This isn't last change DS will get

I'm calling it now. All people around here are throwing out ideas on "how to make DS still good after the changes" adding more stuff to DS. That's exactly what happened in the big DS update last time it got rewored, they removed some stuff and added different stuff and it cause problems to the point where they had to change it again.
Wait for the actual perk changes to come out and give us time to test how the perk fares.
If it proves somehow weak or not good enough at helping againt tunneling, more change will come.
Welp, unfortunately, it seems you are just an innocent protester in noman's land cuz I think survs are about to start a revolt.
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That never helped before and won't do any good now. All the propositions are just too early, reminds me how people scream OP & weak each chapter about new killer and perks.
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I dunno if survivor queues lose about 10 minutes it'll only be good for the rest especially if most were the bad mates that left
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I think DS will be just fine after this change. It will still be effective against tunneling killers. It's not like when they reworked old MoM.
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Welp, it's unfortunate the, uh, ######### legion of survs and killers didn't see this post.
but as a wise man once said:
"Peace was never an option..."
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Hey the survs finally got what they wanted right? Smaller queue times LMAO
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All I want is for them to change the unhook deactivation, tbh. I don't care about it deactivating upon productivity, just dislike how new DS heavily discourages altruism and promotes inefficiency overall now. That's fine and dandy for SWF because you can just find another teammate to do something for you, but it definitely cucks solo queue players. Keep the healing deactivation, sure (even though that also leads to anti-altruism), but I do hope to see it altered to allow for unhooking again, perhaps.
Either way, devs will get to see data and find out how much DS changes effect kill rates/survival rates, and I'm sure they'll adjust parts of the game accordingly.
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na unhooking somebody shouldn't be free, it should be a risky move for both you and them, and if the killer camps punish them slamming generators together
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There is no punishment for end game camping at all. Can't slam gens if there are none left. It's an extremely unenjoyable experience to get caught for the first time at end game (perhaps due to NOED) and then get camped and left for dead by your teammates who don't want to risk anything.
Like I said, this doesn't really affect SWF. They can coordinate a save just fine most of the time, if there is at least 2 unhooked people left. But it's a big let down for solo. End game face camping is completely low effort and skill-less from the killer so it's sort of sad that they're taking away an option to combat it. I probably won't be personally affected by it since I usually play SWF anyways, I just feel bad for the solo queue players who are most likely gonna have similar situations pop up fairly often after the DS change.
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And killer queues will increase by about 10 minutes at the same time - with tons of bad killers waiting to find a match ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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end game camping is a tactic, they're trying to secure a kill, if you can't safely free them then save yourself. you know, like those life and deathd ecisions people make in movies. where not everybody makes it tot he end of the movie alive, especially the incredibly heroic ones that get themselves killed.
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I don't see why those wanting an edge as survivor would complain about facing more bad killers.
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Oh it's a tactic for sure, just a crappy low effort one that will be annoying to be seen rewarded much more heavily now.
A team of smart players will counteract it. A mildly skilled SWF will also probably be fine. But solo queue games made up of average level players will definitely suffer from more selfish players, since even someone with DS will now be unwilling to attempt a save unless he is very altruistic and doesnt mind possibly sacrificing himself in the end, like you mentioned. I myself don't run DS so it isn't personal- I'm just thinking ahead to how the survivor meta will be quite shaken up when it comes to the DS change.
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you make it sound as if everybody will constantly have ds active the entire game by the sound of that. what you're describing won't be as common a situation as you make it out ot be unless it's a lobby full of bad survivors that I wouldn't want to unhook anyways probably let alone risk badly unhooking me. it's making a mountain out of a molehill
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I mean survivor mains are now in bargaining mode. They know DS is now getting nerfed but they want to keep it as strong as possible, now DS is true anti-tunnel and people have preached "just don't tunnel and DS won't be issue"