What Killers do you want nerfed or buffed?

Freddy and Spirit are the only ones I want nerfed. Those two I believe need a nerf. Everyone else is fine but some can use polishing Blights FOV and collision. Huntress's Add-ons and Hit box. But Trapper and Wraith need some serious buffs. And some like Plague and Legion definitely need changes but not as much as Trapper and Wraith.
-Trapper needs some QoL with his traps, making logwood dye and the yellow bag would be a good start
-Wraith's power is pretty good to me IMO, but making windstorm yellow would make him in a better spot
-Plague needs some sort of nerf to her corrupt purge. As someone who plays exclusively killer I think her power is way too strong against people that aren't on next-level levels of coordination.
-Legion needs a complete rework. Something involving being able to swap between members. What this would achieve or how it'd be balanced would be left up to debate, but now that the Twins are a thing we know it's 100% feasible.
-Pig is in a good spot right now IMO, but some QoL would be nice. More crouching speed, quieter roar, maybe some sort of mechanic that makes searching jigsaw boxes more difficult (among us-esque tasks immediately come to mind).
-Nurse is still good but more care needs to be given regarding dead zones and more bugs with her.
-Freddy needs a nerf. Not in terms of actual power but he needs to be more difficult somehow.
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Buffed: Trapper needs one desperately as he is the mascot of the game and he is really fun to verse.
Nerf: Spirit I’ve talked about her to death but I won’t stop till the nerf her. She leaves no room for survivor counterplay and is too good for the little time you have to put into her.
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I'd like to see Leatherface reworked. It isn't that I think he is OP per say, but that his learning curve is zero. He is an M1 Killer with Insta-Down who is 115%, so the slow down during the tantrum is moot. He isn't going to tantrum until he is on top of you anyway. The stereotype of the Basement Bubba is deserved because why wouldn't he camp the basement? His tantrum pretty much assures he will get both people. Obviously, I just stay away from the basement if possible, and I don't constantly lose to Bubba, but the games are never fun. They are tedious and repetitive. There is NEVER any variation in Bubba playstyle because he is so basic.
*And as a side note, because there is no learning curve, I run into Bubba more than any OTHER Killer.
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Trapper needs a bag by default, improvements to his trap spawning logic would be nice as well.
Wraith needs to be faster in cloak, make one of the windstorms basekit.
Legion needs QoL changes - 1s shorter cooldown, the ability to use their power before it's fully charged etc.
Ghostface needs a shorter power recovery time.
Myers needs a lot of love, give him faster breaking and stun times in Tier 3, while making it easier to leave Tier 1.
Hag's traps should be destroyed upon a successful unhook if they're nearby, this will make it a lot more fun to go against her.
Spirit needs to give some form of information to the survivor, whether that be if she's using her power or where she is roughly.
While this isn't a nerf, Freddy really needs an option to play the pre-rework version, PLEASE.
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I would I’ve for Legion to be able to switch their attack. Something like Frenzy their Frank attack, Concussion Hit Joey’s attack, Marked Attack Julie, Throwing daggers Susie.
each you can switch to but with a cool down.
I think that would be hella fun and you can use whatever member.
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No nerfs.
Buff: Trapper, Wraith, Clown, Legion, Pig, Plague, Twins, Demo, Myers
Addon rework: Pig, Plague, Demo
This was for simplicity sake. Some of these buffs I'd more push towards slight reworks preferably.
PH could use some changes to how he plays.
Some small tweaks on Blight.
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Prepare for excessively long post as I get these ideas out of my skull:
Trapper: With his upcoming change, trapper is basically perfect. No changes really necessary.
Wraith: With his upcoming changes, wraith is mostly fine--he's hard to play, sure, and he needs add-ons to be really good, but he has the capability to be absolutely devastating. So long as his changes work, any other issues he has can absolutely slide for now.
