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Is ghostface OP??

Sand Member Posts: 179
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

I'm a rank 1 killer and survivor but I main ghostface as killer. Lately I've been getting a lot of after the match chat saying that ghostface isn't fair because they "can't look at me" also I can sneak up even if they have spine chill by simply sidestepping and picking them off the gen. Should I start playing a different killer to see if he is that much better? I only play him because the scream movies are my favorite movies but I am tired of all the hate I get just for being him.


  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699
    edited February 2021

    As a survivor main he is not OP. Sure he has an instant down but its only a problem if he stalks you long enough, but nothing too major. He is still an M1 killer that can still be looped normally.

    He is incredibly annoying because his stalk mechanic is really inconsistent, and he has the ability to teabag survivors which is toxic (if its toxic for survivors to do it then it's toxic for killers as well)

    But other then that play what you want and have fun. (And this is coming from a survivor main)

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    Okay so let me address something you said.

    "can't look at me" is a serious problem with GF. There are times I literally can't reveal the GF straight in front of me in his stalk.

    I also main GF/Pig and one thing frustrating about GF is there is usually 2 spine chills on the team. Which is unfun and ruins the magic of undetected killers. Don't get me wrong, you can enter at an angle or even still surprise people... but against any decent SWF you aren't going to have too much fun.

    Regardless... on the flipside... you can be revealed SO EASILY too. By people on hook, downed people, even people being sacrificed by the entity. People reveal you but looking your general direction as well even if they have no clue you are there.

    Ghost is not OP... very strong in the right hands... very weak in the wrong. Some games I go without using my 1-shot stalking power and just run m1 killer that can hide my red glow mid loop.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,895

    By "Can't look at me" does that mean because his reveal mechanic is so broken? That is the main complaint I see about him. Heck I just had a match against a Ghostface tonight and I could not reveal him despite him being fully visible to me.

  • Sand
    Sand Member Posts: 179

    Thank you everyone! I was also wondering what other killers I should try out, I've only really played the characters from slasher movies like myers, gf, bubba, and trapper (because he is knock off Jason Voorhees)

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Ghostface is overpowered because he can Expose you and one shot you without you even knowing he is coming.

    Myers is overpowered because he can give the entire team Exposed for a full minute and wreck the whole team.

    Huntress is overpowered because she can kill people at range.

    Deathslinger is overpowered because he can pull Survivors to his location and circumvent the chase mechanic.

    Nurse is overpowered because she can blink through solid objects and ignore map setups.

    Pyramidhead is overpowered because he ignore hook perks and mori without an offering.

    .... wait. It's almost like Killer after Killer after Killer is overpowered in some way. Like... they were chosen to terrorize the Survivors or something. To instill in them a sense of dread and fear and helplessness as they are killed off one by one...

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    to be fair...

    people complain about...

    huntress: for add-ons and for hitboxes (which are really bad. hatchets are easy mode in many areas)

    deathslinger: oppressive gameplay (over-zoning potential). Can't say many enjoy even facing this killer

    Nurse: just mega anti-loop if the nurse is good. Valid complaint but respected because it takes ALOT of skill to play

    PH: Another OP zoning killer. The mori thing is fine, people ######### about that but it's fine

    There are some really valid complaints about these killers. But one thing I almost never hear is that GF is OP from anyone in red ranks (like the OP). His power often costs gen pressure and is more often than not just m1. Counterplay is simply... looping/awareness.

    I don't really find any killers unplayable against except the Twins. Sure, you can beat them. But it never feels right. Victor gives no chase points but keeps you busy half the game and can slug better than Oni with the most forgiving hit registry... but I digress.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I wish stealth killers were more common. Lately I've seen vary few of them but can understand why with the survivor load outs recently.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    He’s mid b tier. Definitely not op.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    I think the term they were looking for is broken. A.k.a his power is literally glitched and broken.

  • He's not OP he just feels very.....wonky shall we say.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    None of the stealth killers are OP. If you forced me to pick who's OP the one I'd say OP is actually Wraith, not GF, due to some of his add-ons.

    The issue with Ghost Face isn't that he's OP, it's that his reveal mechanics are busted as heck. There are many, many times I'm staring full body Ghost Face right smack dab in the middle of my screen and the reveal won't trigger. And there are equally many times I'm doing a gen and don't care at all and I reveal a ghostface I'm not even looking at behind the gen.

    Ghostface is far from OP but his wonky mechanics are a pain in the butt, and it hurts when you're staring him right in the face during a chase and he still gets the Exposed off for the quick down (most good survivors keep their eye on the killer all the time during chase, and many good GF players will cloak and stare during chase to get an instadown)

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    In my experience, most peoples who complain about Ghostface reveal mechanic don't understand how it work and try to do it wrong.

    I will admit that there are some cases where latency and weird map objects blocking or not blocking vision properly can mess up the reveal mechanic. But its not the reveal mechanic fault directly. There is just a weird invisible wall above an object or you are trying to look at a killer that the server say is somewhere else. But thoses remain rare.

  • lolololol
    lolololol Member Posts: 106

    If I’m being personally honest, if a survivor is crying about ghost face being over powered. They’re obviously a boosted rank 20... like seriously a m1 killer that can be spotted without even looking at him and having a 30 second cool down on his power. Talk about sad...

