Finally tried Spirit

So I was playing a game as Demogorgon, I've been having fun with him until I started to play really good survivors, and then I've been getting walked over. Was playing on the Grim Pantry map and this Jane kept Head On'ing me and then vaulting stuff and teabagging. Yeah cause head on takes a lot of skill, right. Anyway I lost this game, 0 kills, but got like 4-5 hooks. Brutal Killer, obviously 0 pips.
Anyway I just gave in and finally bought Spirit with shards.
First game on Yamaoka's Residence, got a 4K with no perks. Admittedly they did 3 gen themselves, and it was a rainbow rank team.
But moral of the story, don't teabag guys, you might just create more Spirit players out of Killer's who play the "fun" Killer's which you can beat easily.
Do you really feel any better destroying random survivors who weren’t toxic to you as spirit because some random other survivors were toxic.
Doesn’t seem right to me
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you're weak lol.
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Is spirit really that easy to pick up?
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She’s not brain dead but she is less skilful than most killers since all you need is good hearing and headphones to do decently with her
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She's above average in difficulty.
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It's not the killer it's the player. A killer with solid fundamentals playing Wraith is harder to beat than a hotshot using Spirit but has no idea what he's doing.
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Huh. I have a DAC/Amp with a decent set of entry level audiophille headphones. Might be fun to actually use them for more than listening to FLAC files and pretending I can actually hear a difference. I'll give her a shot.
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It's not like I'm taking out frustration on these survivors. The aim of the game is to destroy survivors anyway.
The point I am making is, survivors complain about Nurse, Spirit, any perk combination that is powerful. Yet, when you play a Killer which has counter play, or is not at all OP (i.e., one that survivors enjoy playing against), they often are toxic as possible. This isn't going to lead to more people playing those Killers. I guess this is just another, I got tilted by some toxic survivors thread.
Took a quick look at your comment history, and from the incendiary comments you've been making everywhere, I would assume you are the weak one, my man.
To be fair I've been playing this game intensively these past few months, so my general "M1 Killer" skills are pretty decent at this point, so a lot of that translates over. But yeah with her speed and power I found it pretty easy to control the map. It was a merciless killer too, so a double pip.
I just played a 2nd game and I only got a 2k that time, but the survivors seemed good.
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Sure, I'm well aware that it was down to my own skill I lost that match as Demo. Also I will acknowledge these survivors are likely to have 100s if not 1000s of hours more than me, I only started playing this game in October, and I'm aware it has some old timers.
Well I've really enjoyed my first two games with her. It feels like you're actually a powerful/scary killer for a change, when you often feel powerless against good loopers.
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Yeah now you've got me really interested. I'd give it a shot. I've been playing Legion these days, sounds like a nice change of pace. As Legion I'm not very scary, I just stab stab stab.
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Ah I love Legion, again I find him hard to play at high ranks though, but he's great for practicing chasing, since you're basically engaging with survivors constantly throughout the trial.
With Spirit, I've been enjoying the mind games that come with going into the haunting power and not being able to see people who are walking without the scratch marks. Like everything, it's a bit harder than I thought, as when people are walking around its a bit harder to predict. But overall chases have been pretty quick, so I'm finding I can still put some good pressure on with her (and this is without corrupt, pop, bbq etc. as I have no perks with her yet)
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Welcome to the Spirit world my friend!!!
Be careful, the power, oh the power, you will crave it, and be saddened by the deficiencies of other killers.
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Yeah I'm kind of worried that I will get too used to it. But I'm gonna keep playing other Killers to keep those skills up. It's just kind of annoying playing weak Killers at red ranks when everyone is running sweaty meta builds.
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That’s kinda fair but when I play clown I honestly rarely get people being toxic but that’s just my experience.
The aim of the game isn’t to nessacarily destroy the survivors it’s to hook as much as you can. This is why I hate people who try to 4 man slug every game.
I just enjoy playing a weaker killer because my wins feel earned. If I play Freddy my wins are handed out on a platter but when I 4K with clown I feel very proud you know.
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Maybe we have different ideas of what is toxic. But yeah to be fair I could go a few games without seeing anyone who is toxic. I think maybe only 10-20% of games I will see someone I describe as toxic. I still find Killer stressful, and it still annoys me when you get survivors teabagging thinking they are gods for making easy plays.