Hilbilly: At most, I'd want to be able to control the steering with 'a' and 'd,' but
as much as I hate him,he's fine, I guess.Nurse: Maybe make the blink window fractionally larger. Other than that, she's hard to play but well-made otherwise.
Huntress: Iridescent hatchets should deep wound instead of inflicting dying, or force the killer to have one hatchet by overriding other add-ons. Other than that, she's fine--It'd be interesting if her humming functioned as a "soft" terror radius (like Freddy's alternate TR while you're in dream), but I'm not sure if that's possible.
Shape: Pretty much perfect, but I feel as though the tombstone and tombstone piece should be collapsed into one add-on, they seem a tad redundant. Perhaps an add-on that lets you go back to tier 1 for some godforsaken reason?
Someone'd like it and make a horrifying build around it, I'm sure.Other than that, maybe more thematic sound effects? Again, he's pretty much perfect as is. A bit powerful with dual iridescent, but that's mostly balanced so long as you don't feed.
Hag: Honestly, I like her as is now. Maybe change her a little later, I don't know, but she's really rewarding to learn and play as is.
As much as I loathe him,he's actually fairly balanced.Cannibal: His power is inherently fine, but I'm not sure I like how he's used. I've almost exclusively seen him face-camp, and that's not healthy.
Nightmare: Freddy is literally agonizing. He feels off-brand, he's too strong because he has everything, he's a mess. I hate playing him, I hate encountering him. I know they're probably not going to touch Freddy for a while besides some unnecessary buffs/nerfs. I say unnecessary because he needs another rework. A mix of the old and the new, perhaps.
Freddy should absolutely be moved back to the old standard of "can't hit unless survivors are asleep." How do we fix the problem of survivors wanting to stay awake? Make it so they're debuffed when awake! Survivors will "deal with" being asleep as long as possible then just for the standard repair speed. Next, falling asleep--I feel as though freddy could do with a very slightly larger terror radius. Why, you ask? To have it carry the primary means of survivors falling asleep! Survivors would fall asleep within your terror radius slowly, rather than just in general--this would also give you a very slight element of surprise, as survivors won't spawn in, see the clocks over their faces, and go "oh, $^&# me, not again" (though hooked survivors should be immune to this as they are now, for obvious reasons) Next up, pallets and snares. Why are pallets better? They're not, they're just unexpected and thus kill more because they're unfamiliar. Personally, I feel as though the pallets should be the basic part of his power, and the snares should be added by the add-on, seeing as they're more powerful in comparison--detection, chase, slowdown--they have it all! Dream Pallets, on the other hand, only handle loops and that's only if a survivor doesn't know they're fake. Finally, his teleport. An simple fix would be to make it only usable when two (three?) or more survivors are asleep. This prevents truly painful snowballing and keeps survivors from wanting to be asleep all the time, balancing the changes suggested higher up--I was going to go with a "in dream or dead" condition, but once there's two or one survivors left, that would make the game horrible, and three would deprive this variant of Freddy from map pressure once two survivors are dead--that might be better, I'm not sure.
Does this make him different from established killers and more like old Freddy? Yes! Is that a bad thing? No!
Also, he should probably get unique chase music, just sayin'.
