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About the upcoming survivor buffs

Sinner Member Posts: 334

We all know they're coming, because the game is in the worst state I've ever seen it in the 2 years I've been playing. Rank 1 is a complete disaster, almost every game someone suicides on the hook or disconnects.

A few ideas:

  • Go back to the drawing board and rethink the ranking system. A simple idea would be to add like 20 more ranks to have rank 1-40.
  • Kindred: buff the ######### out of it, add some extra stuff to it so that it becomes meta. That way it will become a viable counter to BBQ and Chilli.
  • Vigil: buff it so you can lose exhaustion while running. If the killer can't down you in 40 seconds, with the current map layouts, he's playing at the wrong rank and he needs to depip.
  • Dance with me: buff it so people actually use it. Remove the cooldown, add some extra seconds to no scratch marks. You'll still need to run additional perks for it to be effective (quick and quiet/iron will/lithe)
  • Self care: revert the latest changes, lots of killers use sloppy butcher anyway. There was no need for this.
  • Saboteur: increase the sabo speed to spicy up gameplay
  • Sole survivor: make it so it counters bbq properly
  • Diversion: remove the requirements and just give it a 30 sec cooldown, or add some pebbles to the map that you have to pick up and don't have a cooldown
  • Mori offering: Remove it completely but add a red mori by default in 4 man swf and a green mori in less than 4 man
  • Pallets: fix it so either the killer gets hit or the survivor, never both
  • Pallets: revert it back to when you could stun a killer picking up a survivor at whatever point in the animation
  • BNP: rethink it or replace it, it doesn't do anything now
  • NOED: remove it and you can take DS with it as well

And in general add or rethink perks that break/increase the chases, focusing on stealth and mindgames.

Remember BHVR, your game is good as long as the chases are fun and exciting. It's not about the scare factor, that goes away after a few games. It's impossible to have that once you get used to the game. It was always about the chases and currently they're too short.



  • Sinner
    Sinner Member Posts: 334

    @Brawler said:
    Well comparing Dbd in early 2018 and now, I gotta say it's quite OK. Killers do not suck so much as they used to. Of course both sides will never be balanced because it is just impossible. Anyway, I have a feeling that I have a little bit more pleasure from playing dbd than prior the 2.0.0 and higher updates. 

    It would be nice if they'd be more focused on brainstorming a brilliant ranking system, rather than doing so called "balancing"

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    @Sinner said:

    @Blueberry said:
    This is just complete nonsense. There are no survivor buffs coming. If ANYTHING there are more killer buffs coming, as there should be. You seem to be under the disillusionment that survivors are underpowered or something right now. Survivors have been and still are quite OP compared to killers.

    Please, let's keep the trolling to a minimum. Go harass people in-game.

    Just because someone points out you're wrong doesn't make it trolling. Pretty sure my 2k+ hours and rank 1 on both sides has more experience than you. You clearly don't play killer at rank 1 if you believe what you're writing.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,850
    edited October 2018

    My kneejerk reaction was going to be "dumb idea". Cause most of the stuff on the forums is. But I kind of agree with a number of your suggestions. I hate your idea about "Mori offering: Remove it completely but add a red mori by default in 4 man swf and a green mori in less than 4 man". Like, REALLY hate it. I definitely prefer the way things are now in that regard. For a survivor buff thread, that is a massive buff to killers. I also disagree with reverting self care. The healing changes are here to stay and for good reason.

    I don't think adding ranks would really change anything as long as the emblem system works the way it does. The current system definitely lowers the threshold for skill to leveling up compared to the old system. Adding more ranks doesn't change that fundamental problem. As for buffing kindred, the devil is in the details. What do you specifically think it should look like?

    I'm good with vigil making it so you recover exhaustion when running. But I don't think you should get the extra reduction in time while running. I'm also good with Dance With Me getting a buff. I think removing the cooldown is enough though. I don't think it needs extra time. I agree with buffing Saboteur more, but the way I would prefer to see it done is so when a player with the Sabotage perk breaks a hook when the hook respawns it will have 40/50/60% sabotage progress on new hook.

    I agree with Sole Survivor countering BBQ. I think your diversion suggestion is actually kind of a nerf. One of the nicer parts about diversion is that you instantly know when you are in the killer's terror radius. If it was a flat 30 second timer then you lose that. Plus it would get really spammy and annoying.

