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So DC = Hatch exploit is still in the game?

Tbh I thought they would have fixed it by now...

Played a game where I two hooked everyone, no tunneling no slugging at all.

Then Two of them get sacrificed on third hook and I have a 3 gen left.

I guess they looked for hatch because one of them DCd and the other one INSTANTLY hopped into hatch.

Nice mechanic :D

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  • Member Posts: 994

    I don't think, with their spaghetti code, they will ever "fix" that or even thinking about it.

  • Member Posts: 621

    Oh come on, they could at least make it that after a DC the hatch takes some time to open.

    With fixing I dont mean, removing hatch.

    I just want it to be fair.

    In this case the killer gets 2 less kills.

    But I guess "it COULD be unfair for the survivors" justifies it not to be fixed at all XD

  • Member Posts: 621

    And If you have that bad luck when dbd just crashes as two survivors find hatch... thats bad luck, end of story.

    How is not fixing things always considered better if the other side would be people abusing mechanics?

  • Member Posts: 369

    so if the killer got extra 2 kills survivor at least should have safety pip when someone dc at the start of game. what happen now is usually survivor dc on the first hook or beginning of game and almost every survivor would depip.

    sorry it sucks for killer but sucks more for survivor if someone dc

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Yeah, it doesn't happen that often. I mean how many times did you deal with this in you last gaming session?


  • Member Posts: 1,784

    If they care that much about getting hatch, it's like eh whatever. It's cheap but not really not a big problem.

  • Member Posts: 309

    I will describe a situation where this happens, but obviously it does not concern me at all. It concerns a friend, and I advise against doing like this friend. (I am unfortunately obliged to say it this way to avoid any ban...)

    Me and my friend have been playing together recently, and we are not using any communication. Think of it as soloQ.

    When the situation is (too) difficult because of the snowball in this game, when the killer forces his 4k with the 3rd survivor slug, and when the two survivors manage to resist and bring the other out of the dying state regularly. After a while this friend is fed up, and he leaves. This friend has no idea if I'm next to the hatch, or if I know where it is. The situation is blocked, he unblocks it to put an end to this absurd game. He accepts his 5 minutes because it is not impossible that the game will continue like this for another 5 minutes. I understand this altruistic friend (but I totally disapprove of this action, of course!). And sometimes I get the hatch, sometimes not.

    I accept that survivors have to shoulder all the misery in the world, but don't overdo it either. The killers also have their responsibility. And first of all: the game itself is problematic. These situations would probably not happen or less if the snowball were less strong, if the game was more balanced, since the survivors would die later and thus find themselves less stuck two against impossible goals and a killer making the game last for secure the 4k.

    And as a reminder: when the survivors dominate, can exit at 3, but try to save a survivor in difficulty. They take risks, they can make the situation worse, and whatever the killer does is "strategic" when the survivors will be blamed for their altruism. Where is the equivalent, with the killer, in such situations?

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    I don't get why you call it an exploit? it's working as intended. Yes, it's scummy to end the match early when the other side is winning, but look at the aftermath:


    1-The DC took -1 pip and lost all match BPs.

    2-The killer got quitter bonus.

    3-The killer got a 3k, still a win.


    1-One survivor got 5k BP for escaping.

  • Member Posts: 474

    Oh no! My entitlement! πŸ™„ Get over it

  • Member Posts: 462

    I actually enjoy when this happens. When someone DC -- they get punished with -1 pip, lose the bloodpoints and get DC penalty.

    This just confirms you are a good killer.

  • Member Posts: 582
    edited February 2021

    From the amount of gens that were left, Hatch wouldn't have even spawned yet when you say they were 'Looking for Hatch'. There has to be two gens left for two survivors to look for hatch.

    If I had to guess, sounds like one survivor didn't feel like dealing with that, or perhaps just had something come up, and DC'd. The guy who didn't just got lucky with hatch spawning near him. (Which can happen in any game which goes down to hatch.)