Pig: Her base power is perfect! I'm not joking, it's stupid strong--she can potentially kill any one player while doing nothing on the other side of the map! It's inconsistency is actually a blessing, seriously. If anything, make it so boxes don't show up until you have a trap on your head--not active, just on your head. Maybe make it so the boxes require literally anything other than skill checks, otherwise it ends up being more "hold m1" which people find boring, I guess? The very slight element of surprise of not being immediately obvious that your in a match with Amanda until you're right on top of a box would be nice, and the vastly superior option if nothing else gets touched
Her add-ons absolutely need a rework, though: Workshop Grease and Razor Wires I almost never see in use--there's almost no point in stacking them, as good survivors hit skill checks, and great survivors make great skill checks, thus making it even easier to get a trap off (wait, can you get great skill checks on boxes? should you be able to?); Interlocking Razors only work on bad/new players, which means you're basically kicking baby survivors while they're down; Tampered Timer is painful, but technically fair--if potentially very powerful; the Rusty Attachments and Utility Blades also don't really seem worth it for their rarity--sure it's nice to slow their healing, but why would you need to find them? Most times you don't want to find them, and putting them on a hook tends to be a waste; the Bag of Gears, Crate of Gears, Jigsaw's annotated plan, and Jigsaw's Sketch are also fine, if potentially very strong; Rule Set No.2 should actually change how Amanda is played, as is it's off-theme--it should be like Mike's mirror add-ons, or Hag's Very Rare add-ons; Face Mask is strong, and can turn a game in your favor (not guaranteed), as with most inflictions of blindness; knowing how strong her power is, Last Will is fine; I honestly feel like the Combat Straps should do a little more or stack with something; Amanda's Letter is a variation of I'm All Ears, and it's fine, I guess; the Video Tape, John's Medical File, and Shattered Syringe make Amanda more in line with other killers--that's not necessarily a bad thing, but I feel they could be better; Amanda's Secret sort of encourages bad play--it seems to be meant as an information add-on, but it's placed in purple rarity, and I've only seen it used as a way to kill survivors who take traps off, rather than a way to keep a note of where everyone is--maybe have it give one more trap?
Also, she should have themed music. Please?
Clown: Hookay, this should have probably been another long section, but the agonizing fact of the matter is that I don't know how to make him better without making him too strong/weak! The new bottles are neat and all, but it seems like (from player response) they're not exactly what he needed to make him less agitating. Intoxication could linger while being less debilitating? Have it stack for more effect (to keep players from staying in loops, but keep him from absolutely dominating them)? Maybe make it more rewarding at base for hitting a survivor with a bottle? I don't know, and I suspect that most people don't know. Still, that's my two bits on the matter.
His music's pretty sick now though, so that's hella cool.
Spirit: She needs a touch-up. A simultaneous buff and nerf would be best. make her base speed in power faster, but give the survivors a better way to tell that she's using her power (I've heard people suggest a flickering flashlight like the Halloween add-on when she's in-power, maybe it has to be facing a certain degree towards her/within a certain distance)? Every game I've had against a spirit, they've run down the person off hook and only that person, until they were dead--dry, rinse, repeat. In every game I've played both as and against her, I've never seen a survivor escape chase, ever unless she let them. Maybe I'm just bad/good, I don't know, but she seems a touch too strong.
Legion: Maybe reward inflicting deep wound on the entire team? People apparently hate playing against Legion, but I'm not sure how to make them fun to play against, which is a shame, because I love playing legion...
Plague: With her recent-ish change, she's actually fair to play and play against--no changes really necessary.
Ghost Face: He's actually fun to play and play against. As far as I can tell, he doesn't really need any changes.
Demigorgon: His base power is fine, what he needs is a touch-up on his add-ons. Perhaps some stacking effects, a bit of shuffling in rarity, and he'll be perfect.
#Barb's Glassesbest add-on.Oni: Very fun to play and play against, if incredibly frightening! Not sure if he needs any changes, maybe a slight shuffling of add-ons to better reflect what they do?
Deathslinger: I hate how often he jumpscares me by walking around literally any object, but he'll be better when maps are better--as is, he's pretty fine. I'd almost like him to be slower, but that'd be cruel to those who play him and make map pressure extremely hard. His chain would have to be substantially longer and take longer to break as balance, and I'm not sure that'd be worth it on either side.
Executioner: I'm not sure his change promotes good play, but he's pretty fair over-all.
Change his chase music back to the old one maybe? It seemed a bit more on theme, but I suppose that's up to the devs.
Blight: I don't play him or against him enough to have an informed opinion. I'm told his POV is garbage, though.
Twins: They reward unsportsmanlike play! If there's way to make them operate a little on their own, it'd be healthier! When you control Vic, Charlotte patrols around where you left her (attacks survivors if they get too close, I donno)? When in Charlotte with Vic loose, let him run down survivors to jump on them--not to down them, just to cling on them?