    I get where you are coming from with the pallet hit or miss thing. I think there is room for improvement with pallets, but I don't think we will or even should get to the point where a "tie" is impossible. It is certainly possible for the survivor to begin throwing down the pallet at the same time a killer is attacking and for there to be a window in time where the pallet is moving but hasn't connected to the killer before the killer's attack lands. As for NOED and DS, I actually like what both of those perks bring to the game. I get why players on both sides hate those perks, but think about how many interesting games have resulted from them.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,850

    Oh yeah, I forgot to reply to this part: "Pallets: revert it back to when you could stun a killer picking up a survivor at whatever point in the animation". I completely agree with this. It is utter and complete BS when a killer gets hit by the pallet and doesn't drop the survivor. When I'm playing as killer and this happens, I'll still hook the player if I haven't hooked them yet for the BBQ token, but I'll take note of the player and give them one "get out of jail free" card. At a later point in the game I'll slug them and walk away. That only seems fair.

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985
    I'm kinda along the same lines as @Dreamnomad, though he beat me to the post. A couple of these suggestions aren't bad. A better ranking system is definitely needed, kindred is a great perk that could use a slight buff, vigil should let exhaustion recover while running, dance with me should have a buff, sole survivor should counter BBQ, sabotage is really slow at 50% speed, diversion is bad, and NOED and DS suck.

    The way you can see the survivor bias isn't the suggestions themselves at all, it's the magnitude. (With the exception of self care, that perk is finally as close as being balanced as it will ever be.)

    So let's say with dance with me we either take off the cool down or vastly extend it so that it's more useful, with vigil we let it affect exhaustion at a % reduced speed while running, we make it so that sole survivor makes it more difficult for BBQ to detect you, we make it so that kindred has a slightly bigger range on the killers aura reading, etc, etc. All good suggestions, but with moderation. 
  • Sinner
    Sinner Member Posts: 334

    @Dreamnomad said:
    Oh yeah, I forgot to reply to this part: "Pallets: revert it back to when you could stun a killer picking up a survivor at whatever point in the animation". I completely agree with this. It is utter and complete BS when a killer gets hit by the pallet and doesn't drop the survivor. When I'm playing as killer and this happens, I'll still hook the player if I haven't hooked them yet for the BBQ token, but I'll take note of the player and give them one "get out of jail free" card. At a later point in the game I'll slug them and walk away. That only seems fair.

    Thank you for the constructive reply, unlike these toxic noob killers which are only here to harass people that try to bring some good suggestions, which will affect their noob gameplay.

    Regarding kindred, I haven't thought about it too much. Either a BP bonus similar to WGLF or maybe some extra immunity for the unhook. Say you get unhooked, you have 4-5 seconds immunity. Counter both camping and BBQ. People would use it for sure.

  • Sinner
    Sinner Member Posts: 334

    @Cetren said:
    I'm kinda along the same lines as @Dreamnomad, though he beat me to the post. A couple of these suggestions aren't bad. A better ranking system is definitely needed, kindred is a great perk that could use a slight buff, vigil should let exhaustion recover while running, dance with me should have a buff, sole survivor should counter BBQ, sabotage is really slow at 50% speed, diversion is bad, and NOED and DS suck.

    The way you can see the survivor bias isn't the suggestions themselves at all, it's the magnitude. (With the exception of self care, that perk is finally as close as being balanced as it will ever be.)

    So let's say with dance with me we either take off the cool down or vastly extend it so that it's more useful, with vigil we let it affect exhaustion at a % reduced speed while running, we make it so that sole survivor makes it more difficult for BBQ to detect you, we make it so that kindred has a slightly bigger range on the killers aura reading, etc, etc. All good suggestions, but with moderation. 

    Kindred doesn't necessarily has to have a bigger range. The problem with countering bbq is that survivors are spread out, there's 3 of them and they don't counter it, taking the 33% chance that the killer will go for someone else. This way you can see for whom the killer is going and they can do the traditional counter, run in a direction and than go somewhere else.

  • Scourge
    Scourge Member Posts: 145
    And while your add it remove Nurse completely, she isn’t loopable.

    Also Buff DS so you can’t miss it.