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I'd put her in the top 10-15% skill requirement killers in the game.
At least 50% of the killer roster requires near nothing but basic map pressure understanding and knowing how to run tiles. That's very little skill requiring.
We aren't talking about how much skill in total they require to be good, but comparatively to each other.
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Only thing I find toxic is sending hate after the game in chat otherwise I’m good.
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I agree. I play almost all the killers, but Spirit is my go to when I know I want to compete. She is not invincible, like some will say.
But she is always competitive!
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What skill requirements would you say she has on top of these? I noticed she relies on her power a bit to get hits, given her movement speed.
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Oh look, another "Spirit is ez and takes no skill" post.
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Not that im agreeing with OP's actions, but the issue is that if they just go "Oh, its one game, it wont happen again" itll just keep ending in him getting steamrolled over and over, so he has to assume the next survivors will be toxic.
If there was a way for killers to tell who was toxic, who's nice etc like an ingame rating system, then you might actually see less and less killers do this (unless you are one of the ones to deserve it). Until then, the survivor community as a whole need to stop it, otherwise its just a downward spiral.
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Not at all, I even pointed out it was a rainbow rank team which is more the reason I won. The main point of this post was pointing out the observation that survivors who seem to enjoy "bullying" weaker Killers may end up pushing people to the more powerful Killers. Yes I'm sure she has a high skill ceiling to play correctly.
The problem with the in game rating system is it would just be abused, whenever someone loses to a "tunneller" or "camper" they will just vote the person down.
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Oh my god I tried spirit because of this thread. This is amazing. Look at their perks, object of obsession, two decisive strikes, dead hard. They're complaining to me for wrecking them on my second Spirit match.
Mmmmm those sweaty survivor tears taste so good.
Thanks for the tip JPA.
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Since she's a 110% move speed killer you rely on her power for hits. This means most your hits will be coming out of phase.
When they're injured it's the skill of being able to pin point location based on sound. This is the easier part.
The harder part is your first hit before they're injured. Generally speaking you're barely hearing them if at all. That means for this hit you're relying solely on your game experience to predict their movements. IE unless they've been playing badly I'm going to assume when they run to a loop they'll be waiting on the far side away from the pallet generally. They'll be assuming that I'll think they're waiting at the pallet.
A lot of Spirit is hearing, but even more of it is game knowledge and getting inside their heads to know what they're seeing, hearing and thinking. It's all about manipulating the information they receive to get them to do what you want. This information applies when countering Spirit as well.
Here's some examples from both perspectives:
As Spirit: I'm chasing after them across the field and then mid chase I will just stop moving and stand still while they are still running away from me. Many will see this and now think I'm phasing towards them and start walking back towards me. If they then start walking a different direction slowly, then I will phase to that spot where they don't think I saw them walk to. The counter play here as survivor is to walk out of LoS so that no matter which one I was doing I'm not gaining a hit from it and wasted time.
As Survivor: She's phasing after me towards a loop. I fast vault the window and then after a couple seconds slow vault back over. This just manipulated what she saw and heard. She saw scratch marks to the window and heard a vast vault, that's it. Now she's going to assume I fast vaulted and kept running so she will phase around to the other side. Now she wasted all that time and has to waste more while her power is on cooldown.
I can go on and on with more examples for both sides of this but the principle remains the same. On either side you have to be understanding what information the other person is receiving and manipulate that to trick them. Aka mindgames.
This is the skill she requires above all that most other killers do not require or require very little of it.
Lots of people like to call Spirit easy or that she has no counter play because they don't have an understanding of how to play as and against Spirit.
Here's the real irony:
People think Spirit is easy because they get lots of 4k's with her. IE they interpret lots of kills as meaning she's easy.
In reality, the reason she gets lots of kills is because most survivors are bad and can't understand the counter play I laid out above. They try to play against her like the other killers. Her counter play actually requires a much higher level of skill than the other killers. IE they all died to Spirit in a match and say it's because she's easy, when in reality it's because they were bad.
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Feels good to get a reaction out of entitled brats doesn’t it?
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Oh man absolutely. There's a part of me that could get used to this.
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LMAO, too good! Three second chance perks + OoO on the first guy. These players must be worried their favourite perks are getting nerfed next chapter so are getting the mileage out of them now while they can. Good effort on the 4k
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"if you put a 100 hour killer play spirit they're probably gonna perform bad/acceptable but if you put a 700+ hours killer play her they're probably going to perform acceptable/good"
I mean you could apply this statement to any killer in the game. Kinda a mute point.