I know it's hard but to make them less physically painful to play and encounter, it should be done. It's not easy, it's worth doing.
Easy way to keep killers from camping besides an appeal to sportsmanship: Have unhooks reward points to killers somehow--maybe in the deviousness category? Safe unhooks might add a bit of additional points to keep them from straight-off tunneling the unhooked survivor? That should encourage players to play with their food in a more literal sense, rather than face-camping someone until they die (and new players rewarding that behavior by hook-bombing).
I would love every killer to have unique chase music, and certain killers to have slightly unique TRs.
Those are less of buffs/nerfs, though, and more mechanically rewarding better play, which'll make the killers better inherently.
As a side note, I feel as though all add-ons that give "additional" blood points are superfluous and should give "bonus" blood points instead. If that's only in their specific category, that's fine! As-is, you have to buy a DLC killer for the explicit purpose of bloodpoint farming, and if that's a little too pay-to-grind.
Rant over!
Post edited by CryptFriend on0 -
Only nerf: Spirit
A single sound indication when Spirit begins a phase, like a yell from the Spirit. I don't think Spirit is OP, but I think her current stand-still mindgame requires very little skill, where actually phasing on players requires good prediction while healthy. Forcing you to actually learn how to predict survivors rather than just standing still, watching to see what survivors do, then using that information, information that they don't know if you even have, will make Spirit a much healthier killer in my opinion.
Buff: Wraith
I honestly think that they need to embrace invisibility on Wraith, or just give up on the concept. The invisibility on Wraith is trash. It's pure garbo. It's like it doesn't even exist, honestly. The new changes the devs are making will help, but they need to either buff it, and make him fully invisible up to a very close range, or just add some ability that can make him temporarily FULLY invisible (And this ability can be a short burst of speed that renders you invisible during and 3 seconds after or something). Also, green/purple windstorm and bone clapper basekit. Wraith would actually be a solid killer, then.
Buff: Trapper
Another killer that has a lot of his issues solved by addons, but the problem is, you can only run 2 addons. A trapper bag or stitched bag base would be nice, honing stone would be great base kit, making him immune to aura reading with a trap in hand would be nice, recreating the trap's model to be more effective in new maps, reworking the early game as a general change to the game would be great, and decrease the speed at which survivors free each other, as its a bit too fast currently. New RNG stuff is cool, but I don't know how much it'll help him. Overall, it'd be nice if he got a little more of a rework, like an extra ability on top of this, but without creating an entire ability concept, this is good for now IMO. I hate going against Trapper too, so I don't exactly like typing this, but for the sake of the game being better, I have.
Buff: Billy
This is controversial, but I'm still gonna type it. Either buff the overheat dissipation back to what it was on release of the midchapter (thanks for nerfing it, devs), or literally just REMOVE IT. The overheat is generally highly disliked. Trash it. Then, this is a really hot take, but remove the downside from Tuned Carburetor. But THAT'S IT! No more charge time addons besides that - you get one, and that's all there is. Can't stack 2 charge time addons that have 3 extra effects on top of them and have instasaw, you just have a single nice charge time addon. On top of this, rework the overheat addons to have different effects, and perhaps tone down or remove some of the existing downsides to current addons. Like Death Engravings, make the charge time penalty slightly less than what it is, cause there's currently 0 reason to use Death Engravings unless you're stacking them with Doom, and that combo is just...eugh.