    Sounds like the mechanic is working as intended.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    give me the proof of the spaghetti code.. and don't give me that scott jund video because that has nothing but conjecture as to how the game is programmed. your proof needs to be with the code itself, or else you are just throwing out a term to make things sound worse. want to know something? I have had 1 crash in the last 9 months. and i looked at the coding and it was an issue with my windows making a bad call on bad information. started dbd back up and it ran fine for another 4 hours. the hatch/DC exploit is nothing to do about any type of bad code. it is actually showing that the code is working fine. The code says if there is one living survivor the hatch opens period end of statement and it shows that this worked just fine.

    it isn't as rare as you think, but YES it has curtailed because of the time penalties. blood points are a dime a dozen, killers and survivors don't give a damn about one match of blood points if they dc. the penalties are what they care about as well as making the killer "PAY" for their inability to finish the game alive.

    so you will not dictate how survivors play but will dictate how killers are to play? well your acceptance of the DC as "OK" and "RIGHT" is accepting what I call an out of match exploit (yes you must leave the match functionality to get the screen and then click another button to do it) and should be punished harder than it is now. I how ever am not a dev for this game and must accept their decisions even though I disagree with their solution. and the fact you have to change what you say to avoid the ban makes it obvious you support disconnecting, and it's your right to thing and support anything you wish and your united states government will not take you into custody what so ever, but behavior on the other hand has no such restriction.

    currently disconnecting has has the actual pros for the player:

    1) loss of a pip, deranks him and puts him against lower capable killers

    2) probably loss of pipping for the killer and that is a win.

    3) getting teammate to escape out the hatch and get 7500 blood points (don't forget the hatch escape points.


    1) loss of all blood points (can be gotten back by another escape cake or bloody party streamer so not so bad)

    2) killer got 650 points which isn't even a hook plus hook state change. and it goes into the brutality points not the sacrifice points, and the devout emblem is not progressed.

    3) killer got a 2K, one disconnect does not equal 1K by the points and no hook state for the devout emblem.

    4) irritation for the killer when this happens.

    you make it seem like a killer wouldn't give a damn about a hatch escape, but they do in many ways. your list is flawed because you don't look at it from how things actually work in the game. most killers say they consider a dc a kill just to placate their anger at the intentional dc.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    Stop trying to frame the situation presented by OP as something else. Someone intentionally de-ranking won't wait for at least 6 hooks to DC, they do it seconds into the game.

    Also, this game is not a MOBA and, as much as I hate people suiciding on hooks or DCing, no one should be stuck in a match they don't want to play.

    Finally, on a personal note, I do play killer/survivor and face my fair share of DCs. I don't "give a damn about a hatch escape" or pretend to know "how things actually work in the game", I know how they work for me. But if the other team took a major BP and PIP loss to cut the match short, then I made a good job at depriving them of hope.

  • Member Posts: 5,781
    edited February 2021

    And just how would you fix something like this though? It would be pretty complicated if at all possible.

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    Suggestion which doesn't fix the problem 100% but helps mitigate it:

    Whenever a survivor DC, instead of dropping down like a potato sack, the entity takes the corpse like it does at the end of EGC, and hatch opens only after the animation is completed

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    That would be cool, maybe they could have a special animation for their disgraceful actions lol. They could just disintegrate like the items from franklin's demise.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    1) it doesn't matter if there are 0 hooks or 6, i've seen people dc and don't give a damn BECAUSE it deranks them.

    2) if the game applies what would be awarded for the loss of the survivor and properly awarded there wouldn't be an issue. "Hook suicides" I don't care about because the killer gets one hook, and three stagings just as if someone was left on first hook to be sac'd. I think the killer should have an option to give up, and by extension it should apply to survivors too, but right now if the killer gives up survivors get 20K bps collectively (5K each) and in the proper place. killers get 650 or 625 points applied in brutality and not sacrifice, as well as don't get the hook staging points plus atleast one hook (per person) that means they get 2500 for all 4 to dc in brutality. yet the survivors get 5K each if the killer drops? no this is not done well enough currently to expect that it should could just have a give up put in.

    I agree with you about how to take a dc in game as a killer, and i too play both sides but i look to see how the game does things in order to understand how i get what I have. this is why I speak out on the forums even when it's an unpopular opinion but I also take into account as many sides to the argument as I can when I reply. What I talked about was an MMO, not a moba but the principle of leaving the instance is the same as leaving the match in dbd that's why I used the comparison and even talked about what they can do in the mean time as well, again it is a comparison as there is no direct corelation to dbd except with say fortnite, or COD etc but even that is different enough that making comparisons makes things not the best in comparisons.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,130

    Just add a timeout like a sacrifice has at least, where theyre "dead" but theres still time before hatch opens

  • Member Posts: 16,759

    IMO any time spent on this issue is better spent on other things.

