the trial. Post game chat was quite... something.
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Make Your Choice! Survivor DC'd and complained in post game chat because he wasn't have fun due to being instadown all 3 times