"i'd say freddy is by far the easiest killer with a strong power"
I'd agree.
"I would say spirit has medium skill requirement"
I'd put her at least in the top 25% minimum.
As I mentioned in my post I think people get mislead about Spirits skill requirement based on how well they get kills which can give a placebo effect.
IE to illustrate my point, if you put a good Spirit against actually good survivors, that person would say Spirit takes a lot more skill. The kills people get is influencing their perception of her skill level even though it shouldn't. It's a causation vs correlation is what I'm saying.
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Thanks for explaining. Yeah since my first 4k I've had a few 2 and 0Ks with her now, definitely harder than I was expecting
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But does that mean you are toxic then complain when there are toxic killers out there with the excuse that no one else can be toxic
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Regarding learning curve I'd say she's in the middle on things you do and don't need to learn among all the killers. The thing is everything you learn as Spirit to be good with her you can learn on other killers. The only thing unique to Spirit to learn specifically is mind gaming with her passive which is something a legit new player could do and learning how her lunge works outside of power and that's similar to Wraith. There's nothing truly unique about her to learn aside from being able to track sounds well and again this is something you can learn on other killers.
So basically your basic knowledge from other killers transfers to Spirit on steroids. If you were to start out as Spirit when you buy the game that's a different story but you're taking in the entire game at that point.
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Its the cycle
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When you take a new killer for the first time, MM gives you weak survivors. This is already working as I see it. With a large number of games in a row on one killer, the system will give you much stronger survivors. Therefore, first games are often easy. Good survivors still can beat you. Even the Spirit. But yes, Spirit is a really strong killer. Enjoy.
These tips for how your opponents should play :D How about a look in the mirror? "Stop playing with small PP perks - DS/Unbreakable/BT/DH", "stop play easy way with SWF", etc. Main survivors consider "balance" killers only those against whom you can easily make 3 circles around the pallet.
In reality, the reason she gets lots of kills is because most survivors are bad and can't understand the counter play I laid out above. They try to play against her like the other killers.
True. I am also Clown Main, and I often get easy hits, when survivors try to palletloop me like they make with a most walking killers.
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I thought MMR was not on yet?
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What a chad lol. Look at this guy ovah here, bein a chad and whatnot.
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If you understand the fundamentals of the game she’s easy to play and do well with.
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Officially, no. But it definitely works already. I tested this, playing a lot of games on one killer and then choosing another. The first game for him was almost always easy.
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Yeesh you're whining about head on?
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Well, yeah. Killer is easy as it stands. Spirit is pretty damn easy.
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The one skill you need to learn with her is listening for survivors, and you've been doing that since you first started playing with every killer. That's where her skill cap begins and ends. It's why "use a headset" is literally the best and only advice you can give to anyone wanting to play her.
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No I'm whining about survivors teabagging because they outplayed you by pressing space bar when you're chasing someone else. Also the map in general seemed obscene but I just didn't learn the anti loop for that main building
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No. If you are not good at hearing and reading survivors, you won't have much success with her.
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What I like about playing spirit is you can just run any random crap on her and not have to worry about boring gen/meta perks. That said most spirits I go against just run this sort of nonsense so eh
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skill requirement for what? win against good survivors? bad survivors? or just to have fun? If you play nurse with very little skill your probably aren't going to have fun. some killers against good survivors suddenly take a lot of skill like doctor or pig where they are easy wins against bad survivors.
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I always assume good vs good.
Games against bad players are irrelevant to me.
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Been running spirit all day. Easily 80% of my post game chat is toxicity now, compared to before with Legion where maybe someone would teabag.
Thank you based JPA.
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It's a very sharp learning curve, but nothing good prediction can't solve.
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I used to get SWF's all the time, so I started playing Spirit and I never turned back. Welcome to the realm of wrath.
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Exactly. You can even perform well with Mr Puddles <3 Spirit and Freddy are NOT OP. People dont realize that their add ons already have been nerfed. Winning against weak survivors doesnt make a killer strong.
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Glad you're also enjoying her! Need some more perks on her but Unrelenting and Discordance have been more than good enough for me to have a good practice with her. Didn't try any add ons yet, I think that's when the salt really comes out