Do you think DS would be Op if you had more of a choice when to use it?

I feel I should have a choice to choose to DS the killer. Often times I am forced to us DS because of my own teammates incompetence. So I feel its best to have a choice of when to use it. What do you think?
Edit: ignore this post i was told I can choose when to use it. Thank you.
What do u mean forced to use it? U either use it or don't. I thought that if you let the skill check go away without doing anything, u don't have to use it and save it for later. It's been a while since I last skipped using DS. Or do you mean you feel forced to use it cuz of teammates? Or with the changes you feel forced to try to use it.
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I don't think it'd be overpowered because of that change, but it would absolutely make a currently overpowered Perk more powerful. I don't see why that'd be a good idea.
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No I'm pretty sure if you miss the skillcheck it permanently deactivates DS.
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That's if you miss the skill check literally. If you don't press anything DS gets saved for later, unless they changed that.
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I think ... NOT IN A MILLION YEARS. Meta perks don't need any buffs. Just buff the other 5000 niche perks, that they become actually usefull.
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I don't mean now I mean when the change happens.
Frankly I don't want to use it on my first hook, I wanna use it on my last or second hook. Being able to choose when to use it would be really nice
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I'm pretty sure not pressing anything also deactivates it. Since I assume not hitting the skillcheck counts as failing it and thus deactivates it.
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Try it. I'm not at a computer right now. Although I checked the wiki and it says it does work how I said it does in trivia.
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It doesn't. If you don't press anything, the perk does not deactivate and you can use it later.
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Really? I need to test this out.
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It's not written there specifically but he's correct. If you don't hit the DS and just let it finish without pressing anything, you can save it for the second time if that ever comes. It always worked like that from what I remember.
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Indeed! People often don't know this because it's not mentioned anywhere in the perk description for some reason, but it's true.
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This Is news to me. Granted when I use DS I don't have the intention of doing nothing.
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They need to update the description since logically speaking it deactivates if you succeed or fail the skill check and missing a skillcheck means you technically fail it.
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if you let the skillcheck run all the way through without hitting it or missing it you can use it in the 60 seconds after you get unhooked on your second hook
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From what I've seen, hitting it too early saves it, while hitting it too late cancels it out.
Neglecting it entirely functions like the former, from what I've seen as well.
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attempting to hit the skill check in any manner (early or late) and failing results in the perk being disabled.