To people who suggest new DS should last indefinitely in chase...

It is a bad idea. Timer slows down during chase is possible, but it should not be lasting indefinitely.
If it lasts indefinitely, toxic survivors will literally run in front of the killer purposely to force a chase. In this case, killer can’t do anything about it. It is total invincibility unless the killer decides to pick him up.
Toxic survivors will definitely abuse it, as their best interest is not to win the game, but to annoy the killer.
Don't know about you but if a survivor tries to run in front of me when I'm chasing someone else or patrolling gens I just ignore them and don't activate the chase. It's as easy as ignoring a flashlight clicker.
Thats 1 player not on a gen, 2 if I I'm already on someone.
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If the Survivor wants to have DS up forever, then they are not doing the Objective. Which is not bad for the Killer at all.
But, you know, the Killer can also go after someone else. I know, this is a weird idea, but it is possible.
EDIT: For Map Pressure, a Survivor who wants to keep their DS "forever" and does not do any of the Objectives anymore is basically the same like a dead Survivor.
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that's not how the game works. if they run in front of you in a certain range, the chase starts.
it doesn't matter if you ignore them
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you can easily look away from them and it'll break chase very quickly, also not running after them.
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the point still stands. survivors will keep running in front of you and extending the DS timer forever.
also, chases take a while to break
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this tactic would only really work in a thin corridor where the survivor you supposedly aren't chasing is already infront of you. People try to do this to me all the time and its as simple as turning 90 degrees and running in the same direction. They're giving you free pressure against their team. There's no reason to be annoyed by it.
When I see people do that I go "neat thanks for letting your team down".
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who the hell is doing this tactic with you? there's literally no reason to do it right now.
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And whats the problem with that? This Survivor will have DS active, but they cannot do any of the Objectives. Which is good for the Killer.
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A survivor infinitely chase baiting is a survivor infinitely off of objectives
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this survivor? all 4.
this is a troll situation. they aren't trying to escape, just annoy the killer.
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Okay but is it really trolling if you can easily punish them for it? Either they commit to being an annoyance and you get a free 60 seconds off of gens or they scurry away after seeing that you're not messing around. It's not like they can do gens in your face anymore.
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You know what M1 does to survivors?
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I'm just going to slug them like I do now when they try and pull that.
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I never said it was a good strategy, just toxic.
and we should not add a thing to a perk to enable someone being toxic
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Perfect solution. Old and new DS countered. Smarter than 99% of this board
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Survivors can act toxic and use bad strategy even without the perk. The perk doesn't specifically reward toxic behavior. You are just as rewarded for using it well as you are for using it in a toxic way. This is the case for most perks and it is not really a problem imo.
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All we need is for people to stop threatening my mother for doing it and we are all set.
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Survivors: "We want infinite DS".
Also survivors: "Killers shouldn't slug."
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I was saying it disables on entering a locker but pauses if downed
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If they lower the time it's active then pausing the timer while being chased or downed is the only way to actually counter tunneling. Even killers who tunnel can just slug the ds so it's not being punished.
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yep this is the reason i dont have ds on my build almost got slugged everytime and when killer do this they will just patrol around downed survivor until 60s passed
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60 seconds is already good enough.
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If they are running in front of you to trigger the chase, than u can hit them anyway... If they STILL running in front of you to trigger the chase, well, than hit them again.
If they get healed from the slug, than they DS isn't active anymore.
So in the end the survivor achieved NOTHING. So as killer i'd like that.
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The main thing i see wrong with it is when they are finding the hatch off the hook and it is opened, the killer more than likely wont be able to get them unless the survivor is very unlucky and misses the hatch.
wouldn't hurt to buff it's duration in some way tho like if your being useless for 60+ seconds what are you doing?