    I would even say, the time you spent to write this post was already too much for how rare this actually happens. So if the Devs need to spend more than 10 minutes to fix it, it is already not worth the time.

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    Idk, I feel like being impaled, strangled and stabbed in the head by a chaotic deity is enough punishment for a dc πŸ˜‚

    On top of the 5 minutes ban, depip and 0 bloodpoints of course

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    IDK, I think that being impaled, strangled and stabbed in the head from a chaotic deity is enough punisment for someone who dcs πŸ˜‚

    On top of the 5 minutes penalty, 0 bloodpoints and depip of course

  • Member Posts: 1,050

    This happened during a match I was in last night, and I was the one that escaped through the hatch. Me and another guy were both downed near the hatch and the killer had to choose which one to pick up first. He chose the other guy and the moment I crawled onto the hatch he disconnected. I’m sure the killer thought we were working together but I don’t know who he was. The guy just did it to flip him off. Which honestly I don’t entirely blame because it was a rank one killer that chose perks like ruin/undying that frankly are a bit overkill for someone of that skill level. In my opinion of course, so take it with a grain of salt.

  • Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2021

    If there are two survivors and one disconnects the hatch should spawn, but it should take the same amount of time it does as a sacrifice at least. Hell they could just apply the EGC time out animations and such to make it look cooler than just "blip" to the floor.

    There is no reason for it not to work that way honestly.

  • Member Posts: 474
    edited February 2021

    @Kellie People dc for hatch 9/10 of the time because the Killer slugs for the 4k and drags the game out an extra 5 minutes. OP claims they played fair but there's no proof and regardless, the Survivors knew they were in a losing situation and one decided to sac all of their bloodpoints and pips plus receive a timeout to give the other guy a shot at hatch. For OP to come whining to the forums like they deserved the 4k is entitlement at its finest

  • That's not the killer's fault, by that logic the survivor should "stop hiding and dragging out the game for 5 minutes" it can't be any more one side's fault than the other. It requires mutual "I want to kill" and "I want to survive" for that to happen.

    I generally just let them have hatch because I can't be bothered and I like being nice- however often it just gets be t-bagged at the hatch anyways and i have to go make them leave still; and then I've also almost never had survivors be the ones to just run up and let me kill him to end it quickly. (It happens, but it's 9/10 the killer that ends up showing leniency)

    I only say all this because people try and use this kind of a thing to justify toxic behaviour, insults, and so on when it's absolute rubbish.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    i have never said the devs HAVE to find a way to stop it, but if someone thinks of a good way and the devs like it then it is time well spent.

    that is what is currently happening and it still hasn't stopped it or really curbed it. so honestly more penalty should be assesed with a chance for a person to submit a ticket to have the disconnect reviewed.

  • Member Posts: 366

    This rarely happens, but every time I'm left more astonished rather than angry. In a team game, is it really unfair if they sacrifice themselves to save another? Thats still a kill technically, and acts as a deadly key for them.

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    I was referring to the previous suggestion I made, which is:

    Suggestion which doesn't fix the problem 100% but helps mitigate it:

    Whenever a survivor DC, instead of dropping down like a potato sack, the entity takes the corpse like it does at the end of EGC, and hatch opens only after the animation is completed

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    That's not an exploit, that's barely even a bug. Keep in mind that the reason that the hatch opens slowly after a normal hook is because the sacrifice takes a lot of time to complete. A DC is instant.

  • Member Posts: 2,744
    edited February 2021

    There are simple things they could do to stop dcing for hatch I've posted in the past about this very simple add a 6-7 second timer once someone dc's for the hatch to open simple if the killer or survivor finds it and you can't make it there in time well tough luck if the survivor stands on it and the killer downs and picks them up before it opens well tough luck that's what happens when people try to abuse mechanics.

    The issue is Behavior doesn't seem to actually care enough to stop turning a blind eye to the problem it's been discussed for years and Behavior always says the most generic response which is "DC Penalties are in so we don't see an issue with it" meanwhile it's abusing a mechanic to escape and on top of that 5 minutes doesn't mean anything when Youtube exists no one actually is worried about a DC timer and it's not like they're DCing enough for it to stack so Behavior just allows it. Just comes down to them realizing by definition DCing to give hatch is technically Exploiting because it gives the last Survivor an advantage they otherwise wouldn't have and by definition it is Exploiting but the Developers don't seem to actually get that or they don't know their own rules to be fair.

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