    And we just need to do four gens, games take way to long. Four survivors four gens seams legit right? 

    And why do we need to even open the door? Just remove that mechanism and open the doors automatically once they are powered
  • Sinner
    Sinner Member Posts: 334

    @Scourge said:
    And while your add it remove Nurse completely, she isn’t loopable.

    Also Buff DS so you can’t miss it.

    And we just need to do four gens, games take way to long. Four survivors four gens seams legit right? 

    And why do we need to even open the door? Just remove that mechanism and open the doors automatically once they are powered

    You didn't even read my thread.
    Also add a DbD Academy to train noobs like you so they can become better at the game and stop crying like a little baby on the forums all day.

  • Scourge
    Scourge Member Posts: 145
    Im rank 1 Survivor and Rank 3 Killer ^^
  • Sinner
    Sinner Member Posts: 334

    @Scourge said:
    Im rank 1 Survivor and Rank 3 Killer ^^

    Please go make your own thread about it and don't bother me with your issues.

  • Scourge
    Scourge Member Posts: 145
    Sinner said:

    @Scourge said:
    And while your add it remove Nurse completely, she isn’t loopable.

    Also Buff DS so you can’t miss it.

    And we just need to do four gens, games take way to long. Four survivors four gens seams legit right? 

    And why do we need to even open the door? Just remove that mechanism and open the doors automatically once they are powered

    You didn't even read my thread.
    Also add a DbD Academy to train noobs like you so they can become better at the game and stop crying like a little baby on the forums all day.

    I did read your thread but half of the suggested stuff is just strange. I agree to some point Dance with me for example is pretty much useless i agree. But Selfcare is currently the best perk in the game period. I loop rank 1 Killers for more than 40 seconds all day mate. That has nothing to do with how good a killer is it is about what killer he is. If its a nurse yes 40 seconds is long for a nurse, a freddy on the other hand is goodlike if he gets a hit on a rank 1 survivor after 40 seconds 
  • Scourge
    Scourge Member Posts: 145
    I didn’t even wanted to write it down but my first post was ironic 
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Master said:

    Yes rank 1 is a disaster, but thats because we need killer buffs :wink:

    That's not the complete fix but it's a start and unless the other issues get fixed killers will 4k every game and dc's will happen pretty much non stop. along with all the other problems of people sandbagging teammates, suiciding on hooks, too easy to pip both sides etc.

  • Sinner
    Sinner Member Posts: 334

    @Scourge said:
    Sinner said:

    @Scourge said:

    And while your add it remove Nurse completely, she isn’t loopable.

    Also Buff DS so you can’t miss it.
    And we just need to do four gens, games take way to long. Four survivors four gens seams legit right? 

    And why do we need to even open the door? Just remove that mechanism and open the doors automatically once they are powered

    You didn't even read my thread.

    Also add a DbD Academy to train noobs like you so they can become better at the game and stop crying like a little baby on the forums all day.

    I did read your thread but half of the suggested stuff is just strange. I agree to some point Dance with me for example is pretty much useless i agree. But Selfcare is currently the best perk in the game period. I loop rank 1 Killers for more than 40 seconds all day mate. That has nothing to do with how good a killer is it is about what killer he is. If its a nurse yes 40 seconds is long for a nurse, a freddy on the other hand is goodlike if he gets a hit on a rank 1 survivor after 40 seconds 

    What loop? they added view blockers. You can mindgame loops now even better. There's also Spirit Fury, so no more respecting pallets. Plenty of killers do it fine maybe not with you or me bu they do it with your teammates, one dies, its game over.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    Interesting ideas. I'd like to see kindred get buffed and I can completely agree with you on Dance with me. I think it should have a shorter cooldown and make the whole no scratch marks time last like 1 or 2 seconds longer. I actually think diversion is good where it is, as for sabo, I don't know how I would feel about it, I would have to see it play out in game first. Pallets do seem a little weird though. I like how now we have to throw them down earlier to gain some distance but I think that if someone is ONLY going for a stun on the killer it should be a risk. I can agree on the killer picking someone up under a pallet and not dropping them when they get stunned too, I think it might be a bug considering that's not supposed to happen so I'm with you on that. Self care is alright right now too, it helps slow down the games a bit and I haven't really been bothered by the extra healing time. Noed is easy to counter in my eyes though. I've never really ever had a problem when some killers have it because I always either destroy all totems or I find it at the end. I also don't think the mori has got to go, I don't really see it most matches and when I do the killer played really poorly. Overall I like your ideas.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    No survivor buffs are coming dude xD... I dont want anymore buffs or nerfs for either side the game is actually in the best state it's ever been in.... what I want is different game play.... more items and offerings for both sides... implement new items being able to be unlocked in the bloodweb by finding these new items in trials (NOT RNG BASED IN CHESTS) I think this would be awesome for the survivors... also add in crafting I'm tired having 100 of certain crappy items that I'm never going to use... either let us burn em for BP or let us combine a certain amount to make them into a rarer version -----> this is the type of stuff I'm hoping to see for survivors and killers more so for survivors...  I can see something for offering for killer but obviously not items lol....