Buff: Plague
I really want to see this. Plague is very frustrating. Plague has the potential to be really strong, and FAR less frustrating, and the changes to make this happen are very simple. First, increase the charge rate speed of her vomit. Increase the effectiveness by a bit. Remove or tone down the slowdown you get when canceling/finishing your vomit (oh my god, it's so irritating). Increase her speed while CHARGING her vomit. Rework her Corrupt and Vile purge to work better with the current dedicated servers (HUGE CHANGE!!), because your corrupt or vile purge hitting survivors, but not actually hitting them, is such a huge and common issue with Plague. Sliiightly increase the projectile speed of vomit. To address no-cleansers, add a penalty to staying injured for long periods of time. Every 15 seconds (And this can be changed to a higher number, I'm very open to that. This is just a concept.) of interacting with Generators, Totems, or Healing will increase your sickness level, up to a maximum of 3 times. Every level of sickness adds a Hindered penalty of 5%, up to a maximum of 15% in the last level of sickness. Still allows you to progress the game while sick, but will punish you if the Plague finds you out-positioned if you commit to doing gens. If this all ends up being too much, you could totally nerf Corrupt Purge to have a shorter timer, removing some of these buffs, etc.
Buff: Legion
Keep Feral Frenzy. Give him another ability that ONLY benefits you once you have multiple Feral Slashes. An ability that is powerful and can help you win chases quicker, but have it reward you for using Feral Frenzy well. Perhaps hitting 4 unique survivors with Feral Frenzy will charge up this ability, or have this ability only be effective on survivors who have been hit with Feral Frenzy. Something like that would be nice. I don't think the current Legion's appeal should be taken away from Legion mains, it should just be developed more as Legion's original concept was heavily flawed.
Could definitely do more, but these are more high priority changes in my opinion.
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Nerf I guess freddy and doc nothing drastic and buff have trapper a way to summon traps to his position and just normalize killers that rely on rng
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You want Spirit and Freddy nerfed but are you offering for buffs to compensate?
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Billy to the way he was but with current addons.
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Trapper - His traps could be better, but they aren't
Wraith - Besides his cloak, he has nothing to help in a chase.
Wraith's legs
Myers - Maybe a little rework, he is just outdated.
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Spirit can get longer phase duration if we're aware of what she's doing. And Freddy can have something to make survivors weaker awake.
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That could work. I’m also thinking Spirit should always have a 10 second cool down for her power regardless of how long she used it. This will make short bursts more punishing and getting around the map more effectively.
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All I want devs repair nurse bugs.
But I would like devs remove his stun after doing tp's I feel she already has a lot of things going against her power.
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Leatherface does have a learning curve. Timing the charges optimally while avoiding collision objectively requires more mechanical skill than using most of the other killer powers in the game. Particularly mindgaming loops and backwards anti-looping with the chainsaw is a tricky one. Even long term players/streamers like Umbra can't do it to this day.
EDIT: As for the topic I don't think any killer needs a nerf once Freddy receives his tonedown.
If anything some could do with a few tweaks to make them more fun to play/against. Plague could do with a few tweaks. Survivors should have less control over her power.
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I'd have to disagree with the Plague nerf. The problem is most people don't know how to play against her because not a lot of people play her. I main Plague and she's the first and possibly only killer I'll P3. She's balanced to where you know when she has the secondary power. You can hear her picking it up. And you can pallet stun her out of it. Black incense could use changes.
I can agree with everything else here.
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As a Freddy main, I wholeheartedly disagree with you. This would make Freddy a very weak killer, which is unacceptable. Freddy does not needs a full rework, he just needs a few adjustments, something that the devs are going to do alongside Demogorgon and Huntress add-on pass. However, they should add an option to play as his pre-rework version. I would love that.
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Spirit and Freddy are the only killers that need nerfs.
Actually if you ban certain perks from being used on certain killers it works out.
Actually the only perk I want banned from Spirit or Freddy is Ruin + Undying.
Remove those perks from their loadouts and they are fine.
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Wraith: Default Windstorm Addon
Trapper: Default Yellow Bag
Pig: Complete addon rework, making them actually usefull
Ghost Face: Stalking without leaning should be 1,5 as fast as now. Leaningstalk is too difficult to get. He should not be revealable behind a wall, that happens all the time.
