Let's Look At The Positives for Patch 4.5.0

Just to help remove a bit of the angry comments (which I think are justified for the most part), let's list every positive thing to come from 4.5.0. I'll go down the patch notes and list off everything I think is good in order. Here we go.
Content and Visuals:
- They at the very least updated the UI a bit from the PTB to help colourblind players a bit more than before.
- The ability to change the size of the UI and menu is nice as it allows us to personalise our games slightly.
- The Nurse model rework is very nice.
- Updated Clown visuals are nice.
- Faster reload time is always a nice thing to have.
- Quite a few of the addon changes are very nice and/or unique (hey, at least none of them are just a diet version of one of his teachable perks. Looking at you, Nurse addon rework)
- Clown's chase music is very nice, like most of the other custom chase musics that have been added.
- More consistent escape attempts are nice, even if this can somewhat be considered a nerf in some cases.
- His approach is better and gives him a decent stealth ability, even against experienced Survivors, so that they can't nullify his stealth from seeing him a long way away.
- The increase decloak speed boost (from 1 second to 1.25 seconds) is small, but just enough to make a difference at times.
- I don't exactly know what "the necessary bits" means, but if it means only his leg is uncloaked or something, then that's a slight buff in a specific case too.
- "The Serpent" - Soot has been fixed.
- Hex Undying's change allows it to have more synergy with Hex Perks other than Ruin and still provides a powerful effect. It also doesn't completely outshine Thrill Of The Hunt any more.
- Fixated's simple but nice change is, well... nice.
- Iron Maiden now could potentially let you actually get a down from the Exposed part of the perk.
- Diversion's buff makes the perk generally more understandable and more useful.
- Deep Wounds is more consistent.
- Mangled's buff is a very simple change that makes the status effect much more useful outside of Sloppy Butcher.
Bug Fixes:
- I mean, they're bug fixes. They're obviously going to be good for the game, especially since they fixed quite a few bugs from the PTB.
I might've missed some positives, but these were the ones I thought stood out. I'm not saying that we should completely ignore the bad stuff from the patch, but not everything here is bad.
Yep, these are positive changes. Too bad all of it is overshadowed by the horrible new UI.
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I'd love to enjoy them but my eyes are bleeding.
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I agree with this pretty much, there are two things though I have an issue with relevant to these topics
1: The UI scaling is useless to me ultimately, if I want my perks an appropriate size, my score events are so small, and already hidden in the top corner I basically can't see them, not really any point for me modifying widgets when I'm not happy with atleast two of them in any testing I did
2: In relation to Wraith's fixes, you now can't attack for like a second after ringing the bell, so using the bell to bait DH isn't effective anymore
Sadly the bad far far far outweighs the good in this patch, I think the perk change prospects of both this and next patch are genuinely well thought out and interesting, so they are doing a better job in that aspect
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I actually didn't know about that Wraith thing. Maybe that's why I saw Wraiths running Blink in the matches I played against him.
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Honestly the only props I'm willing to give them is they added a better visual indicator for injured survivors in the new GUI, disregarding its other flaws. I'd still like to see BHVR make an effort to give us a quality update at some point. This was initially shaping up to be one, all things considered, yet the bugs introduced and their blatant disregard, regardless of reasoning, of the feedback that was against the new UI (excluding the change to injured survivors) makes the update more equivalent to a sour chew under a thin layer of cheap chocolate.
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The all-or-nothing scaling of the UI is pretty useless.
Also, the survivor names... I've always just thought of them as Survivor #1, Survivor #2, etc. Way easier than trying to read and remember names, all I needed to know was which spot they were in the HUD. Their names were fine when they were at the bottom of the screen, they were totally out of the way and if I really needed to know the player's name it was there, but now... the names just take up unnecessary screen real estate, and when I make the UI smaller they become unreadable, anyway.
What I'm trying to say is, THE WAY THE NAMES ARE IS AWFUL. Along the bottom of the screen? Fine. Jutting out from along the side? Terrible.
After playing some matches today as killer on PS4, I am incapable of expressing with words how much I hate this UI. I really am.