    New items.... vigo (most likely) was experimenting with entity stuff... so what if he can somewhat harness this power and makes----------> an invisibility cloak... alright so the entity is weak to like and it's something survivors cant really harness so while using the cloak it puts them into BT effect and if used too long they'll go into dying state and everytime they take it they scream in pain... survivors are invisible and a lightweight effect comes with the cloak... this is something fairly awesome I'd like to see come to the game 
  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    They need to radically alter the game architecture to shift it from chases to stealth. Darker lighting on average, mayyyybe more fog, more visibility obstructions, and a greater emphasis on sound and hiding would be nice.

    Survivors should be surviving, not practicing their 5K.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I don't see how this game is in such a bad state really. You can still have pretty long chases as a survivor, except maybe against a nurse, but she's just broken in my opinion.
    I feel like this game is in it's best state right now, of course disregarding the event which is causing some serious balance problems due to extra objectives. Really if you have such a hard time to stay alive in a chase for a fairly long time, you probably just have to practice more and improve. Same goes for me. I still need lots of practice as survivor. I mean theoretically you only have to survive a chase for a bit more than 80 seconds and your team mates could repair 3 gens in that time, and that's without tool boxes, which is insane.
    That's 3/5 of survivors objective for one 1/12 of the killers objective. The healing changes in particular were good, and the pallet density on all maps is still very fair.

    We should wait till after the event to really get a sense of the balance of the game now. I do wish though that they'd buff solo survivors to have the same level of information as swf survivors have, and then balance the game and it's killers around that. For example, kindred shouldn't even be a perk, but a base ability for every survivor, since swf survivors who communicate pretty much have the effects of that perk without using a perk slot for that.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    There's some good keks in here.
    My favorite though: "lots of killers use Sloppy Butcher anyway."

  • TheEliteTurtle
    TheEliteTurtle Member Posts: 108

    @Sinner said:
    We all know they're coming, because the game is in the worst state I've ever seen it in the 2 years I've been playing. Rank 1 is a complete disaster, almost every game someone suicides on the hook or disconnects.

    A few ideas:

    • Go back to the drawing board and rethink the ranking system. A simple idea would be to add like 20 more ranks to have rank 1-40.
    • Kindred: buff the ######### out of it, add some extra stuff to it so that it becomes meta. That way it will become a viable counter to BBQ and Chilli.
    • Vigil: buff it so you can lose exhaustion while running. If the killer can't down you in 40 seconds, with the current map layouts, he's playing at the wrong rank and he needs to depip.
    • Dance with me: buff it so people actually use it. Remove the cooldown, add some extra seconds to no scratch marks. You'll still need to run additional perks for it to be effective (quick and quiet/iron will/lithe)
    • Self care: revert the latest changes, lots of killers use sloppy butcher anyway. There was no need for this.
    • Saboteur: increase the sabo speed to spicy up gameplay
    • Sole survivor: make it so it counters bbq properly
    • Diversion: remove the requirements and just give it a 30 sec cooldown, or add some pebbles to the map that you have to pick up and don't have a cooldown
    • Mori offering: Remove it completely but add a red mori by default in 4 man swf and a green mori in less than 4 man
    • Pallets: fix it so either the killer gets hit or the survivor, never both
    • Pallets: revert it back to when you could stun a killer picking up a survivor at whatever point in the animation
    • BNP: rethink it or replace it, it doesn't do anything now
    • NOED: remove it and you can take DS with it as well

    And in general add or rethink perks that break/increase the chases, focusing on stealth and mindgames.

