Any possible Dead Hard changes?
Dead Hard is a great perk. But I believe it needs to be reworked slightly. I believe the steering with Dead Hard was so cool and still killer's could counter it.
Best Answer
Oh my bad, I assumed you did when you mentioned the bug that appeared in the PTB. I'd be up for a rework, aslong as they don't gut the perk entirely, similar to the Ruin or Decisive rework where it keeps the same idea (like Hit Avoidance as you said) but does it in a different way.
Dead Hard with steering made it without a doubt the best exhaustion perk in the game, with it already being up for contention for that spot. It in no way needs a buff, and if anything it needs a slight nerf.
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I did not say it needs a buff I said it probably needs a rework. They should make the Hit Avoidance a bit longer.
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