"Abusing" a perk or strategy

It's intriguing to me that people think you can "abuse" any perk or strategy that isn't against the rules.
- I despise slugging. I especially despise when a killer uses it from the start as their whole strategy. It's the thing I hate the most about this game. As a matter of fact I hate it so much that I would quit playing DBD if slugging became the predominant killer strategy because it simply wouldn't be fun for me anymore. Here's the thing though. Regardless of my feelings about slugging it is a legitimate strategy. Just because I personally don't like it, or don't like the way someone chooses to utilize it does not mean they are abusing it. They are utilizing a legitimate strategy within parameters BHVR has set forth as acceptable.
- Another one I see on here are people that try to claim utilizing DS outside of a specific set of criteria amounts to abusing it. There's nothing wrong with making an argument that BHVR should change the criteria for how and when DS can be used. As we are seeing now sometimes those arguments actually bring about needed changes. However, utilizing any perk (DS or otherwise) within the parameters set forth by BHVR at that time does not equate to abuse regardless of anyone's personal preference.
In other words it's one thing to argue the way something is implemented isn't healthy and should be changed. It's something entirely different to claim people should follow a set of arbitrary guidelines based on personal preferences or they're abusing a perk or strategy.
Why bring this up? I have seen some excellent arguments either completely ignored or dismissed on this forum because of this. It's way too easy to dismiss everything someone says when just one part of it is easily dismissed.
"abuse" is using anything that's used against you in a way you dislike, but objectively not problematic when compared to other things
Nurse fatigue cancel
ds locker
dead harding over traps
using pig, wraith, ghostface, and insiduous' stealth to deny borrowed time
using dpi change to make swings and curves that you otherwise wouldn't
using stretched res to mimic shadowborn
It's used in a way that "toxic" and "bullying" are, to describe anything a person does not like. It typically holds no substance in an argument
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There are no such thing as abuse or toxic just cuz ur playing the game in such a way that annoys another player. Aside from hacking.
There is only emotional ppl who plays w feelings and they don't even know it.
However, u can harass a player online, In which u should close communication or report it to the platform holder like Sony or Microsoft.
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This is exactly what I said about "free" stuff. Free hits, free escapes, free pressure, free range, free whatever. Everyone's response was pretty much you're taking it too seriously. Ppl don't mean that too literally, except the ppl being clearly biased.
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What do u mean?
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I mean that I basically said the same thing about free as what op said about abuse. Ppl use it in pretty much the same way, except people say a perk or strategy gives a free____.
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This has too much punctuation and logic for this forum. There must be somewhere else this will be actually appreciated and listened to.
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I could go into a long rant on punctuation and grammar, but I'll only go on a mini rant. While I think the benefits of modern technology far outweigh that negatives I think one of the things that has suffered has been clear written communication. Lack of punctuation drives me crazy. It's almost impossible to keep up with all the acronyms and abbreviations people use in an effort to reduce keystrokes, especially when you consider an acronym might mean completely differnt things to one group of people than it does to another.
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It's "abusing" if it is an unintended and unfair use of something. Usually when there is little to no effort or risk for an insanely high reward. For example, going for saves with DS/UB. No risk, massive reward.
A lot of people have the mindset of "if I can do it then it's fair." I don't understand it. It just seems like an excuse to play extremely dirty and take zero responsibility.
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Technically you are right, it's often more meant to express the toxic use of something when it's phrased that way.
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Slugging has a counterplay, DS on some things did not have a counterplay and was just stupidly op.
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yeah with unbreakable either way it meant you'd have to down them twice, it was comparable to auto-revive items or buffs in some games. Like screwing up in god of war with a rez stone lol. it could turn it from having to hook 4 guys 3 times to having to hook 4 guys 4 or 5 times in the worst games if they all had the combo. not literally hook, I should have said down them instead to not be as exaggerated about it. It could still be that way, but they have to sacrifice their points and gen progress to do it now so it comes at a price if they wanna waste their own time trying to troll.
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I think we may have differing opinions of what it is to abuse something in the game. I will readily admit I do think if something is allowable within the rules and parameters (even if it wasn't the intended use) set forth by BHVR then it's fair game. I may not like all of them. I may think some of them should be changed, and I may even think some are unfair. I just personally don't think using any perk or strategy in a manner that is not against the rules is abusing it.
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I agree with you on both counts. My personal disdain for slugging has nothing to do with whether or not it has counterplay. I just hate it. That's just a personal opinion though. Even as a survivor main I think the upcoming DS change was needed. At the same time I don't think using it within the rules of the game prior to the change was abusive.
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Every killer had numerous games, where he played "fair" without tunneling and camping, had a good start but lost the momentum because he played "fair" by survivor standarts. Nobody thanks you for it. I don't do it most of the time because i don't have to, but i can understand under some circumstances to abuse that playstyle.
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The most obvious example is "offensive" BT. The unhooker grabs someone off the hook and the unhooked charges and body blocks the killer.
There's no way you'll ever convince me that this is not an abuse of a perk as this goes completely against the spirit of what the perk is supposed to do.
"Luckily" I'm experienced enough at the game to understand what they're doing and how to counter it but that doesn't excuse what they know they're trying to pull.
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You make a good point. I guess it all depends on how you define what it means to abuse something within the game. My personal opinion is if you aren't breaking any rules it's impossible to be abusing anything. A different definition might lead to a different conclusion. Perhaps neither is necessarily wrong.
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You are right. I just noticed that, and sometimes I do it myself, people tend to use the term abusive referring to the behavior and perceived intentions of the other players. But I see it the same way in that if it's possible, and not clearly a bug or exploit, then the devs are to blame and not the players since it's fair game from a player's position until devs change it. Don't hate the player hate the game is sort of the way I look at it. I've used busted stuff myself in plenty of games, probably most people in at least one game or another knowingly have. It's reasonable to be angry when they try to troll or deliberately ruin others' experience, but if they're only trying to win that's what everybody wants to do and you can't blame them for that. I liked this guy named Sirlin (something like that iirc) he had some nice takes on the concept of playing to win, it was based around fighting games though, he had a website and a section all devoted to it and the philosophy of playing to win lol.
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Its very much possible to abuse a mechanic without it being specified as against the rules. Typically this is something that leads to changes in the game itself to avoid said abuse. When the game was first released, we saw abusable mechanics all over the place from having 2 windows directly next to each other before entity blockers were a thing that caused survivors to be able to hop back and forth forever without any worry of getting hit to even survivors being able to self-heal themselves so fast due to perk stacking that they could get hit and heal up while the killer was in the attack cooldown.
Heres a situation thats CURRENTLY in the game in which the killer player is forced to eat 21 flashlight blinds per survivor if they want a chance to start a chase...
Is it against the rules? no...
Is it abusing a mechanic? I'd say so
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