    Remember BHVR, your game is good as long as the chases are fun and exciting. It's not about the scare factor, that goes away after a few games. It's impossible to have that once you get used to the game. It was always about the chases and currently they're too short.

    This is WAY too survivor sided. Right now, I would say killer and survivor are more balanced as they have ever been (imo). This would just make survivors untouchable again. However, the thing about vigil isn't bad.

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796
    Revert the Self Care changes? So back to slower heals and more medkit efficiency? LMAO.
  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    @WhateverIGuess said:

    @Eninya said:
    They need to radically alter the game architecture to shift it from chases to stealth. Darker lighting on average, mayyyybe more fog, more visibility obstructions, and a greater emphasis on sound and hiding would be nice.

    Survivors should be surviving, not practicing their 5K.

    But like that's the thing. What if told you that most survivors want to be "runners" ? That they don't want to play immersed or stealthy because they find it boring. The devs aren't that dumb to just flip off the majority of the survivor community.

    You honestly prefer running in circles to drop a pallet and going through window loops over and over to actually juking killers?

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Screw Chase's keep them short that way they are engaging. I prefer sneaking away as the heartbeat increases I do not however want to spend most of my game running away with that Mash of noise pounding in my ears
  • Sinner
    Sinner Member Posts: 334

    @DemonDaddy said:
    Screw Chase's keep them short that way they are engaging. I prefer sneaking away as the heartbeat increases I do not however want to spend most of my game running away with that Mash of noise pounding in my ears

    I prefer a long chase that has a bit of everything. I honestly don't care who wins the chase as long as it's a good one.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167
    You guys do know that Survivors are supposed to be underpowered, right? It’s the whole point of the “asymmetrical 4v1 horror-survival game” Mechanic. Surviviors are SUPPOSED to be weak.
  • Sinner
    Sinner Member Posts: 334

    @Watery said:
    You guys do know that Survivors are supposed to be underpowered, right? It’s the whole point of the “asymmetrical 4v1 horror-survival game” Mechanic. Surviviors are SUPPOSED to be weak.

    Yup and the very thing that makes them weak is the fact that they can be removed from the game. What's your point?

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    Sinner said:

    We all know they're coming, because the game is in the worst state I've ever seen it in the 2 years I've been playing. Rank 1 is a complete disaster, almost every game someone suicides on the hook or disconnects.

    The reason you are seeing so many hook suicides is a result of the event, not actual gameplay. As for the DCs, that's probably a result of anger which also comes with the event. 

    Survivors that haven't maxed out serums still need their vials so if they aren't getting any vials they'll DC or hook suicide. Once they get their full vial they'll hook suicide anyway just to get to the next match and vial sooner.

    Killers that still need serum need 6 event hooks to fill one vial. This means that they need at least 4 people in a lobby to offer Pustula Petals for a full vial. So when they do get this opportunity sometimes survivors bully and harass the killer to deny event hooks. This leads to anger and DCs. The problems aren't really attributed to the balance right now, they're just event annoyances.
  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167
    Sinner said:

    @Watery said:
    You guys do know that Survivors are supposed to be underpowered, right? It’s the whole point of the “asymmetrical 4v1 horror-survival game” Mechanic. Surviviors are SUPPOSED to be weak.

    Yup and the very thing that makes them weak is the fact that they can be removed from the game. What's your point?

    My point is that there’s absolutely no reason for these buffs. I personally don’t think they’re necessary.
  • Sinner
    Sinner Member Posts: 334

    @Peasant said:
    Sinner said:

    We all know they're coming, because the game is in the worst state I've ever seen it in the 2 years I've been playing. Rank 1 is a complete disaster, almost every game someone suicides on the hook or disconnects.

    The reason you are seeing so many hook suicides is a result of the event, not actual gameplay. As for the DCs, that's probably a result of anger which also comes with the event. 

    Survivors that haven't maxed out serums still need their vials so if they aren't getting any vials they'll DC or hook suicide. Once they get their full vial they'll hook suicide anyway just to get to the next match and vial sooner.

    Killers that still need serum need 6 event hooks to fill one vial. This means that they need at least 4 people in a lobby to offer Pustula Petals for a full vial. So when they do get this opportunity sometimes survivors bully and harass the killer to deny event hooks. This leads to anger and DCs. The problems aren't really attributed to the balance right now, they're just event annoyances.

