Anyone else think Amanda (pig lady) is OP ?

The traps take away too long and she barely has a music cue. Plus while worrying about traps it's hard to do gens. I'm kinda ranting but she is pretty unfair to play against. In fact most of the base game killers, i don't have a problem with. A few of the DLC ones seem to be OP which is BS considering that you have to buy them


  • malatruse
    malatruse Member Posts: 784

    I am learning to play Pig and she's difficult to master, plus her starting perks don't do much for her. I don't think she needs a nerf but I do think her addons need a rework.

  • Iosefka
    Iosefka Member Posts: 72

    RNG part of her kit doesn't seem balanced to me. I don't think her ambush is OP but trap RNG mechanic and while having trap on your head its impossible to progress in game

  • Nosferatu3145
    Nosferatu3145 Member Posts: 542

    Nerf pig

  • Iosefka
    Iosefka Member Posts: 72

    RNG mechanics should be change. I don't have problem with her ambush

  • Iosefka
    Iosefka Member Posts: 72

    Thanks for answers btw. I wish Pig's RNG mechanics will be change because i am not fan of spend my 3 minutes just take off my 1 trap

  • Dovahkat963
    Dovahkat963 Member Posts: 46

    Keep in mind that the Pig only gets 4 traps for the entire match. Once they are all used up, she only has her stealth and ambush to fall back on. The whole point of the traps is to function as a mild game slowdown that may very rarely actually get a kill if you choose to ignore it, which would be your own fault anyway. And if the Pig player chooses to tunnel the person that already has a trap, that means they are chasing someone who wasn't doing objectives anyway. Also the stealth and distraction provided by the traps are the only things the Pig innately has going for her. She has to rely on perks for tracking and has nothing to help with map traversal, heck her stealth mode slows her down so if she just wants to creep around the map all the time she'll be wasting a lot of time doing so.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Pretty accurate. In this regard, she is very similar to Freddy. They´re also very similar in the way that both have a versatile, multipower basekit.

  • Yes, most people agree with that.

    Coming at it from the "Pig OP" angle is what will get you pushback though, because as I mentioned she is generally considered fairly weak. Statistically she performs okay because she is a bit of a noob stomper killer (Mostly because of the RNG), a few are like that; but against very good survivors she is actually one of the weaker killers in the game.

    A lot of people actually want her buffed a little bit in some areas, and her RNG normalized to be fair for both sides.

    No problem; glad you understand. Level headed approach to topics is much appreciated (and rare) around here.

  • odra
    odra Member Posts: 369
    edited February 2021

    no she even not that strong. For me right now freddy and stridor spirit need to be nerfed.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    LOL maybe if you play pig at the level of ardetha or what ever that stream stream name is

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2021

    Yeah in a way, but with different problems though.

    Freddy isn't even so much as overpowered as overly spammable. Since there is no repercussion to just spamming your power instead of thinking about it; everyone can play him near peak effectiveness. If he had to think more about using his power; it would probably be just as a strong but his kill rate would drop a lot to people who don't really know what they are doing.

    When you step in a trapper trap you feel like he got you good, when you step in a snare you are like "Jfc that's a lot of puddles" he makes shack look like that elevator from the Shining.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Oh yeah 100%. Hopefully the changes to Freddy will force players to put much more braincells to work to play him as effectively as they currently do. Easiest way would be to look at the snares and in one way or another limit their availability.

    Got me good with that shack joke sad but true :D

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    I've seen a lot of tier lists made by top level players have her at the very bottom honestly. The fact her trip is rng makes her unreliable and you can't afford an unreliable tool

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Thats the power of her kit......I'm sorry to say this....but, you just have to deal with it and roll with the punches. Every killer has something about their kit that makes a survivors life miserable, if they didn't....this wouldn't be a game.

    I'll offer you some advice yeah. When you see pig in a match, YOU HAVE TO, adjust your playstyle. Being loud and obnoxious is not the play, being fancy and attempting to lose her in a chase, is not the way.

    Being stealthy......against a stealth the most mind altering thing you could do to a killer like pig. Because we look for survivors who make themselves obvious. So if you don't wanna get a head yourself a favor, and play a bit more cautious.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    This is just your inexperience.

    After a few thousand hours doing gens with the traps on your head isn't stressful at all. The traps do waste time but it all depends on the RNG. Sometimes you can get them off in less than ten seconds. sometimes you never get them off and your head comes off. And I've escaped many a trial with the trap still on my head.

    Pig's power isn't very powerful. She's scary for new survivors but experiecned survivors don't fear her. We do, however, fear Pig Mains who tend to be solid and really good at the game.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    The OP's post history is nothing but complaints about The Pig being "OP" and "unfun", mixed in with the usual "killer too easy" and "killer main forum" posts, so correct info isn't what they're looking for. This is simply more bait.

