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General Discussions

My "How to Fix Dead by Daylight" Plan (Revision #2)

Member Posts: 1,155
edited November 2018 in General Discussions

Hello everyone! I have been playing Dead by Daylight for over one year now, (Since last August) and I have thought very long and hard about what makes Dead by Daylight so appealing, but also what makes people so emotionally charged over the problems in Dead by Daylight, and the problems themselves.
Now, I don’t admit to be a professional video games developer person, but these are my personal, long-thought out opinions on what changes need to come to DbD to keep its gameplay refreshing, and to keep people playing for years to come.
Again, these are my personal opinions, and I would love for every player, developer, or streamer to take a look over what I have written here, and think. I want people to think, because I know this game makes people angry and emotional, I've been playing on console for over a year and you can't exactly play optimally with 20 fps. If none of these changes make it in, I at least want people to start thinking about better, bigger balance, instead of little number changes. In any regard, I am open to and welcome constructive criticism. Here are my ideas and thoughts.

Major Base Game Changes

Generators must be a meaningful interaction. It should require a balance of attention on the action and attention on the killer, constantly.

Generators should be a fun, strategic attack/defense game:
Survivors must work as a team to distract killer, save from hooks, and complete the generators & exit gates to escape.
Killer should have to strategize on who to chase and who not to chase, while stopping work on gens, and hooking (and eventually killing) the survivors.

Due to generator changes, many perks on killer and survivor sides should be changed to reflect these changes.

Minor Base Game Changes

Hooks should no longer be a place of defense/interest for killers; make generators a main focus, hooks should also be more punishing for survivor (This is to make it so being on the hook feels less bad, but also punishes survivors for being caught)

Hiding should be a bigger play in DbD, survivors should not want to be in a chase just to get points, they should fear the killer, and must have a plan if they begin a chase.

Moris should be changed in a way that introduces them into the main game, removing them as an offering, and making them feel fair.

The Plan -

Generators -

Generators should not be a one and done deal, but instead a constant “sustain them all” type game, so killers should be able to apply more map pressure, and survivors should have to work harder to keep generators going.
To start, the basic concept of how a generator stays, you still have to stand in one spot, working on the generator, but current skill checks are wiped. The way you interact with a generator would also be changed, where instead of holding a key to stay on the generator, it’s a toggle where you press it once to stay on, then press it again to get off. The amount of available gens and gens required would also decrease by 1. Four generators to power exit gates, and six generators on the map. Then, there should be three parts to the progression of a generator:

First Phase -

The first 10 seconds/charges of a generator will be a start-up phase, where nothing special happens, you just work on the generator with no mini-games happening. Generators that reach the second phase cannot be regressed past the first phase, so generators will always have a little progress. Any generator below the first 10 seconds of progress cannot be kicked. Only one survivor can work on a generator in the first phase.

Second phase -

The following 60 seconds/charges after the first phase will be the minigame part. The new skill checks would be two keys that pop up every 3 seconds, at fixed points over time. While you are “locked” onto a gen, the WASD/XYAB/square, triangle, x, and o buttons/keys are disabled for movement, and will instead be used for these “checks”. During the 3 second check, you must press 2 randomly generated buttons of the 4 in order from left to right, within the 3 second timeframe. If you hit the wrong buttons, or fail to complete the check in time, it is considered a “failed” check, the generator blows up, and loses 8 seconds/charges of progress. A generator kicked by the killer in phase 2 acts like it does now, just starting normal regression. Multiple survivors can work on the generator in phase two, each one contributing diminishing charges.

Survivor Charge Contribution for generators in phase 2 -

(c = charges)
1 survivor - 1c/s. Phase 2 takes 60 seconds.
2 survivors - 0.6c/s individual contribution, 1.2c/s total. Phase 2 takes 50 seconds.
3 survivors - 0.5c/s individual contribution, 1.5c/s total. Phase 2 takes 40 seconds.
4 survivors - 0.425c/s individual contribution, 1.7c/s total. Phase 2 takes 35 seconds.

Third phase -

After the 60 seconds of phase two, the last 10 seconds/charges of the generator will be a “fueling” phase. There will be randomly placed “gas” spots around the map that spawn a gas can for survivors to grab. Once a generator is at phase three, a survivor must spend 10 seconds fueling the generator. If a generator reaches phase 3, and a survivor does not have a gas can, they cannot finish the generator until they get one. Once a generator is at 100%, it does the “finished generator” notification, and lights up completely. Even if a generator is at 100%, a killer can come by and kick it, instantly removing the 10 seconds of the fueling phase, and then continuing regular regression. Generators that are 100% complete, and then kicked by the killer, make a special “unfinished generator” notification. Only one survivor can work on the generator in phase 3, and phase 3 is not affected by any slowing/speeding progression effects like Thanatophobia or Leader.

