Survivors i'm begging, please do gens


I'm so tired of having to do up to 3 myself in my games cause no one else can be bothered it's getting ######### annoying at this point


  • boostedsurvivormain

    I have Ace in the Hole bro, just let me search some chests first

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I feel for you; I really do! I remember my days in the Ranks where Survivors don't really know what they are doing. They hide in corners, squat around the entire map, dig in chests, stop to heal every time they are injured rather than work hurt when that Generator only needs six seconds of love, and so on. All I can do is say, "this shall pass." They will get better, and you won't carry the full load forever. You will advance via emblems and eventually graduate to groups that do at least realize that nobody gets out if the Generators don't get done. This is a blanket statement, of course, and there are idiots at every Rank, but overall things do get better. Just hang in there!

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    But.. I'd rather use Ace in the Hole to find a key & screw you all over.. every man for themselves, right?

    Listen, I'll just be straight-forward with you.. if I see a chest, I call dibs. Simple as that.

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    don't tell me what to ######### do while i urban evade in a corner

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Nah I need my 1000 boldness points for totems okay

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    I heard locker surfing was the new cool lol

    I've noticed this in solo que, too, and in almost every game we're all out by g3. Someone will hide in a locker all game, someone in a corner and the only other player bothering to do gens will run after the first hot to hide and self care. OR someone will start running about for the hatch at while the 3ed suv is on the hook. *SMH* A united survivor front will always survive better- while fixing, unhooking and escaping.

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    Green/Purple isn't as a whole terrible, but I'm still getting games where there's only two us working against the killer with locker surfers or corner campers.*shrug* Or you get the one that being you the killer. A lot. If you know the maps and are a decent looper you can distract enough for at least a gen or so..

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629
  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,394

    Its normal for me to do 3 gens. So when i get teammates who have the same problem, the match is over really quick.

    Sometimes i think i should just let the killer chase me first bc 12 gens alone in 5 matches make me crazy.

  • tomas11403
    tomas11403 Member Posts: 121

    This problem is the reason why killer is boring and easy in the recent months. I would say that in all my games, upwards up 40-50% of survivors don't seem to see gens as a priority. This makes for incredibly easy games most of the time, as if even 1 of the 4 survivors is inefficient on gens, it simply isn't enough pressure on the killer to get all 5 gens done. It just comes down to people seeing this as more of a horror game than a 1v4 chasing game, which is what it has evolved into.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,192

    Lol you act as if most of these red rank players aren't bots that do that type of thing, it's too easy to rank up is the truth and alot of these players don't belong in red ranks it's like BHVR makes it easy so you can pat yourself on the back like it means something when in reality it just means you play the game alot.