Dear Devs... THANK YOU!

Here's my feedback for this Update:

I'm in LOVE with the new UI, with the new animations and the new maps, holy sh!t. The game feels a little bit laggy at this point, but I think it will get fixed in a few days/weeks. Btw: I'm glad to see that Jane's Goddes outfit has been fixed (the fabric when she runs was bugged, it's not anymore).

The game looks so much better with the new UI, please don't change anything, or at least add a "classic mode".

The Gideon Meat Plant, and the new Crotus and Chapel map are now my favorite maps, I really enjoy it! The transitions of the animations are not completely smooth, I hope that you will change that, it was not the case at PTB.

The Trapper and Wraith changes are also very well done, the Killers are now more fun to play in my opinion.

