Unnecessary Toxicity

Whenever I play with a friend and we do something like both playing Ash or something, we get beaten by these killers. It's like the rage that killers usually display when you taunt or bring a key, but we never do that stuff. If you know why this is, could you explain? Also, console players have no soul as killer. Just trust me.
I can speak for the console killers, I was one of them on ps4, sadly ps4 killers do not care for the other side's fun anymore with all the hatemails that people send daily.
Do not take it personally, sometimes killers confuse the survivor, lets say that you both are playing identical Ash sometimes they won't know who is who until getting hit by DS.
Also, today has been more "salty" for me as well, I've been playing nice all night and still get hate for it.
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Console killers are, somehow, extremely bad. It’s a blanket thing. I’ve faced so many rank 1 console killers that are just.... awful. When they manage to eventually get a hook they stand there and hit the body over and over. It’s funny watching them get their first and last hook of the game every time. You can tell immediately when it’s a console killer vs pc killer. Love to get them free bold points. Makes up for the lack of altruism while playing against them
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You can’t really blame them. They are playing with a handicap. We all know how bad console is optimised.
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You’re not entirely wrong but I do consistently well as killer on console.
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If you're both playing Ash (specifically with the same skin), you'll be seen as a threat because the killer probably thinks you are a duo (which you are).
Unfortunately SWF's beat the crap out killers most of the time, so whenever a killer suspects one they either dodge the lobby or go extremely tryhard.
I don't blame them.
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Exactly, i remember that one lobby with 3 p3 claudettes accusing me of tunneling, like #########.
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The problem is that most competitive console killer turn crossplay off, bc they dont like that they have a hardware disadvantage.
So while there are more bad killer anyway, you wont see the good ones with crossplay.
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No I think killers are worse for having "no soul" on pc. They're usually the ones who slug all 4 survivors with 5 gens left lol
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This is a perfect example of survivor entitlement.
You get 'beaten' so it's toxic? I bet when you make it through a whole match with your team without getting hooked once you give yourself a pat on the back. Did you stop to care about killer fun?
Give me a break. Getting killed quickly by the killer is not toxicity.
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Oh my god why did anyone agree with my comment up above?! It was so mean! I was drunk when I posted it! Console killers aren’t inherently bad!!
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It really isn't. I meant that I get spanked to death by killers because I go twinsies with someone else. I'm a good player who thinks about the killer. I don't bully killers, you child.
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Killers get upset that you accidentally click your flashlight and shake their head when they're playing stridor spirit. This chapter has brought out the most toxicity in Killers I've ever seen.
Post edited by Kellie on1 -
Well, I personally try to do my part as a rank 1 killer on ps4. I almost always give last person hatch, and even let multiple get away if someone dcs or kills themselves right quick. Really, I just get upset at my god awful internet
Sorry your experience is very good right now.
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I noticed that as well. I play on PS4. I nearly quit playing DBD when crossplay started because I was having so many games where killers slugged from the start. I get it's a legit strategy, and I'm not even criticizing it. I just personally get zero enjoyment from that type of match. The only reason I'm still playing this game is because I was able to turn off crossplay. After turning off crossplay I rarely have a match where a killer uses slugging as their main strategy from the start of the match.
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Isn't toxic by definition unnecessary?
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If I can 4k with crossplay on on Switch on Ormond with 2 tier 1 perks (that's it) and no add-ons as Wraith and I don't even MAIN Wraith, sure. Ok. Console players suck. We'll go with that.
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I'm in the same boat. I don't mind slugging games at all but I don't see the point when the games has:
- Only started - still 5 gens left
- Your destroying the other team quite easily
I want to clarify I'm talking about slugging all 4 survivors at once.
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I think people like killing Ash because he's rare to see in the game now. Because everyone wants to kill an icon like Ash, so now i think people are avoiding Ash so they don't get attention.
Also, i play as killer on console and its the Survivors who are being A-holes, i'm just trying to enjoy the game.
Speaking of Toxicity, lets look how the Survivors abuse it. I used to play fair to the Survivors until they decided to not do the same. Body blocks, looping, and they taunt me for it...as if they never had bad runs as killer before. They get so full of themselves and think they're un-killable, it's literally the worst thing when playing as Killer. And its not just to Killers they act like that, i can't tell you how many times i've been left for dead or sold out to the killer over nothing, even if i do everything i can to help them. I don't know if its because i play Claudette and everyone is racist or what, but its unfair. Survivors should take victory with dignity and have more respect for the killer players.
If they were tunneling and camping early in the match, then i get it, but i don't do that, so why do players like me get so much hate?
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Going "twinsies" is usually a SWF tactic. Whether or not you are just messing around/having fun, it's not clear to a killer that's the case. Regardless, getting spanked isn't toxic in itself.
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WOW... so maybe taking a break was a good thing I did
I also play on console (and treated like garbage by other console players)
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Doing gens and looping is all we can do, besides die...
I get that there are some damn strong loops, but, chances are if you can't can't a survivor, you can catch the next one at the gen next to them. If the case is going in too long it the loop to strong cut them on, out think them or go to someone else. Looping isn't toxic (unless you throw pallets and tbag, then that is fair game have at it). In a few of the low rank games I've face recently I've had 3/4 gens be done in a single chase because then killer caught me in a strong loop and doesn't break the chase- and that's with no pallets being thrown! You're better off finding someone who's in a more compromised position.
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Right. Console players are soulless. They leave you for dead in endgame, they never show mercy.
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The player base is the same between the platforms. High level players play well and noobs play noobish. It doesn't make a difference what console or PC they're using.
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As a PC killer I can confirm I have no soul and play with complete and utter ruthlessness.
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Considering your pfp is doctor, I can assume you're ruthless. Only the most twisted individuals play doctor. That's why I play him often. :)
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It's not just console survivors or killers.
Some PC killers and survivors don't care, they will stomp you because they can and they don't care if you have fun or not. and the 360's PC survivors demanded they be able to do are annoying to someone who uses a controller.
at least console players are far less likely to cheat, I've seen a lot of PC players on both sides doing a lot of it lately.
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hahahaha yeah you can tell your totally not "toxic" I'm sure you and your friend play perfectly fair, whatever that is. This had to of been a bait thread
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I'm a Console Killer.
How are they being toxic exactly? I mean their goal is to win, and if they don't go at it their hardest, they probably end up getting teabagged at the end at the exit gates. Killers have to play a little ruthlessly because survivors definitely will.
Also, I'm pretty nice as a killer. I often give hatch when I think it's deserved. And I'll try to give survivors a chance to come back and extend the game unless they're being toxic.
I always change outfits if someone else has the same outfit as me, unless it's to be funny.
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Guess what, I’m a console killer and pc survivors are catastrophic and even their 100+ fps advantage doesn’t help. I can’t stop laughing when 4 pc survivors start doing their toxic clicking and 360’s and get bodied and I only play for hooks, so everyone gets nicely 3 hooked and can go to next match.
I play a lot and tbh I haven’t noticed any kind of difference btw console killers/survivors in skill or camping, basically the same. When I do play on my newly created pc account and I have the same fps than it gets very easy to 4k, I don’t have to bother with dbd’s aim assist hitting air instead of survivors and having to swing 3 to 5 on a open field because screen flicks left and right and it’s a miss.
You sound like the typical AngryPug suckup because over there it’s always consoles fault and all he does is go opposite side of map from the killer and when all gens are done unhook 1 or 2 ppl and make a fuss out of it how he’s the hero and console ppl suck.