    Any information about The Pig will fall on their deaf ears, but for anyone not biased who reads this thread -- The Pig is nowhere near OP. I play a ton of her when I play killer (I play close to 50/50 survivor/killer mix overall).

    Her ambush attack is underrated, but you have to play it perfectly and/or get lucky if you use it in chase to have it hit. It's good for an initial surprise attack early in game, so long as you're not going against someone with Spine Chill and manage to stealth up in time, but after that, stealth isn't her strong suit (when players realize who they're facing). Her stealth pales in comparison to Ghostface, as an example, and even Myers, frankly (one running M&A + Dead Rabbit, for example). It takes her forever to move around a map while crouched, making that an impractical tactic to use too much, and her ambush attack is telegraphed by her roar, giving any survivor a heads-up to book it away.

    The traps are heavily luck-based. I watch survivors get them off on 1st box regularly, so sometimes they're barely any slowdown at all. A smart team will try to avoid popping gens and just get them close (assuming no Ruin) to give teammates a chance to get the traps off without fear of activation as well. If you're playing The Pig, the traps are deadliest when you're up against solo players (whose teammates won't worry as much about others' traps), or if The Pig is running the TT/Crate of Gears combo (which can easily kill unlucky/unwary survivors, but still can be thwarted by bad RNG). The traps are meant as a slowdown mechanism anyway, so getting a kill with one isn't just unexpected, but a rarity unless you're running that add-on combo or you have survivors ignoring the trap to work on things with it active (and they end up unlucky).

    She's not mobile, she doesn't have one-shot lethality built in, she's heavily luck-influenced, and her stealth is relatively weak. She does perform well, however. Why? My guess would be that, based on a relatively low selection rate, the people playing Pig are actually experienced with her and know how to use her. The occasional head pops boost those numbers up as well.

    I love to go against her, since the killer most likely to meme with you is a Pig player looking for the elusive snoot boop (which gets you an EZ escape against me -- if you boop me, you live). I've died to a trap only once or twice in almost a year of playing now, and I had that many matches against meming Pigs in just the last week alone. The traps are a unique element that gives urgency when activated, and it's a game mechanism that always makes Pig matches different than matches against other killers.

    The Pig is nowhere near the best killers (Nurse, Spirit, Freddy, Oni to name the usual suspects), but played well, isn't as bad as people will make her out to be, making her fun to play as or against, and definitely a viable, but beatable, killer. But OP? Calling her that is laughable.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Yeah she really needs a nerf. Can literally crouch and hide her terror radius, it's so OP, it makes me think she's a survivor only survivors should be able to crouch.

  • Chloan
    Chloan Member Posts: 91

    " ScorpionZ can play her really well, so why should we make a change?*

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    just annoying, but you may tend to see the people really good with using her playing as her more often than you might see the ones really good with ghostface using ghostface so it might make her seem more powerful. The traps when they instantly activate, that's when I truly find her annoying otherwise when you're down to the last gen you can start working on the trap to avoid it triggering when your're running out the gate. I still see people once in a while doing that and sometimes I cringe and other times I laugh cause it's like "you almost made it, but you played yourself"

  • Iosefka
    Iosefka Member Posts: 72

    People don't care about traps when someone has trap. They popping gens so i have to deal with that. Pig's ambush has counterplay i don't mind it but RNG tunnelling jigsaw boxes are not acceptable imo

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    somebody posted the other night with an idea that fits the Saw theme on how to deal with the box rng. Their idea was a permanent debuff of some sort (to be figured out and talked through) for the rest of the match, to get the key from the first box (and I suggested onto that immunity to the traps the rest of the match afterwards for "passing the test"). They could pass and take their chances in vegas hitting all of the boxes still with no debuff once they find the right one.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    ScorpionZ is in the upper echelon of killer players period to be honest. You could use him as a reference point of maximum potential, but sometimes, the things he does makes me question his IQ, like he might be part of MENSA or something. And I wouldn't be surprised if I was right, I'd join, but I don't like societies. For normal players though, that try to play her kit either as intended or thematic, the most annoying parts of her power ChiSox already mentioned. Her huge tell before a lunge is absolutely toxic for a stealth killer, I don't care how accurate they were trying to be to the movie, its obnoxious. Her crouch speed is outshined by ghostface who can literally crouch the entire map as if nothing was happening and this son of a ######### gets an instant down and a damn radar.....They could at leave give pig some crouch movement speed.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Everytime someone on the discord would say pig was weak, a staff member would always say that.... SO freaking annoying.

  • Zani22
    Zani22 Member Posts: 444

    A certain dbd dev thinks that but over time you'll come to realise that pig is just not so good as consistency is key and shes rng reliant

    You either decimate that Dwight like a wild boar or you or your getting turned to bacon wnd shoved up Laurie's pancake hole.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    She isn't overly strong but a lot of survivors aren't mentally equipped to deal with how to play against her for whatever reason as she basically an m1 killer with a crouch dash and some built in gen slow