Gas Cans -

The gas can fills a separate slot from the item slot, but does disable the use of any item a survivor has. The fuel can has 20 charges, and once the charges are used, the gas can is destroyed. There will be 6 gas can spawn points across the map, with gas cans respawning every 45 seconds. Gas can spawn point rules would be 1 spawn point within 24 meters of each gen. Gas Cans are affected by Streetwise, Franklin’s Demise, and Overwhelming Presence.

Perk Changes -

Survivor Perks -

Dark Sense
Any time a generator is completed, see the killer’s aura for 5 seconds.
Once all generators are complete, see the killer’s aura for 8/10/12 seconds.

Detective’s Hunch
Any time you complete a generator, see all auras of totems, chests, and generators for 12/16/20 seconds.

Any survivor within 8 meters of you, and for 5/10/15 seconds after leaving your range, have a 15% increased progression speed on healing, sabotaging, opening chests, and opening exit gates.

Left Behind
If you are the last remaining survivor in the trail, when working on a generator:
-/-/instantly complete phase 1.
-/phase 3 does not require a gas can/phase 3 does not require a gas can.
You are not faced with any skill checks during phase 2.

Prove Thyself
If at least one survivor is within 12 meters of you, gain a 10/15/20% increased speed in healing, sabotaging, opening chests, and opening exit gates.

While injured and not in a chase, gain a 5% haste effect, and gain a 6/8/10% increase to progression speed on repairing, healing, sabotaging, opening chests, and opening exit gates.

Spine Chill
While Spine Chill is active, the time available to complete a skill check is reduced by 20% and repair, healing, sabotaging, cleansing, chest opening, and gate opening progression speed is increased by 3/4/5%

Stake Out
While Stake Out has at least one token, skill checks are automatically completed for you.

This Is Not Happening
While injured, skill checks only require one input to be completed, instead of two.
The next time you are unhooked, and the killer is within 24 meters of the hook, you are affected by endurance effect for 10/15/20 seconds. This may only be activated one time.

The noises that you, and other survivors within 8 meters of you make while working on a generator are reduced by 50/75/100%. On a failed skill check, there is a 75% chance that the explosion will be prevented.

Killer Perks -

Hex: Huntress Lullaby
Missed skill check penalty is increased by 2/4/6%
Each time you hook a survivor, gain a token, up to 5. Each token reduces the time available to succeed a skill check by 20%.
Skill checks still occur every 3 seconds.

Hex: Ruin
2/3/4 survivors are affected by ruin, which applies the following:
Skill checks now require survivors to hit 3 different keys in the right order, instead of two.

Kicking a generator applies overcharge
The first survivor to start repairing an overcharged generator is faced with a skill check that they have 2/1.5/1 seconds to complete. If the skill check is missed, an additional 6% regression is applied.

Pop Goes The Weasel
When kicking a generator within 30 seconds after hooking someone, 5/10/15% of phase 2 is regressed. This takes effect even when kicking a generator in phase 3. Normal regression applies after the damage is done.

The last 1/2/3 regressing generator’s auras are shown to you in white. Once a survivor tries to repair one of these generators, you are given a loud noise notification, and survivors can make no progress on that generator for 5 seconds.

When a generator reaches phase 3, you are given a loud noise notification, and your terror radius is reduced to 0 for 8/10/12 seconds.

Gain a token for each survivor that is either injured, dying, hooked, or dead. If a survivor becomes healthy, lose their token.
1-2 tokens: -/-/10% decreased progression speed to repairing, healing, sabotaging, cleansing, chest opening, and gate opening.
3 tokens: -/all survivors suffer from exhaustion/all survivors suffer from exhaustion
4 tokens: all survivors suffer from a 5% hindered effect

Unnerving Presence
Survivors within your terror radius have 30/40/50% less available time to succeed a skill check.

Hooks -

If a killer has been within 16 meters of a hooked survivor for 30 seconds and they haven’t injured anyone within those 30 seconds, all survivors gain a 15% progression speed to repairs, until the killer has left the 16 meter range for more than 10 seconds.

