I hope the Nurse's rework buffs her a bit

I was just in a watch against the Nurse and it ended in like...3 minutes with only one of us dead. I know people keep saying she's strong, but from what i've seen, she could use some work to make her easier to play.
Did they announce a rework or are you just talking about next time she gets looked at?
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Are you referring to her MAP update?
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They aren't updating her game play or anything like that, she is getting a graphical rework, just like the maps and all other killers/survivors are going to get it sooner or later as well.
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She needs a quality/technical pass in the worst possible way, but not a buff.
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All Nurse needs is her bugs fixed
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I know its just her appearance, i'm talking about her rework later, like how the other killers are being reworked
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Nothing there for the Huntress either, but thats still being done
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I've seen some amazing skilled plays with her since cross play was introduced. Unfortunately some of those top level plays can't be reproduced by console players as they require the flick technique to pull off. Hopefully somewhere down the line they can address the performance limitations so we can all see better nurses more frequently. I find high level nurses provide much more challenging and entertaining games.
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To me, she's not what i would call 'the best', she's painfully slow and her ability is a bit too hard to to use at times, she sometimes gets stuck or you end up in the wrong place. I just think Nurse is a bit too difficult, especially for newer players, and the devs should think about lowering that difficulty
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was I the nurse? this sounds like my nurse games...
I got brutal with her today and went "hey, that's an improvement!"
aahh... I'm never getting her adept 😂😂😭
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The addons i used to get it were 'the brown one that lets you see where your blinking to', and 'the green bottle that lest you move faster after a blink hit', then its about finding a team that look simple and not SWF, 'ei avoid teams that come in all together, keys, more than one touch. And you'll know if their toxic by the strange outfits they wear. meaning If you see something like a Neon Nea, run for it'
Having said this, i'm not saying Nurse is completely unplayable, i just think she could use some work
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Maybe Buff was the wrong word, what i meant was a small rework to make her more playable
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were you on console aswell?
I love the idea of getting nurse's adept by using the thing that removes her power... XD
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Hmm... Kinda like how they usually do for Survivors? They nerfed ruin was because it was "too hard" for newer players, but made Nurse so hard to play that newer players can't even grasp her power. 99% of nurse players are old players who stuck with her. There are no new nurse players because she's too inaccessible to newer players.
That logic don't apply to killers tho. No disrespect...
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She doesn't need a buff; if they fix that massive amount of bugs she has that would be enough of a buff. Right now as strong as she is, she's just insanely broken. And not in a good way.
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If they can fix all of her bugs she'll be back to being known as "the best"
To me she's more risk/reward then any other killer in the game
Yea I've had good matches and bad matches with her
Also learning her takes forever and a day... a lot of players don't have that kind of time or patience
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there's really nothing wrong with a high skill requiring character or two in a game, so long as those characters' maximum potential is not too much higher than any other characters in the game. some people prefer the higher skill requiring characters for many reasons. so she is probably fine as is since once she's in good hands she works and there's plenty of easier killers to use that aren't too bad. I don't really use her myself since I don't wanna make dbd apart-time job, but, she seems fine in skilled hands.
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Yeah, i was
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I'm not a Nurse main, no. But what i'm saying is that anyone can play any of the other killers, but Nurse is the most frustrating out of all of them. If you've seen the rates the Devs release sometime, you'll usually find Nurse as one of the least played killers, this is probably because Nurse is too hard
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I'd be fine with them fixing the bugs on some maps and the bugs that she's had for years now.
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She's literally the strongest killer in the game.
I can definitely understand wanting her to be more accessible to play though, but to do that I think they'd have to make drastic changes to her kit; which I doubt are coming.
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never understood why people call Nurses player sweaty. When she had 5 blinks i could understand but after her rework she is definitly strong but just overall a really fun killer to play AS and AGAINST.
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She is by far the strongest killer in the game. BUT she has a huge skill cap. To be effective with Nurse it requires a ton of practice. So I understand that by mere kill statistic nurse is one of the killers with the worst kill ratio. But if one masters her, than hell is let loose and survs get destroyed.
And I dont think she needs a rework as she is fine the way she is. And it is always enjoyable to watch skilled Nurses demolishing even good survivor teams.
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My statement stands.
By your logic, nurse just requires great practice right? Guess what? SO DID GREAT SKILL CHECKS. You fail and fail until you git gud and can hit them. The same logic still applies with Nurse. Only difference is, ruin was NERFED to accommodate low levels. Nurse was NERFED and it made it harder to grasp her.
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Not on Console 😑
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Nurse = Skill. Thats all!
You can't play her just for fun like other Killers. Tell me if iam wrong, but for me the Nurse is the only Killer in DbD that you have to Master.
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Blight, Trapper, Wraith (less so). these killers (and probably a couple i've forgotten) have potential that is only unlocked by being a master at that character (less so blight as his higher end starts at 180 flicks and general master rush prediction). But Trapper's skill ceiling is nearly as high as Nurse's, requiring insane foresight and very careful survivor control and pressure. Wraith is nowhere near as complex as blight nurse or trapper but he also requires a lot of foresight and should be mastered to get value out of him.
(im not trying to argue with you she does have the highest skill ceiling, but other killers also requiring mastering to get actual value)
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They're reworking nurse again?
That'll happen when pigs fly.
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The statement stands. Make her more accessible to the noobs.
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You're right when you say every player needs to practice with every killer, but i just feel the Nurse requires too much than needed