Possible license killers that should be in Dead by Daylight

Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

I want to talk, yes, I definitely love to talk about licenses and gaming possibilities, but I think these, in my personal opinion, would be some of the killers that we would see this year.



In my experience in the forums, I have seen many people sue for this killer and I think I include myself although I do not show much interest, but the truth is I want to know if the developers have it in mind, I say, this year if I am not wrong it will come out a movie and a supposed game apparently in the Predator style, but since Ash Williams will have his own game and apparently the rumors of Gun Media to make a Halloween game with Kane Hodder seems possible to me, I think there would be no complaint about seeing Alien at be in cooperation with Dead by Daylight if you have already been seen in the Mortal Komkat games in the past alongside Freddy, Predator, Bubba and Jason, in any case if it comes to DbD, don't worry about its power and how broken it would be, the developers are the geniuses here despite all the bad things they have done to us (I am referring to the new HUD)....



Perhaps it is a possibility to see now, thanks to the fact that Clive Barker recently recovered the rights to Hellraiser and I see him as a very possible Killer with the same Game mechanics similar to Deathslinger but making it Unique, I must imagine that His memento died would be incredible to see how Take a Survivor to the Wailing Bucket.



There is no reason to say it, now it is a possibility thanks to Victor and his gameplay, but I still do not understand if they have asked Cote to see him here if Victor was implemented or if The Twins DLC was a test to implement Chucky, something similar to Hillbilly and Bubba, also this year his series comes out in July, I think I see him as a candidate for the 5th anniversary License Killer or the September DLC.



It is also obvious and it is a 100% guaranteed license, maybe you want to implement it when your movie is released.


Nemesis or Mr.X

I think that now I see it possible but not confirmed, I think the same thing that happened with the 4th anniversary will happen, where many theorized Candyman, Pinhead, Jason, Springtrap and in the end Pyramid Head took it, 5th Anniversary, 5 has five letters, Stars has 5 letters. Coincidence? I do not think so.