Stealth -

While a survivor is within the killer’s terror radius and not in a chase, they gain constant bloodpoints every second based on how close they are to the killer. Personally, survivors’ models should be smaller (arms and legs closer to their body) while crouching, but this is up for debate, as I’m not 100% sure about it.

Moris -

Remove Moris as an offering. As of right now, they feel very unfair when you get hit with one right after being unhooked the first time. Instead, after a survivor is unhooked the second time, or dead on their next hook, killers may take them to the basement and mori them, for extra bloodpoints. Once in the basement, instead of an option to drop the survivor off of your shoulder, would be an option to kill the survivor. Even if the drop would free the survivor off of your shoulder, you would still drop and auto-mori the survivor. If the basement is too far away, killers may still just sacrifice them.

Post edited by AntiJelly on

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  • Member Posts: 1,437
    I actually like these as they make the game harder for all involed
  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @Blueberry said:
    You ruined the entire changes right from the beginning. The devs do not have these kind of resources or time. They aren't going to completely and entirely remake all of these things. You need changes that are much, much easier to do and with a lot less work involved.

    Yeah they are just a small indie company with 3 little dudes working on the game in a little room.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    @Master said:

    @Blueberry said:
    You ruined the entire changes right from the beginning. The devs do not have these kind of resources or time. They aren't going to completely and entirely remake all of these things. You need changes that are much, much easier to do and with a lot less work involved.

    Yeah they are just a small indie company with 3 little dudes working on the game in a little room.


  • Member Posts: 214

    Besides of your suggestions I would like to see a radical change - remove ALL aura seeing perks and add ons, modify them to what small game has become - an audio notification that may be modified in frequency or duration or so but give me a break about a stealth requiring game with all the wallhack perks and add ons....

  • Member Posts: 187
    Nice post with interesting ideas.
  • Member Posts: 1,155
    edited October 2018

    @Blueberry said:
    You ruined the entire changes right from the beginning. The devs do not have these kind of resources or time. They aren't going to completely and entirely remake all of these things. You need changes that are much, much easier to do and with a lot less work involved.

    I'm pretty sure they're much bigger than 3 people. The last I heard from the streams was that the entire Dead by Daylight team was either around 80 or 100 people. They definitely have the resources to do this, and they have quite literally all the time in the world. I would rather they spend a long time working on something HUGE, than keep making band aid patches. Band Aids don't work in the long run, you know? They keep adding little easy to make band aids, which results in something being extremely overpowered or underpowered somewhere down the line.

    Post edited by AntiJelly on
  • Member Posts: 23

    I like the ideas but I think these changes are necessary to keep balance.

    • kicking generator times are increased to the old version (can still buffed by brutal strength)
    • generators can be kicked while completed but is auto completed with a gas canister (takes 5 charges) or takes 10 seconds to complete normally.
    • BNP auto completes first phase.
    • survivors suffer a permanent 5% action speed when placed on the hook for the first time.
    • survivors suffer a permanent mangled effect if hooked for a second time. (They still die on third hook)
    • mangled effect does not carry over if the survivor has reached struggle phase. They must be physically hooked twice but still die if placed on hook again. This is to punish camping but promote hooking newer people.

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @Blueberry said:

    @Master said:

    @Blueberry said:
    You ruined the entire changes right from the beginning. The devs do not have these kind of resources or time. They aren't going to completely and entirely remake all of these things. You need changes that are much, much easier to do and with a lot less work involved.

    Yeah they are just a small indie company with 3 little dudes working on the game in a little room.


    Seems like you didnt get the sarcasm :lol:

  • Member Posts: 3,104
    Wow an actual good post. I like a lot if these ideas but something on this scale would take a while and would completely change the game. I actually like current dbd and tbh id rather the devs do bug fixs and balancing than trying to change the gameplay so drastically.
  • Member Posts: 1,167
    I think it’s pretty interesting, though, it may never happen. Good idea though!
  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited October 2018

    @Master said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @Master said:

    @Blueberry said:
    You ruined the entire changes right from the beginning. The devs do not have these kind of resources or time. They aren't going to completely and entirely remake all of these things. You need changes that are much, much easier to do and with a lot less work involved.

    Yeah they are just a small indie company with 3 little dudes working on the game in a little room.


    Seems like you didnt get the sarcasm :lol:

    I think you missed my sarcasm. You were exaggerating so I did as well.

  • Member Posts: 614

    Step 1: Remake the game. Step 2: There is no step two.

