What keeps you guys going?

I want to know from the people that have been playing for a long time and are still playing what keeps them going. I have been playing for a long time but I stopped after the Twins. Are you guys just at your breaking point and about to quit or are you still having a lot of fun? It is just so confusing to me.
I'm having a ton of fun at the moment, although Dead by Daylight isn't the only game I play so that might be why I haven't got bored of it.
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That may be it but I also played multiple games when I played DBD. I mean I know everyone is different but I know others that do the same and just got bored.
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Food and water.
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I keep playing DbD because there's nothing like it. 👸
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It's the grind for me. As much as it puts me off because grinding is so time-consuming, it's a goal to strive for & I think that's what keeps me motivated.
Though I will say, I have all killers & survivors lvl 50 with some prestiges on both sides, so that I don't really have much left to grind for considering I could care less about having everybody P3.
Not to mention, other than Friday The 13th & its dead playerbase, there is no other game similar to DBD.
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The feeling of accomplishment that I get when I see lvl 50
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Going for Rank 1, still haven't got out of purple ranks yet, but I'm starting to pick up steam and consistently +1 or +2 against purple teams, it's just the full red rank teams I still struggle with, although I guess that is fair given people have been playing this game for longer than me.
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As survivor, being able to play with friends and have some fun.
As killer, I want to learn how to play most killers, if not all, that kinda challenge makes me really excited to play.
I also look forward to the next licensed killers (speculating & trying to guess is fun! plus I love seeing how the devs adapt our favorite horror characters into the game), and I usually hype the og characters too, since it's completely new content.
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I swf with my wife and often my daughter as well. I don't play as often as I once did but I enjoy these sessions with the fam tremendously. Just playing, having some drinks and talking ######### to each other.
I still enjoy killer, but not as much as I used to. Sometimes it feels a bit stale, but recently I have been playing the killer with their build of my last solo match. So this keeps it interesting as well.
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To answer your question;
I think as im getting older, i become more and more optimistic and belive that things could change. I have no idea why. Probably because i would like to.
After 5 years it looks like i still belive dbd can change the things those needs to be changed.
I havent played in the last 2-3 weeks and i wont play until the update, but im still around.
For me, this point will be crucial.
If they fail with their MMR again and the matchmaking not getting fixed, i might need a new main game.
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The concept and artstyle/design of the game is perfect and I love it. Balancing needs work though
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I stream this game with alot of rage moments and funny moments..... "Funny" Moments i say..
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There are a few games you can look into. Monstrum 2, White Noise 2, REsistance, Predator.
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I'm still waiting for Mr. X.
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The artsyle and stuff has always been amazing. Still is like a PS3, Xbox 360 looking game but unique.
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Yo ######### I might reinstall. I uninstalled out of pure undiluted rage a few months ago but these changes are huge. It seemed like every game I was playing had 4 DS'ers and every other group was an actual team with OoO, this might actually make the game playable again. Glad I check these forums on occasion.
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Oh boy me too! What I wouldn't give for a RE chapter honestly. Maybe this anniversary :D
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Love Predator although it runs terrible on console.
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The game is just fun.
And there aren't many other games like it out there. Most of the have failed like that Yesteryear-something game, that Imagine 5 game or something and the Chinese gambling game.
I keep playing because it's fun to play. Period. And very few other games out there offer the same kind of experience.
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Yeah it hurts my eyes.
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There are quite a bit of games that do the same exact thing.
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Steve Harrington
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Spirit keeps me going. I can just never get bored of her.
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Oh no I was talking about the game breaking.
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I'm the kind of guy that likes a challenge even though I'm not the best player, as long as theres are new challenges to attempt it'll take a long time for me to get bored
I'm currently trying the "Hardcore" killer challenge on a fresh account. Already lost Clown though, don't ask...
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I'm asking. Why and how.
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Ignore this response, I didn't read the post properly, sorry about that
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Crippling addiction.
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the grind
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I suppose that's why most people still play.
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I don't take anything too seriously, a bug ruined my match? Its ok there's i'll play another one after.
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idk man, maybe I am just a masochist
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I just came back to the game today after about two or three months of not playing. I don't have great internet 24/7 and it tends to fluctuate throughout the day. Some games have better connections than others, but it's proven too unreliable for me to constantly want to play the game like some regulars will. I'll resort to a single-player game usually if that's the case or just do something else.
I think what motivates me are watching YouTubers. My favorite is Tru3. I like others but I prefer his videos since they make for decent background noise and his personality isn't obnoxious. Whenever I see a really good Nurse game or a really good Wraith game it gets me in a mood where I'd want to have a crack at the character. I also have quite a few killers still at level 1 so I still technically haven't "Finished" the game yet.
After that it's a snowball effect. I came back and had a very good first game as Nurse by just mimicking what I saw and learned from DBD streamers/YouTubers. This only pushes me to keep playing until I lose interest or get tired.
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Having a meme drinking night once a week. Really fun and relaxing.