Demo: Better addons
Nurse: Bugfixes
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I don't think any killers need a nerf. So far every killer has a weakness which can be telegraphed or exploited for survivor's benefit. Would like to see changes for killers requiring set up for their abilities, time constraints can leave them just playing with m1.
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I love being able to go full monkey brain while playing Bubba. He’s a perfect boi
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Honesty, I’d say remove the fatigue and just stick with her recharge. The only problem is doing so would be a direct buff and even with her double cool-down she’s oppressively strong in the right hands.
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Billy should be buffed with trapper and wraith
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Wouldn't nerf any really, maybe make it so you can tell if spirit is standing still or phasing. Other than that most killers need changes whether its addons or some slight base changes, trapper, wraith, demo, pig, hag, plague etc. Alot of killers are weak and not played often at high ranks. No I'm not a killer main, I just want killers to have strength against good players, balance around bad survivors is a bad idea and honestly I miss seeing half the killers. They're to rare to see bit I understand why, they're weak in comparison
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I don't think Freddy needs nerfed but I agree Spirit needs something.
Spirit: Bring back the breathing for Spirit during phase. That bug was quite good while it lasted.
Hag: Nerf her add-ons (Mint Rag and Rusty Shackles). Something else to nerf her camping. Overall balance change so she isn't weak vs items and perks and not OP otherwise.
Buff Legion: Every chained Frenzy hit lowers the survivors deep wound.
- 1st survivor: Full DW
- 2nd survivor: 2/3 DW
- 3rd survivor: 1/3 DW
- 4th survivor: Instadown
Buff Trapper, Demo, Pig, Wraith and Myers
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Nerfed: Spirit and Freddy, that´s basically a no-brainer.
Buffed: Trapper, Myers, also no-brainers.
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nerfed: spirit stridor, freddy
buffed : trapper, myers, plague, demo
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A Trapper and Wraith buff to make them entirely unreliant on add-ons.
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That's an interesting perspective! Would you like to clarify why you think those changes would make him a bad killer?
It'll make him weaker, of course, but only in a fair way--he's inherently very strong because he has too much in his kit right now, but I thought I was fair with my offered changes.
I eagerly await your feedback!
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A double post because I fail!
If there's a way to collapse them into one, point me to them and I'll do so immediately!
Hag is strong, but she has clear counter-play--it's called crouching near spots where traps are likely, or using a flashlight to disable them. Try to also bait her into extended chases while someone else disables traps, Hag players tend to get a bit touchy about that!
Myers doesn't need a buff, he's really perfectly fine as is--if you're having problems with him, you're probably playing him wrong! No offence intended, but I feel like what I said was offensive--not sure how to make it less so...
Trapper is also perfectly fine in the hands of good killers! Some of his add-ons need a touch-up, but his base kit works perfectly fine. Even people with maps can have issues with him, and if your traps aren't catching people, you can still use said traps to corral them where you want!
Post edited by CryptFriend on0 -
Thanks for the advice, I guess. I´ve been maining these two for over 2k hrs now. I win much, much more than I lose. This does not change the fact that these two are contesting with Wraith for being the weakest Killer.
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It's clear, bring flashlights. Otherwise it's either crouch everywhere or hope your lucky you don't walk into one. If your not swf you'll have no idea where any of the traps or at. I have to say it's a good Hag I'm talking about, not the bad ones that take more than a se ond to teleport.
Myers is too perk and add-on dependent. If you face a good survivor then it'll forever for Myers to get to tier 2.
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Ah, wait, I should give advice for Myers, too!
Make sure you aren't walking out in the open--like, seriously, I see far too many Shape players doing this at tier 1.
Myers's largest advantage is the early-game information you can get while people have no idea where you are.
A second thing you can do is look back and forth while stalking survivors if it seems like they have spine chill, as this will make them think that you are simply looking around or are already in chase, rather than right on top of them!
Advice for Shape is above.
Crouching everywhere and flashlights really aren't that hard, despite what every survivor hook-bombing what they know is a Hag seem to think!