  • Member Posts: 1,155

    @AChaoticKiller said:
    Wow an actual good post. I like a lot if these ideas but something on this scale would take a while and would completely change the game. I actually like current dbd and tbh id rather the devs do bug fixs and balancing than trying to change the gameplay so drastically.

    Yeah, I always see people saying "this needs to be changed", so I thought to myself, no one has ever thought about what to add/change. So I came up with this huge idea. I think something along these lines is necessary for the longevity of DBD.

  • Member Posts: 1,155

    @Radiant said:
    Nice post with interesting ideas.

    Thank you! I see a lot of posts complaining about things but never a post about ideas or suggestions, so I thought up something and posted it here. I hope it at least brings some better discussion to this forum, makes people think more, you know.

  • Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2018

    My dream is play Dbd with 60 FPS in the PS4! ;-)

  • Member Posts: 1,155

    @slipttees said:
    My dream is play Dbd with 60 FPS in the PS4! ;-)

    PS4 is better than xbox right now. PS4 goes at like 30-40 fps, while xbox has 20-30.

  • Member Posts: 1,155

    @Dudddd said:
    To get the game back on track devs need to stop listening to baby 300 hours killer mains like @Blueberry

    I don't think that matters. What matters is if people are contributing and making actual suggestions not complaining. I don't know Blueberry, or you, personally, so I can't make a very well educated judgement, but as long as everyone contributes meaningful discussion and suggestions, they're cool in my eyes.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited October 2018

    @Dudddd said:
    To get the game back on track devs need to stop listening to baby 300 hours killer mains like @Blueberry

    Alright let's see your steam profile and see who the real "baby" is.

    Here's mine over 2,000 hours and rank 1 on both sides for years

  • Member Posts: 1,155

    @Blueberry said:

    @Dudddd said:
    To get the game back on track devs need to stop listening to baby 300 hours killer mains like @Blueberry

    Alright let's see your steam profile and see who the real "baby" is.

    Here's mine over 2,000 hours and rank 1 on both sides for years

    Dude. Did you read this guy's username? You just gave him exactly what he wanted. Don't respond to these kind of people.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    @AntiJelly said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @Dudddd said:
    To get the game back on track devs need to stop listening to baby 300 hours killer mains like @Blueberry

    Alright let's see your steam profile and see who the real "baby" is.

    Here's mine over 2,000 hours and rank 1 on both sides for years

    Dude. Did you read this guy's username? You just gave him exactly what he wanted. Don't respond to these kind of people.

    They're trolls what else is new

  • Member Posts: 1,155

    @Blueberry said:

    @AntiJelly said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @Dudddd said:
    To get the game back on track devs need to stop listening to baby 300 hours killer mains like @Blueberry

    Alright let's see your steam profile and see who the real "baby" is.

    Here's mine over 2,000 hours and rank 1 on both sides for years

    Dude. Did you read this guy's username? You just gave him exactly what he wanted. Don't respond to these kind of people.

    They're trolls what else is new

    That's my point, it's nothing new. Don't respond.

  • Member Posts: 1,155

    @Bananaplanes said:
    I like the ideas but I think these changes are necessary to keep balance.

    • kicking generator times are increased to the old version (can still buffed by brutal strength)
    • generators can be kicked while completed but is auto completed with a gas canister (takes 5 charges) or takes 10 seconds to complete normally.
    • BNP auto completes first phase.
    • survivors suffer a permanent 5% action speed when placed on the hook for the first time.
    • survivors suffer a permanent mangled effect if hooked for a second time. (They still die on third hook)
    • mangled effect does not carry over if the survivor has reached struggle phase. They must be physically hooked twice but still die if placed on hook again. This is to punish camping but promote hooking newer people.

    Yes, I agree, except with the kicking generator times. I don't think kicking a generator should take so long, it's a very monotonous action. I'd prefer to just kick it then go do something meaningful.

  • Member Posts: 1,155

    Bumping this so more people see

  • Member Posts: 1

    This post came up when I was searching for some information on 'charges' on things.

    What do the charges stand for on a toolbox or medical kit?

