Stop Nerfing Survivors and making unnecessary changes

Ive been playing this game for almost 3 years now and killer isn’t fun to me at all so i main survivor. Ever since i’ve played this your “team” devs or whatever continue to nerf our movement, perks and everything to cater to killers like they’re 80% of the community. Whenever anything happens to a killer it’s a “rework” but survivors and survivor perks stay getting nerfed and have to continuously adjust and figure out how to deal with these changes to us that killer mains request or changes no one has asked for such as this new movement and animations. This movement is horrible! I don’t know what’s the point but decisive has been nerfed countless times but noed has just been chilling. And before a killer mentions ruin that perk was nerfed one time but we have to deal with perks and items being nerfed, flashlight changes, and now our main thing the movement. The only items that are worth using are flashlights, med kits, and maybe keys which are only good for hatch and playing solo honesty a wasted item. The toolbox nerf was ridiculous i honestly will never even use that unless it’s a challenge in the archive. Really done with this game unless a fix comes because this movement is horrible. Y’all might as well make this a killer game with AI survivors because that’s where y’all are headed.


  • beaupresto
    beaupresto Member Posts: 15

    I am done with this game until y’all revert this

  • beaupresto
    beaupresto Member Posts: 15

    I’m a rank 1 survivor. I only play killer l for daily ritual bp and it isn’t hard at all. The matchmaking is horrible so i play red ranks often as a rank 9 killer just off doing rituals. I haven’t put bloodpoints on any killer they are all level 1 and i use one tier 1 perk for each killer and get 4ks. Based off that itself....there is a problem and i’m not even a killer main. imagine if i used 4 tier 3 perks and add ons.

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    Survivors literally got 0 nerfs this patch. What are you complaining about? In fact the only nerf was for killers and even then not by much.

    Ever since i’ve played this your “team” devs or whatever continue to nerf our movement, perks and everything

    Well. Fixated, a movement perk, just got buffed. So uh... your argument doesn't really hold up bud.

    The only items that are worth using are flashlights

    Flashlights were never good my dude. They're an absolute waste of time other than the fringe situation a killer lets you blind them while they're carrying a survivor.

    I don’t know what’s the point but decisive has been nerfed countless times but noed has just been chilling

    Decisive is an oppressive perk that can impact the game even if nobody is running it. If there is a single obsession in the game, Killers always have to look out for Decisive on ALL survivors even if none of them are actually running it.

    Moreover, if they're running the small pp build, "DS + Unbreakable" Survivors will literally just run to a generator after being unhooked and not care if they get downed or not. If they get picked up it's DS, if they get left on the floor, it's Unbreakable. It gets even worse if they're also running Soul Guard and Deliverance, they become a 1 man army.

    Meanwhile NOED is a crutch perk for scrubs that requires the game to already be lost for it to even play a factor. At red ranks you barely even see it, it's such a bad perk. NOED is a feel bad perk and while I agree it should be changed as it's just anti-fun, it's not oppressive in the slightest.

    Really done with this game unless a fix comes because this movement is horrible.Really done with this game unless a fix comes because this movement is horrible.

    Kk, Bye. We'll see you in a few days when your babyrage calms down.

  • Healthore77992
    Healthore77992 Member Posts: 570

    Hahaha whaaat? Maybe try to play killer at high ranks and you'll see, geez.

  • beaupresto
    beaupresto Member Posts: 15

    The disrespect is unnecessary you can say your point without insults that really ain’t hurting nobody. Guessing you’re a killer main i’m just pointing out what survivor mains really think. Don’t nobody use fixated unless they’re sole build is to counter spirit. I get that y’all feel decisive, unbreakable, and soul guard is op? they really aren’t and deliverance ain’t all that good either. Decisive is gettin nerfed so bad there’s really no point in using it.I’ve won plenty games for my teammates using a flashlight wasting time and getting saves. The nerf is the movement it is horrible and killers are still the same same perks same add ons like one shot hatchets, camping hags, ridiculous myers add ons, ghost face add ons where he can expose you in 2.5 seconds and you’re staring literally at him for 10 seconds with no reveal like honestly what do we have? ######### movement, pallets, unsafe vaults and nerfed perks? i guess man. I’m just sharing my opinion you can share yours respectfully as well

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    So basically you just dislike the new movement animations? I mean the movement itself (in theory) shouldn't be any different. If it is, that's probably a bug.

  • beaupresto
    beaupresto Member Posts: 15

    Nahh it’s different 360s are basically dead with this new update, and hits i could avoid and dodge before are connecting getting hit from narnia and the killers nowhere close it’s bad man

  • Lily0
    Lily0 Member Posts: 128

    You said it urself u dont play killer, so ur opinion is going to be biased. You cant really talk about balance in this game if you only play one side

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    I get that y’all feel decisive, unbreakable, and soul guard is op? they really aren’t and deliverance ain’t all that good either

    I'm rank 1 survivor. I literally run all of these perks together and I'm unkillable. I have no reason to fear the killer and I can legit run up to a hooked survivor, unhook them, get hooked, unhook myself and the Killer can't do anything about it.

    You don't know pain unless you've gone against 4 survivors all running this, or a variation of this build. I'm sorry but your opinion is just invalid if you seriously think that's not a problem build.

    Obviously this is an extreme case, but so is running into Huntress's with One shot Hatchets, Instant exposes on Ghostface, among the other cases you mentioned. Only difference is, people casually run DS just as one of their options meanwhile people rarely run One Shot Hatchets.

    I’m just sharing my opinion you can share yours respectfully as well

    Nobody has a problem with you sharing your opinion. Where the problems start is when your opinions come from misinformation and just overall bad takes.

    Fact of the matter is you're extremely biased and make no attempt to see the other side or even try to hide it

  • beaupresto
    beaupresto Member Posts: 15

    i feel that but like i said i play level 1 killer (not nurse and sometimes spirit) with 1 perk and no add ons for rituals and have played red ranks with this horrible matchmaking and still get 4ks...killer isn’t hard at all the power is enough perks and add ons are just a bonus if you know the game

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    Spirit is one of the easiest characters in the game to get a 4K with. Of course you're going to have an easy time. Everybody does

  • beaupresto
    beaupresto Member Posts: 15


    Using one tier one perk tho? which usually is rancor or haunted ground just because that’s all i got. I’ve used many different killers i used Oni for the first time the other day and got a 3k with one perk that didn’t really help me at all. If i actually put bp and mained killer i would be very op. Because killers are already op so imagine me with add ons and 4 tier 3

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    Why are you focused on the tier of the perks and not the overall strength of the killer? Putting Ruin + Undying on a low tier killer like Legion isn't going to suddenly make them top tier.

    Spirit is good no matter what.

  • Miles
    Miles Member Posts: 461

    Tbh, movement does suck and feels horrible. Screw those animations.

    Other than that, Play high rank Killer before talking.

  • Stibfa
    Stibfa Member Posts: 22

    So you 3ked against rank 9 survivors that probably have no idea how to counter oni... He's so OP

  • beaupresto
    beaupresto Member Posts: 15

    no i’m a rank 9 killer and played two red ranks and purple ranks learn how to read