I know the new UI/HUD is bad but can we talk about the new bad animations + hitboxes

Neutronix Member Posts: 14
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

I've played two matches were I noticed two things. The first one was that I was getting hit threw a pallet which made the Killer teleport on my side of the pallet and the other thing I noticed is that the Killer hit me threw stacked boxes on Ormond.

After that I played a match against my friend because it was a console player (Killer on Ormond) and I wanted to make sure if its because of wifi or idk what kind of stuff. I played trapper and tried to hit threw a pallet and the following happend:

I was on the other side of the pallet, got pallet stunned and then hit the surv, I know this could've happend before the patch (bubba chainsaw for example) but they messed up something completly because it worked a lot of times and no its not my Internet.

The other thing I wanted to talk about is the new bad working/looking animations, they still didnt fix 360 with the new animations which makes me truly sad, moonwalking looks disgusting and got harder to do and this stupid (sry for being mad) standing still animation not only looks terrible but it also made the killer possible to track me easier when I tried to loop and sometimes mindgame him at ormond. The old animation even made more sense like why are the survivors standing like a "I" if they are suppose to be scared and try to hide. the "crouching standing" animation was way more suitable

If u guys saw things similar happen to you, maybe with video evidence please share it, because I'm not 100% sure about the hitbox stuff (it just happend more frequently after the update)

Dev what we need right now is for u guys to listen to the community. If u want me to go more on details to be able to change stuff I will do it but dont do nothing.

Stuff about me:

Played dbd since 2016 (6.3k hrs) never thought about quiting survivor before but this patch may make me only play Killer or leave the game until they listen to the community's feedback

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