I'm not joking, Hag is very well balanced--even with the add-ons you mentioned.
Mint Rag means that while your range just went absolutely sicko-mode, you have to make split-second decisions if more than one trap triggers--suddenly you can't just bounce between multiple survivors, you have to pick one and stick with them! And heaven forbid you have to use traps multiple times in chase, or if that survivor's got just the edge they need to waste your time, because then you're losing out more often than not (unless mistakes are made, of course, as always).
Rusty Shackles are easy--just DON'T RUN I SWEAR TO G--Seriously, if you just crouch around and look carefully for traps, you're golden. Even better if you can set them off and immediately hide, because then that Hag is going to have to waste time setting them back up or just let surveilling that location go, and there's no phantasm to give away your location.
If you rely on teammates to tell you where traps are when not in chase, you're doing something wrong. Again, I sound like a jerk, but that's just how it is.
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+1 I think you´re my new favorite forum troll!
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I'm giving genuine advice, coming from a good place!
Buzz off, jackanape!
Seriously, though, trying to be helpful, so thanks for telling me I'm doing a bad job.
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I must've been sneakily given some mushrooms in my food because there's no way I'm reading this right 😂
I genuinely want to know your rank because there's no way I've read anything you've written correctly lol
Crouching everywhere?! If you do that then your going to be heavily relying on your teammates to escape lol only babies hook-bomb.
You've obviously never been camped by a Hag with MYC and Mint Rag. Add STBFL to that and them being in basement and she's guaranteed at least 1 kill. Rusty shackles HIDE THE TRAPS lol you literally can't see them so your just guessing where she's placed them.
@Slashstreetboy he must be trolling. I don't think I'll reply to the next one because I'll probably lose my mind 😂
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I´m getting the same vibes. If he´s unironically meaning what he says then I´m sorry for him that he has such difficulties assessing a situation, won´t reply anymore either though. Got some good laughs out of it at least^^
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so u're saying trapper and myers is fine ? even i'm maining survivor i know that trapper and myers need buffed.
trapper need at least 2-3 minutes to properly set traps. compared to freddy with dream snare.
myers need add ons for his skill. if you're playing with good survivor it just wasted of time to stalk better play ghost face.
+1 for the hag explanation although this is the same as dont being spotted by killer you are fine with other killer too.
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Buffs: Trapper gets his extra trap addon base kit.
Wraith gets his faster cloaked speed.
Blight gets his correct POV
Billy nerfs are reverted (please come back billy players)
Demo gets his rat liver base kit (maybe tweak it a little idk it's pretty good)
Nerfs/Reworks: Spirit's - stand still trick is removed by showing an animation to survivors
Freddy - has a form of cooldown between snare placements (or if he uses them all) if he is to keep all his other versatility
Deathslinger - gets a larger cooldown if he cancels ads (forcing him to take the shot if he wants the down - no free zoning)
to compensate his 1v4 he can now shoot generators to regress them (just give him something to macromanage better).
Huntress - Iri head is changed to only one downing to a snipe (24+m or something)
Oni - topknot is changed. No more activation time decrease
Twins - Charlotte now has terror radius when swapped to victor. Victor also has his own terror radius. This is to address the camping issue with them.
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Don't to drugs, kids.
Five, currently.
If the main counterplay to Hag is too hard for you, then that's just a [Bad Word] shame. And, for the record, I've seen red ranks hook-bomb. My favorite technique is when they crouch up, pull you off, then run away and let you die.
They don't hide the trap, they make it so no husk spawns. And I have, actually. The group made it to one Generator, and then we all died.
I'm trying to be genuine, it's good to know you're just [Bad Word] at taking advice and there's no helping you.
Cool. Glad I can bring you joy, at least I'm good for something.
I absolutely am saying that they're fine.
If you're taking two minutes to set up traps, you're doing it wrong. Set up traps along the way to where you're going, and funnel the survivors back into them if you can.
