Like... why?

Bit of a rant (ish?) post I guess.
Been having an awesome and fun time playing Survivor tonight, however I decided to play a game of Killer because Survivor Queues are quite slow in the evenings UK time.
First off it gives me Azarov's Resting Place, a map I very much so dislike when playing killer, but hey-ho, it's RNG, i'll play it. Within 25-30 seconds of the game starting, I immediately have two survivors just constantly vaulting a window and then one of them runs straight to Killer Shack when I come over. The one game I play as Killer tonight and immediately i'm greeted with super annoying survivors just trying to annoy me and ruin my experience.
All I can say is enjoy your 10 minute survivor queue again.
best you can do is just queue again
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I don't see what ruined the game for you.
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Just kill them? If the survivors are annoying in my experience it just makes it more satisfying to watch the entity devour them.
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When survivors do weird stuff like spam-vaulting at the beginning of a match or swarming me, I'll just look at them, and if they continue I just... walk away. And if it still continues, I go afk at the exit gate. I mean, I know to patrol gens and chase survivors and that stuff, but when they're being weird... what do you guys want from me? Huh? I'm so confused, sometimes. So, I'll watch something on my computer, let them have their gen repair sim, and when they're done I get into my next instant killer match. Boom. Perfect system.
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The fact that it was my first game of the night playing Killer and first game there's already survivors being annoying? Just went straight back to survivor after that.
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My first Nurse game I felt like using max blink range add-ons and got sent to Lery's.
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What's the problem? If they want to vault spam just run over and hit them. If not ignore them, they're not doing gens so hit the one that is.
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I didn't want to give them the attention and let them potentially annoy me all game long. Especially on a map like Azarov's with a killer like Clown who'll suffer due to poor mobility.
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And all it took was some window vaulting?
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As I mentioned, one of them ran straight to Killer Shack once they heard me coming so I didn't want to waste time chasing there. If I ignore them, that means they can just create loud explosions in my ear every two seconds. Yes, they're not doing gens, but that harms other gameplay too because I can't hear as much because of the explosions.
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Your average killer main on this forum. These people are too sensitive to play this role. They should find a SWF and stick to that.
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...yes. it's my first killer game of the night, i don't fancy going in straight away having to deal with people who are attempting to ruin my experience and annoy me. if it was my 3rd or 4th game in, sure whatever i very likely would've played it out, but it left a sour taste in my mouth considering it was the first game of the night and i'd already had some rough killer matches when i'd played much earlier on in the day.
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Next assumption?
Also I love how you assume i'm a killer main when in the actual post I literally said I was having a ton of fun playing survivor... did you even read the post?
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I play Killer and I've never had this reaction.
If a few annoying window vaults make you wanna quit on the FIRST game, maybe you shouldn't play Killer. I get the "I am gonna vault the same pallet 50 times in a row" guy all the time. I just ignore them. Hell, I LOVE when they do that. It means that they are not on a generator or pushing an objective. If all they wanna do is throw up loud noise notifications I can ignore, then by all means. It's almost as good as a free slug.
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Stick to survivor then fam. You’re farrrrrrrr too sensitive for killer.
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Average is a funny word isn’t it
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The point wasn't to prove I play a lot... it was to prove that I play both sides?
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"If all they wanna do is throw up loud noise notifications I can ignore"
If i'm in a chase with someone else whilst these loud noise notifications are going on, it can be very distracting trying to track the survivors moaning through walls of loops over that loud sound. Can also mask any grass sounds that survivors make by crouching about too.
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Is this a massive problem for literally anyone but the Spirit?
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Yeah, maybe I should tbh. Just sucks as most of the time survivor queues are between like 3-10 mins and the more killers that switch sides or quit playing the longer those queues will get. Part of the reason why I play killer is because of basically instant queue times no matter when
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I play both. Literally nothing annoys me that other people do. If you wanna win you wanna win. I do not care. Face camping bubba? Sure. Stridor Spirit? Have fun. DS+UB ? Have at it. None of that ######### bothers me.
it’s a game that literally anyone can get to “high ranks”. None of it matters