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    16 seconds with the addons. Without that, good luck playing him.

  • He's far from overpowered. His reveal mechanic can be a little wonky tho. But who cares what they think, play whatever killer makes you happy friend

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    I do agree he is kinda Broken in the "break him out of stealth" mechanic but honestly, because his power has such a bullshit recovery Im actually ok with It.

  • lolololol
    lolololol Member Posts: 106

    Still the fact that he’s incredibly easy to spot on almost every map (Especially cornfield), he’s just a normal m1 killer that can expose you if you’re not paying attention. I honestly think wraith is better than him with the right perk set up, but to each their own.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Leaning is bad, because if you only stand an inch too far away, he doesn't do it. In a chase, where every second counts, the survivor is allready behind a wall. They just should improve his non-leaning stalk or make it harder to detect him by default. Literally nobody wants to use any addons beside the night shroud recovery ones, they are just so much better.

  • lolololol
    lolololol Member Posts: 106

    Yeah, and it really sucks because I’m a huge fan of the scream franchise...but let’s play devils advocate. He’s a monster on indoor maps.

  • odra
    odra Member Posts: 369

    nah he is not op, its fun to go against. what i really hate is when killer spirit stridor or freddy getting 4K and mock survivor instead knowing the killer need a nerf

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,263

    Almost any killer can be in the "OP" category as long as his abilities are without warning. for the survivor side.

    For example, Hag trap, Michael Myers and Ghost Face.

    It is not always possible to hear them or know if they are in the area (or appear in front of you and give you a heart attack).

    As a survivor I can understand the feeling that it's not fair, when I can not hear the killer while he is hiding next to me and stalking me.

    With Ghost Face happened to me many times that he sneaking up behind me even before I run and hop, I'm on the floor.

    You're a good player and that's why the survivors see your favorite killer as OP.


    Freddy is currently "OP" because he puts pressure from the first minute of the game, even without doing anything special.

    And survivors have to change the way they play against him.

    If you like playing as a particular killer, play him and do not apologize for it.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,331


    Lemme paint you a picture...

    Your working on a gen, minding your own business when BAAAM, Ghostface stabs ya out of nowhere. You get spooked enough that you throw your controller, so now while your busy fetching your controller...Ghostface gets a SECOND stab on you and downs you.

    And then the unspeakable happens... Your fuming at the cheapness that this killer didnt give you a minute to go fetch your obviously yeeted controller before the 2nd stab when you see it. THIS KILLER HAS THE AUDACITY TO TEABAG YOU!!! ######### is this? This holy move is reserved for SURVIVORS, not filthy KILLERS!!! Within 10 seconds, the killer is responsible for a broken controller, the TV the controller hit as well as a broken psyche as I cry myself to sleep. Ghostface OP.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    He's fair and balanced although Night Shroud isn't consistent

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    Ghost face DOES NOT control the chase. He is therefore not deemed "OP" as survivors would say. That's reserved for killers who control the chase. (Nurse, Spirit, possibly Freddy)

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    He's more broken than OP. He's very inconsistent with his power, he has little map pressure, gets bullied by swf and on certain maps. He's can be very strong on indoor maps and against weaker survivors. NS needs fixing too.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Freddy is OP.

    Spirit (With Stridor) is OP.

    Ghostface is not OP and has proper counterplay.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    to me it just sounds like the guys you were playing with were salty that you countered their spinechill...

    if you like a certain character, dont let anyone talk you out of playing them.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    More than OP he is bugged as hell. If you get the bugs that benefit him (no way to reveal him) he is very OP, if you get the ones where he gets revealed out of thin air from someone not even looking at him then he is trash, its a coin toss.

    I love the character, the design and the gameplay concept but his bugs made me give up on him.

  • bubbabooey
    bubbabooey Member Posts: 32

    Nah. Annoying tho.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,474

    Realitive to every other killer some are better and some are worse so lets just ignore them and look at ghostface

    He is an m1 killer which means windows and pallets will always be effective against him and he has no real way around him

    his power gives stealth which has plenty of counterplay from survivors

    he can expose survivors which is useful for cutting down chases but otherwise he can be pretty rough in a chase on how well you can use your power to get the jump on survivors

    he has no map pressure other than stress that he might be creeping around in his power

    some maps are good for him while others are extremely rough

    so he is about a 6/10 killer, 8/10 on maps good for his stealth and probably 4/10 on maps bad for his stealth or the survivors have spinechill

    while not perfect he is far from op he is a good middleground character

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Id say he is likely the best stealth killer and most versatile stealth killer, but he is not OP. He is very good but he has a good amount if counterplay available

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,157

    Only problem with Ghostface is how wonky his reveal mechanic is. I've stood behind him with 0 blocking my LOS while he stalks a teammate and I couldn't reveal him but then later I'll be behind a rock where only a corner of my screen is showing and I'll hear that I started revealing him when he walked by.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,026

    Exactly. This is why I consider him the weakest killer in the game. I dont like the Hit n Run strategy with double recovery speed add ons, but 99ing doesnt work for me :/