I've already stated my issues with Freddy's snares.
Myers is fine without addons, and devastating with them more often than not.
I have no idea what you're trying to say on the last point.
Post edited by CryptFriend on0 -
I want to see the speed loss on Pyramidhead's trails removed. I don't think he should slow down when doing it. It disincentivizes people from making trails if it will drop your speed. If we need to slightly increase the wind up of the shockwave to compensate for this, I'm fine with that.
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I'd like to see Ghostface get a buff to his stalking. Maybe make it so that hitting survivor who is not fully marked keeps his stalk meter. I feel like Ghostface does not get played enough. Ghostface feels like extinct species.
No killer is really threatful or unbeatable so no killer really needs nerfs/negative changes.
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I agree that whoever is good with the nurse will be even better, but honestly it is very rare to see someone who knows how to use the nurse in her current state is a killer that almost no one uses and who uses her normally loses
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I agree that whoever is good at playing the nurse will be even better, but it is rare to see anyone play well with her almost 99% of the nurses I face lose, she need a severe rework I think or least fix her bugs.
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I agree that whoever is good at playing the nurse will be even better, but it is rare to see anyone play well with her almost 99% of the nurses I face lose, she need a severe rework or at least fix her bugs.
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I agree that whoever is good with the nurse will be even better, but honestly it is very rare to see someone who knows how to use the nurse in her current state is a killer that almost no one uses and who uses her normally loses
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Nerf Freddy or make him actually skill based. Rework Spirit to not be almost entirely reliant on sound and 1 sided guesses. Make ghostfaces reveal more consistent
Buff Micheal by removing EW1, Give trapper a yellow trapper sack basekit and give Wraith windstorm base (again).
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- Buff The Trapper - Give him one more trap at the start and slightly increase trap setting speed. Adjust how his traps spawn by making them periodically respawn once he's been in an area long enough or even let him do it on demand with his alternative action button.
- Buff The Wraith - Most addons could be basekit on this killer. Movement speed while cloaked, windstorm, etc.
- Buff for The Clown - PTB isn't going to be enough in my view as he's still heavily addon dependent.
- Bug Fixes for Nurse - Fix the broken blinks
- Quality of Life changes to The Doctor - Make his illusions do more than what they do now. Make the killer illusions move and have illusions of survivors
- Quality of Life changes and buffs to The Twins - Allow Twins to drop Victor while moving by tapping the release button and if held you drop and switch to Victor. To be honest there's so much wrong with this killer I don't know where to start.
- Quality of Life changes to The Ghost Face - Fix the reveal mechanic to be more accurate
- Delete The Spirit - Honestly just doesn't belong in game with how much you can get done with the passive component of the killer and you won't change my mind on this
- Rework The Shape - Give multi stalking, the ability to hold EW3 similar to Oni's power and release with CTRL and reset the stalk on a capped out survivor automatically after a few minutes.
- Rework The Pig - Ambush is fine but the Traps need to be more consistent and less RNG. I dare say these should be reworked into something else.
- Rework The Plague - Boring killer that's pretty much the issue I see with this one
- Rework The Demogorgon - Not really good at anything could use improvements to teleport, lunge and sound design
- Small Rework to The Nightmare - Keep the power as is but increase the skill floor by making the slow a skillshot similar to Pyramid Head and make Dream Pallets part of basekit. Make the new Dream Snare use the meter that his teleport functions off of so now Freddy is pooling his resources for his power. The number counter is for pallets and the timer for teleport also is a shared resource for the new snare skillshot.
- Small Rework for The Deathslinger - Give Deathslinger a meter that depletes while Deathslinger is aiming his gun. The lower this meter the less accurate he is. Each second held is 1% for example but aiming the gun immediately depletes 4%. This addresses quickscoping, fakeouts and adds a higher skill floor to Deathslinger. In a way consider it an overheat mechanic like Hillbilly. I'd suggest some buffs but I have none.