PSA: Why Moundshroud Might Be A Jerk

Ok, this is fair warning so that if you see this happen in a game, and then see my name on the end of it, you will know WHY. I don't like it when Survivors try to work with the Killer. Every now and then someone does this when I am playing. Normally, I immediately down them and hook them. I'm not going to do that anymore.
Instead, I'm going to down them to let them bleed out. I'm not going to hook them. I'm not going to let anyone pick them up. I'm going to let them spend the entire game, until they bleed out, on the ground. This is going to look really asinine without context. I strongly encourage anyone else, who doesn't like dirty cheats working with the Killer, to do likewise. I take my "good sportsmanship" reputation seriously, so I wanted to make this post and provide context for why you might see me do this.
So, if you see something really weird, like a Killer camping a slugged Survivor rather than a Hook, and letting you guys get all the Generators you want, let that loser on the ground lay there and rot. :)
The chances of someone reading this and specifically encountering you later doing this in game who would otherwise have no context on why, is pretty low I think.
You really don't need to try and make a justification post on why you're slugging people.
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That isn't why I made the post. I'm letting other Killers, who also don't approve of cheating behavior, know how I'm handling it. I think it would be great if the trend caught on. Survivors trying to work with the Killer is quite an epidemic. I want them to suffer for it.
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I love when I'm solo and some random tries very hard to screw team over but killer decides to not fall for it, then when they're hooked no one on the team even tries to save them. It's nice that without communicating everyone in the game agrees that player needs to go. 😂
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When you say "work with the Killer" what exactly do you mean? You mean Survivors ratting out other Survivors? Or are you anti-farm matches? Are you opposed to Killers letting the last Survivor escape? I require additional context!
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out of my 1.1k hours in the game I can name two times that it happened. A Kate collaborating with a nurse she also had bond which made it hard to avoid her. That Kate got a rancor/Mori with her name on it.
the second time is when I died & was spectating i was playing against legion. there were 2 people left., a bill & a Dwight. Bill sold Dwight out & up the river by pointing to his location. bill got hatch because of selling out. -_- another mori able Person there.
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I mean the Survivor comes up to me and tries to point out and lead me to other Survivors. It happens all the time.
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Oh, I've never had that happen... but if it did I would smack that Survivor into the dirt so hard they'd leave an impact crater.
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Hey dude, don't slander yourself like that!
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B-but that's my buddy. My pal, my amigo, my homie, my bro, my compadre, my comrade, my confidante, my +1, my better half, my player 2, and more importantly, my friend.
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You're lucky. I get it somewhay frequently, especially on weekends, and it's like getting bad news during a meal. Ruins the taste.
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Now what if that dwight had been doing nothing but stealthing in lockers, barely doing gens, not unhooking, and generally just being a crap teammate. Im not saying you have to give someone hatch but if i have a useless teammate who has done almost nothing helpful all game i will do my best to get that person killed.
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I've had people use that argument on me for jumping in lockers before a hook to dodge bbq. If they talk in chat they say essentially what you do despite me spending not even a minute the entire round cumulatively in a locker.
When I play killer I generally assume they are being an #########. Quite frequently because I HAVE seen them repairing gens despite the other survivors insistence.
Its especially better to assume they are being an ######### because you have no idea and working with survivors is reportable.