Hey devs don't u see u went too far with leatherface here ? U guyz buffed him WAY too much! BT is useless , he can use his chainsaw for long time destroy pallets and that kind of stuff , knocking all survivor down at once it's so damn op , buff bt and haven't u seen that alot of players in discussions have been complaining ?
No. 🙂
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Cannibal is mid tier at best. Work on your chase mechanics. Survivors should never be grouped up against him.
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I’d rather they nerf the actual problematic killers like spirit or nurse before nerfing one of the most average killers in the game
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Then quit bunching up with your fellow survivors like a JV football team. If he's camping a hook, go do gens. Same as every killer. After a couple complete (usually just 1) he'll come back out to play. If he doesn't, you get an easy 3 escape.
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Well i want to save the survivor bruh im not a coward here.
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Dont get me started with the basement fuckery i hate when that happens so i suicide on hook giving him the middle finger i wont let him get the satisfaction of killing me if he face camps or tunnels tunneling and face camping is a big ######### you to the survivor so i say ######### you too by hook suiciding he doesn't deserve the satisfaction
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That's on you. If you are foolish enough to charge at a giant welding a chainsaw, with no better weapon than harsh language, you're gonna have a bad time. You can either play smarter, or help him rack up downs and hooks. Your choice.
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heh this made me laugh..
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Bubba is a balanced killer. There's already killers who can break pallets. And he can be countered good by Windows and long loops. So please don't say nerf a killer because you can't beat him. Get good against Bubba. Only Spirit and Freddy need a nerf. Not Bubba.
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I'm just going to leave this here...
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Lmao why don't we buff your brain cells before you post a nerf x thread
LF is perfectly balanced idk why some people see him as an issue, imo hes a bit weak
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just force the hit at a vault
once your injured the chase will at least last longer than if he downed you with the saw from healthy and you get a speed boost to get extra distance.
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lol, git gud
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just bring a key every time you play. When they camp you can do enough gens for the others to hatch escape. It works every time.
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I never have much trouble against Leatherface. If you're in the open, yeah, he'll get you. Just pallet loop his ass to oblivion like Billy. I have trouble against Spirit and Gunslinger. You use LOS blockers but with the new maps being changed to not having any real tall obstructions, you get get screwed. With Spirit, the moment you get hit, you lose. Leatherface, I just teabag, slap him with a pallet and run to another pallet and loop, slap him, wait for him to break then run while he's doing it. If he's face camping you, just do gens and leave.
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get good
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He has no map mobility. Windows are on every map and they hard counter his power. Sounds like a skill issue to me.
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Use vaults, dont be greedy, dont unhook infront of him damn face... I know alot of people like you use bt for the free easy saves well guess what it doesn't work with bubba so play smart.
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I mean ds was a problem child for 3 or 4 years now so we will see it in about 4 years or so
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Now now let's not stupid shame, idgits probably have feelings too. Have a nice cold cup of tea and some warm hugs my friend. Let nature sort itself out for you.
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That was a very close one if she ran to any window she would of made it unlucky
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LF vs SB in a dead zone > LF wins. There's no luck involved.
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If only I had a dollar for every time I saw a "nerf Bubba" post
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Yeah, for some reason I saw 3 today
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There was a ton of luck that part of the map was a dead zone there could of been a tnl and that would of deny a hit for a bit a pallet or even just tight clutter debris that he could of bumped into
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True I may not like tea but to every person to themselves have a nice day
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A wise man once said, "The kid that eats too many marbles doesn't get to grow up and have kids of his own.". I think about some players that way, and gladly let them make the genius plays. Like standing up to a large man with a chainsaw.
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Sounds like bad survivors getting in bubba's face.
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While chewing on straw and stammering like boomhower
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Leatherface is good at exactly 3 things. Facecamping which you can ignore and do gens to leave. Greedy saves which is your own fault for running at the guy with a chainsaw. And being out of position which is also your own fault.
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You know what hurts worse than a chainsaw? Words...
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What's the matter, can't safely hook bomb anymore?
Don't unhook in bubba's face and bt works fine.
I suggest you look more at your own gameplay when versing him and play him in the high ranks yourself and then judge
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Yea I learned that that I word is not acceptable here so I wont be using that again thank Myers I didn't know that
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No one should be attempting a save against a camping LF, even with BT.
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This is a prime example of DBD's main issue.. Instead of getting better at the game; new players just cry for a nerf.
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Yea not the best idea to do that
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He is literally countered by vaults and lockers
He is balanced