    For example, if my medical kit has 16 charges, shouldn't I be able to heal 16 times from dying to full-health (myself or someone else) and a faster speed than without a medical kit (in the case of Claudette)? Also, why can't I use it on myself in the dying state if I can crawl far enough away that the killer can't find me (and why can't Claudette)? For toolboxes, similar question, however I do understand that since the toolboxes have a significantly higher number of charges that generators should likely be assigned a number of charges to get them from dead to finished, like 24 (just an example) and sabotaging would cost less, like 8-12 charges. For both health kits and toolboxes (generators and sabotage activities), currently their time is sped up by very subjective terms like 'Moderately' and 'Significantly' rather then a firm percentage like 10/15/20%. Those terms are very subjective and if I'm going to lose that item if I don't win the trial, I need to know this information to make an informed decision about whether I want to use it and risk losing it. I personally think losing your stuff when you're killed is just adding insult to injury. Maybe the killer can have a perk or offering item that causes survisors to lose their stuff if they don't survive the trial, but right now I'm sitting on a stockpile of toolboxes and health kits I'm afraid to use because I don't want to lose them.

    And finally, when I find an item on the map, I should be able to tell how many charges are left on it, either with a tooltip or a pop-up description of the item plus add-ons (if any) and number of remaining charges so that I know how useful that item is really going to be and if trading my packed full common toolbox is better than a shiny new Engineers' Toolbox I just found.

    If this is the wrong place for these questions, please let me know and redirect me.

    Thanks in advance for your assistance with these questions!


  • Member Posts: 1,155

    @samulcahy970 said:
    This post came up when I was searching for some information on 'charges' on things.

    What do the charges stand for on a toolbox or medical kit?

    For example, if my medical kit has 16 charges, shouldn't I be able to heal 16 times from dying to full-health (myself or someone else) and a faster speed than without a medical kit (in the case of Claudette)? Also, why can't I use it on myself in the dying state if I can crawl far enough away that the killer can't find me (and why can't Claudette)? For toolboxes, similar question, however I do understand that since the toolboxes have a significantly higher number of charges that generators should likely be assigned a number of charges to get them from dead to finished, like 24 (just an example) and sabotaging would cost less, like 8-12 charges. For both health kits and toolboxes (generators and sabotage activities), currently their time is sped up by very subjective terms like 'Moderately' and 'Significantly' rather then a firm percentage like 10/15/20%. Those terms are very subjective and if I'm going to lose that item if I don't win the trial, I need to know this information to make an informed decision about whether I want to use it and risk losing it. I personally think losing your stuff when you're killed is just adding insult to injury. Maybe the killer can have a perk or offering item that causes survisors to lose their stuff if they don't survive the trial, but right now I'm sitting on a stockpile of toolboxes and health kits I'm afraid to use because I don't want to lose them.

    And finally, when I find an item on the map, I should be able to tell how many charges are left on it, either with a tooltip or a pop-up description of the item plus add-ons (if any) and number of remaining charges so that I know how useful that item is really going to be and if trading my packed full common toolbox is better than a shiny new Engineers' Toolbox I just found.

    If this is the wrong place for these questions, please let me know and redirect me.

    Thanks in advance for your assistance with these questions!


    Hi, and thank you for asking! Charges are a little bit complicated. For example, a generator takes 80 charges to complete. A normal survivor without any perks or items "contributes" one charge per second while working on a generator. So, lets take the common toolbox. It has 80 charges, and slightly increases your generator speed. Every toolbox increases your "generator speed", but what does it mean? It means you "contribute" more charges per second. Now, the devs don't like to put exact numbers for whatever reason, but a common toolbox increases your charge "contribution" by 0.10. So, now, you are contributing 1.10 charges per second, while the generator still requires 80 charges. this means that you now complete the generator in 72.72 seconds. But! It gets more confusing with multiple survivors working on a generator. When more survivors work on a generator, it decreases each survivors' charge contribution by 0.10. So, two survivors working on a generator without perks or items, each contribute 0.9 charges per second, making a total of 1.8 charges a second, so the 80 charge generator can now be completed in 44.44 seconds. Same for 3 survivors (each contribute 0.8 for 2.4 total, and 4 survivors is 0.7 for 2.8 total). Then, it gets even MORE confusing with efficiency add-ons and streetwise. They reduce the amount of charges your item consumes! So, if you have a common toolbox with "instructions", which reduces your item consumption by 0.30, you are contributing 1.10 charges to the generator, while also only using 0.70 charges of your toolbox per second. Charges apply to EVERYTHING in dead by daylight, even your vaulting speed is affected by charge affecting things.

  • Member Posts: 1,155
    edited November 2018


    Post edited by AntiJelly on
  • Member Posts: 1,155

    Bump x2

  • Member Posts: 1,155

    Bump x3

  • Member Posts: 1,155

    Bump numbah 4 babey

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