    It has been accentuated to extremes, yeah. But this happened before and now when they're all done with vials as well.

    @Watery said:
    Sinner said:

    @Watery said:

    You guys do know that Survivors are supposed to be underpowered, right? It’s the whole point of the “asymmetrical 4v1 horror-survival game” Mechanic. Surviviors are SUPPOSED to be weak.

    Yup and the very thing that makes them weak is the fact that they can be removed from the game. What's your point?

    My point is that there’s absolutely no reason for these buffs. I personally don’t think they’re necessary.

    Thank you for your very valuable and elaborate input.

  • Orti
    Orti Member Posts: 198

    Some of your suggestion will be probably part of future perk changes. I used to run vigil before the exhaustion changes and I would love a change where u can recover it while running but not during a chase. Would be too huge buff and it would get top meta. Also I don't see your argument working for u after all because a survivor who needs to rely on multiply sprint perk uses isn't deserving his rank either. Also I can't agree on the stun/ drop suggestion it's something you have to time right like a flashlight safe. Actions that are saving survs fromgetting hooked are supposed to be risky and "difficult". Tgey just really need to fix the ranking system first. Right now it's impossible to get a good view on high rank plays.

  • Sinner
    Sinner Member Posts: 334

    @Orti said:
    Some of your suggestion will be probably part of future perk changes. I used to run vigil before the exhaustion changes and I would love a change where u can recover it while running but not during a chase. Would be too huge buff and it would get top meta. Also I don't see your argument working for u after all because a survivor who needs to rely on multiply sprint perk uses isn't deserving his rank either. Also I can't agree on the stun/ drop suggestion it's something you have to time right like a flashlight safe. Actions that are saving survs fromgetting hooked are supposed to be risky and "difficult". Tgey just really need to fix the ranking system first. Right now it's impossible to get a good view on high rank plays.

    Considering how few pallets there are now, you got situations in which the first survivor chased will use most of the pallets, leaving next to nothing for the other 3, so Vigil will come in handy here in a chase of that sort.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    I wouldn't call changes to near useless perks buffs.

    For me it's just the balancing between swf and solo players which is a key issue.
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 228

    @Sinner said:
    We all know they're coming, because the game is in the worst state I've ever seen it in the 2 years I've been playing. Rank 1 is a complete disaster, almost every game someone suicides on the hook or disconnects.

    I think its in the best state ive seen it in a long time. For me its just the hitboxes.

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    They need to add a slow down mechanic ie. looking 4 tools etc and then re add some pallets or something.

    A good swf still can chew me up but 90% of games at r1 are really easy nowadays.

    I don't even run ruin or bloodwarden anymore. A mangled effect and pop goes the weasle works well enough nowadays.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167
    edited October 2018
    In all honesty, the survivors are in a state where you love or you hate them. Considering how biased this post is, this is lacking evidence AND reasoning for said buffs. As a survivor main, I can state that I myself am happy with the game as it is in its current moment. However, due to this, my posts could be possibly be affected by bias. But in all honesty, I personally think the game could use some tweaking, but it is in a relatively decent spot as of now in comparison to when survivors were much stronger. 
    EDIT: The point of this backtracking is to state that there’s ANOTHER reason why I don’t think these buffs are necessary. However, I may be wrong.
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @WhateverIGuess said:

    No0b3, a player who has over 2k hours at this point survives against bad, low rank, baby killers, wow, what a great proof.

    He also escaped 13 times a row at r1, also the 2k+ hours argument is stupid, this isn't CSGO the skill ceiling in DBD is reached pretty quickly.

  • MuttonChops
    MuttonChops Member Posts: 55
    Radiant said:

    @Sinner don't bother replying babykiller mains around here.
    Let's see what BHVR is willing to do...

    They only cater to them... 
  • Orti
    Orti Member Posts: 198

    @Sinner most maps didn't changed that much in terms of the amount of paletts at all. I never have issues to find a palett and when I play kiler the survs never use all of them. Bring WoO if u have trouble to learn all spots. It's true that sometimes some maps can have bad spawns but not in general. If a surv uses all paletts on an average map decent. The game would be done before he get's downed